Full PaperElectrochemically Degraded Dopamine Film for the Determination of Dopamine显著的意思>生命在于运动英语
Hye-Young Chang , a Dong Il Kim , b Yu Chul Park*b
a Institute of Basic Sciences, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 702-701, Korea b
Department of Chemistry, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 702-701, Korea *e-mail:ycpark@mail.knu.ac.krReceived:August 18, 2020Accepted:May 2, 2020
A dopamine (DApolymer was deposited electrochemically on to a glassy carbon (GCsurface until the electrode surface was passivated. The DA film on the GC surface was re-formed for high nsitivity and reproducibility by electrochemical degradation. The re-formed electrode was nsitive and lective in the determination of DA in the prence of ascorbic acid. The linear range obtained by square-wave voltammetry was between 0.1and 2.1m M (R ¼0.996, n ¼6 with a nsitivity of 1.2m A m M À1and a detection limit (S /N ¼3 of 0.04m M. The electropolymerized DA film was stable and the r
韩文汉字e-formed electrode was reproducible for DA determination.
Keywords:Dopamine film, Electrochemical degradation, Expod GC surface, Dopamine, Ascorbic acid DOI:10.1002/elan.202003536
1. Introduction
Abnormal levels of catecholamine neurotransmitter dop-amine (DAresults from a loss of pigmented DA neurons, which can lead to neurodegenerative disorders [1–4].DA is readily auto-oxidized or electrochemically oxidized, and the readiness of its oxidation was ud for the growth of nanoparticles [5,6].The oxidation of DA can proceed to polymerization. The mechanism has been elucidated elec-trochemically [7–9],which includes the oxidation of DA to DA o -quinone, the intramolecular cyclization of the oxi-dized product to 5,6-dihydroxyindoline, and the polymer-ization of a cyclized product to DA melanin through 5,6-dihydroxyindole (Scheme1.
出师表翻译A DA polymer can be obtained with different shapes, according to the DA oxidation methoironic
d. The auto-oxidation of DA produces a polymer in colloidal particles (DA-melanin. DA-melanin has been ud as a model compound for neuromelanin that is synthesized in the DA neurons of the human brain [10–14].The electrochemical oxidation of DA forms a polymer film that can be deposited on to an electrode surface. The DA film is able to be characterized electrochemically and can be ud in various types of analys.
DA polymer film has received limited u in electro-chemical analys. DA film, with a negative charge, enabled anionic compounds such as ascorbic acid (AA,p K a ¼4.17 to be removed from an electrode surface [15].AA com-monly occurs with the oppositely charged DA (pK a ¼8.75 in biological samples [16,17].AA is oxidized at similar potentials to DA at conventional electrodes, thus, leading to interference with DA. For this reason, electrodes that have加油的英文
been charged by modified films or by pretreatment were often ud in a system of DA and AA [18–26].In spite of the high lectivity for DA, a DA film-modified electrode was inappropriate for DA determination becau of its poor nsitivity and reproducibility [15].
We have considered an appropriate solution using DA film, although a variety of modified electrodes have been developed for DA determi-nation. DA film produced from DA can be ud to determine DA itlf, which would diversify the electro-chemical analys using DA film.