会计行政法规包括>one by one
1.Cut the crap 少说废话爱国演讲稿400字
Crap表⽰“没⽤的,废话,废物”,cut表⽰“切断,停⽌”,cut the crap指的是“别废话”,或者“中断某些说话的⼈认为毫⽆意义的事”。前⼏天在ACCEPTED⾥看到这句话,主⼈公Barteleby因为学习实在是太烂了,所以没有收到任何⼀所⼤学的录取通知,然后他就想尽各种⽅法说服他的⽗母让他不去上⼤学,但是他爸爸⼀句话就让他闭了嘴--Okay, cut the crap, Bartleby, Society has rules, and the first rule is you go to college.
tryout2.Get off my back 别罗嗦了
广州会计从业资格考试报名要是有⼈⽼是对你唠叨个没完,你可以说:“Hey, get off my back, will you!”(喂,你别跟我罗嗦了,⾏不⾏!)除此之外,To get off someone's back 还可以指⼀些对⼈起限制作⽤的规章、条例或机构等。例如:Do you know what would help pick up the economy? Just get the government off our backs with all the uless rules and regulations that keep us filling out forms and showing inspectors around.(你知道什么能够促使经济发展更快吗?就让政府取消所有那些毫⽆⽤处的条例和规章就⾏了,省得我
trifo3. beat a dead hor⽩费⼝⾆,徒劳⽆功
我们前两天讲过的⽚语beat a dead hor也可以⽤来告诉别⼈“不要再费⼝⾆了”,⽐如有⼈想和你重提⼀些很久很久以前的旧事,⽽你⼜丝毫不想继续重温往事,你可以说:“Oh, come on. Let's not beat a dead hor.”(哦,拜托,我们别再⽩费⼝⾆了)或者,你可以表明⾃⼰的态度:“I have made up my mind, there is no u beating a dead hor if you want to talk to me about it again.”(我已经下定决⼼了,如果你想再和我说那事,只是⽩费⼒⽽已。)翻译图片识别
>obama victory speech