我养的狗都比它大I have dogs bigger than that.
我还以为真如你所说这有豹子呢I thought you said there were panthers here.
我有九年没在这些山上见过一头了I ain't en a panther in the mountains for nine years.
那在诺兰发现的沙锥鸟尸体怎么解释Then what about the carcass Snipes found up in Noland?
-它们遭到了袭击-那就是有豹子了-Something mauled that. -That weren't no panther.
那些鸟没有被开膛破肚The chest weren't tore open.
豹子先把心吃了They eat the heart first.
你帮我找一头活的黑豹Y ou find me an honest-to-God panther to hunt
我给你二十个金币and I'll give you a $20 gold piece.
如何练习英语听力如果那头黑豹还在这附近可能早就死了If there's a panther still around, it's likely touched by the devil.
要不就是回过头来把你捕杀了May end up hunting you.
好吧我要一头W ell, I want one.
沃恩让那个女孩把饭给我端上来好吗V aughn. W ould you have the girl bring me my meal?
-倒了-快闪开-Coming down! -Stand clear!
好了拿到旁边All right, bring her around.
艾伯特什么风把你吹来了Albert! What are you doing out here?
给你银行的来信W ell, a letter came from the bank.
哦没什么好担心的Oh, it's nothing to worry about.
你得和他们再谈谈贷款的问题了Look, you're going to have to renegotiate the loan.solve
我下周去波士顿处理这个事别急I'll go up to Boston next week and ttle it. Don't fret.
提起来快点Get it up! Come on.
-别忘了这是我叔叔的老搭档-话虽如此但是-My uncle's a partner. Don't forget. -That's right but still.
你看如果我们把铁路铺到北面的山上See, if we go up the north ridge
那我们就可以把木材运出去and we carry it all the 把它搬开Get it off!
快点搬开快点搬开Get it off! Get it off! Get it off!
有传言称国会正在卡罗莱纳州兴建国家公园Rumour has it that Congress is creating a national park in Carolina.
嗯这很有可能W ell, the park may come.
等政府开始征地的时候By the time the government takes the land,
那里就没有树可以砍了there won't be a tree standing.
乔治问题是这阵子股票崩盘The trouble is, George, with this recent market crash,
我担心你的股票不足以作为抵押来I'm afraid your stocks are no longer sufficient collateral
美文下载换取一大笔贷款了for us to roll a loan over.
我的意思是我所有的钱都压在卡罗莱纳州I mean, all my capital is wrapped up in Carolina.
巴西的这块地怎么样What about this land in Brazil?
西语培训我一点都没有兴趣I'd rather not touch that.
你本应该趁那时和佩格·洛厄尔结婚的Y ou should have married Peg Lowell when you had the chance.
那样你就不用和那些银行家们点头哈腰了Then you wouldn't have to bow and scrape for your bankers.
你的消息很灵通不是吗W ell, you're up on the news, aren't you? 没错所以你应该没事就和姐姐我聊聊I am. That's why you should talk to your sister more often.
这周我去过了-就一次-I came to visit you this week. -Once.
多长时间了In how long?
我真不知道你在山里的某个地方忙着什么I don't know what you're doing tearing down that mountain,
天知道是为了什么God knows where, and for what?
为什么你做事总是让人捉摸不透Why can't you ever do anything nsible?
我的事不用你管多谢I'm doing quite well, thank you.super boy
-有什么需要帮助的-没有谢谢-Will there be anything el? -No, thank you.
那个让你口水直流的女人That woman you're slavering over
其实是个当地人你知道吧is practically an aborigine, you know. 在一个伐木场长大的Raid on a timber camp.
一个伐木场A timber camp?
嗯我以为你知道的Y es, I thought you'd like that.
不幸的是伐木场毁于一场大火她的家人也葬身火海Unfortunately, it burned down and killed her whole family.
火灾过后的两天And two days after the fire,
一个救援队发现赛琳娜徘徊在废墟a rescue party found Serena wandering in the ruins,
她还在呼喊着死去兄弟姐妹的名字calling for her dead brothers and sisters.
当时她全身是灰人们以为她是个幽灵呢She was so covered in ash, they thought she was a ghost.
她很漂亮She is beautiful.
脑子有问题W ounded.
对树很着迷Mad for trees.
真遗憾你和她没戏了It's a pity you don't stand a chance with her.
你跟着我做什么What are you doing?
吸血鬼日记第1季-我就想和你打个招呼-好吧你好-I just wanted to say hello. -W ell, hello.
乔治·彭伯顿George Pemberton.
赛琳娜·肖Serena Shaw.
我觉得你应该嫁给我I think we should be married.
我等不及要去那了I can't wait to get there.
dict噢欢迎回来Oh! W elcome back!
-美妙的旅行-太好了-Splendid trip. -Good!
-我真想快点告诉你-是嘛-I can't wait to fill you in. -Y eah.
你可不要费尽心思的迎接我I hope you didn't get all dolled up on my account.
不会的Oh, no, no.
-你好-你好-Hello. -Hello.
这是我太太如何W ell, what do you think of my wife?
什么为什么不告诉我你结婚了What? Why didn't you tell me? I,