摘要 以学生为主,充分展现语文核心素养是当今语文教材编写的主要趋势,与此同时,国务院对教材“学科核心素养”的要求,在继承“三维目标”的基础上也有了质的飞跃,他将目光投向传统文化的继承上,提出培养学生的品质与能力,以达到培养学生全面发展的目标。于是,部编版教材应运而生。本篇文章运用文献研究法、文本分析法、访谈法三种研究方法对小学语文部编版教材中的古诗词进行了着重地分析,从古诗词中探寻核心素养的踪迹。整篇论文的框架以一年级为例,首先阐明古诗词在部编版教材中的选编依据,进而分析基于核心素养下部编版古诗词的选编特点,从古诗词的内容特点以及结构特点展开,最后从教师对部编版教材的使用感受的访谈中分析部编版语文教材依旧没有做到完美的预想原因,包括不同朝代不同作者的比例失衡、古诗词编排系统尚缺乏规划性等原因,从而把握古诗词在部编版小学语文教材中的整体价值取向。
关键词 小学语文核心素养 部编版小学语文教材 古诗词
An analysis of the lection and compilation of ancient poetry in the primary school Chine textbook compiled by the Ministry bad on the core quality
我的梦想 ———Taking a primary school in Sucheng District of Suqian City as an example
北京聚能教育Abstract Giving full play to the core quality of Chine with students as the main body is the main trend of compiling Chine teaching materials.The Ministry edition of teaching materials came into being, and the majority of educators and rearchers focud on the inheritance of traditional culture. At the same time, "subject core literacy" has made a qualitative leap on the basis of inheriting "three-dimensional goal". It puts forward to cultivate students' quality and ability, so as to achieve the goal of cultivating students' all-round development.This paper us the methods of literature, text analysis and interview to analyze the ancient sayings in teaching materials by the Chine Department of primary school, and to explore the trace of the core literacy from the ancient poetry. Taking the first grade as an example, this paper first expounds the basis for the lection and compilation.The application of ancient poetry in the Department textbook, and then a
nalyze the characteristics of the lection and compilation of ancient poetry, including the quantity arrangement of ancient poetry with different themes, the column arrangement of ancient poetry, the lection of exercis after class, etc. Finally, it analyzes that the departmental edition Chine textbooks are still not perfect in advance from the interview of teachers with the u experience of the departmental edition textbooks Think about the reasons, including the compilation team is not large enough, the quality of teachers is not high, so as to grasp the overall value orientation of ancient poetry in the primary school Chine textbook compiled by the Ministry.记录 英语
Key words primary school Chine core literacy department compiles ancient poetry in primary school Chine textbook太原会计学校 a form of pre-tang poetry
纸牌屋 第三季 字幕