UC Davis Email Lists FAQ
•What is Sympa?sheldon语录
•What is an Email List?
•Getting Started
•How long does it take for a list to become active after requested?
•How do I find lists to subscribe to?
•What lists am I subscribed to?
•How do I request/create a list?
•What list type should I u?
•How do I unsubscribe from a list?
•How do I manage a list I am the owner of?
•I forgot my password, now what?
•What if I have multiple email address?
•Need help?
What is Sympa?
Sympa is UC Davis' email list management system. This system allows for faculty, staff, and students to create, subscribe, and manage email lists. This system is similar to the former Listproc rvice, but allows urs a simple management portal for central control over all lists they own and subscribe to Return to top
What is an email list?
An email list allows email urs the ability to nd email to one email address that will in turn nd mailtothelistsubscribers.Forinstance,ifthelist"*******************"hadtheownerof
"*****************"andhadthesubscribers"*******************,***********************, ************************",******************************************************* the student, staffmember, and professor urs.
This type of communication is commonly referred to as a list rv, e-mail list, e-mail group, or listproc. Return to top
Getting Started
Students, Faculty, and Staff:
Any UC Davis student, faculty, or staff member with a valid campus kerberos Urname and Passphra can login to the following page:
Non-UC Davis Urs:
Non-UC Davis urs will want to u the "Other Urs Click Here" link on the home page. First time guest urs will need to click on the "First Login" link. The urs will be prompted for their email ad
dress that will be ud to nd them a link to create their password. Follow the link and create your password. This password will be ud for sympa list management only.
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How Long does it take to create a list?
Standard Mailing Lists
Once you request a list, it will be approved by a member of the list management team, who are part of IET. After the list is approved, you will receive an email notification and the list will be usable within 15 minutes.
Class Mailing Lists
Once you request a class mailing list, it will be approved by a member of the list management team, who are part of IET. After it is approved, you will receive an email notification and the list will be populated with your students and usable within 6 hours.
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How do I find lists to subscribe to?
Lists that are available for subscription are displayed in the List of Lists tab. Not all lists are publicly available for subscription and may require an invitation from the list manager.
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What lists am I subscribed to?
After logging into Sympa, urs can e which lists they are subscribed to in the left hand column under Your Lists. You may click on tho lists that you are subscribed to for further information of that list. This is also where list owners will be able to manage the lists they own.
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How do I request/create a list?
1.Click on the Create List tab
2.Under the Create a list using a template portion, enter the List Name and lect a list type. A
description of each list type is provided and individual options can be changed at a later time.
幼儿英语教材See below for further information on what list type should be ud.
3.Enter a subject line tag. This subject will display as a header for all the list pages, and will also
be visible on list index pages (lists of lists, list of your subscriptions, etc.) and in the browr
title bar. This should be kept as brief as possible.
4.A request will then be nt to the List Master for approval and should be answered within 24-48
For further information on tting up a list, plea e the following: Help
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What list type should I u?
1.Announce-only List
•Urs who wish to subscribe will need to be approved by the list owner
•E-mail nt to the list will need to be approved by the list owner
•The list owner can nd email to the list
2017高考英语口语考试•The list is available for all urs to e on the "List of Lists"
•Emails will be archived and available to subscribers
2.Contact Us List
•Urs who wish to subscribe will need to be approved by the list owner
•E-mail nt to the list does not need to be approved by the list owner
•Any email ur (non-UCD and UCD urs) can email the list
•The list is not available on the list of lists
•The list is not archived
3.Department Mailing List
•Urs who wish to subscribe will need to be approved by the list owner
•Only subscribers of the list may nd mail to it
•The list is not available on the list of lists
•The list is not archived
4.UCD Class Mailing List
•Controlled Subscription
•List options controlled by Professor or Instructor
•Ud primarily for UCD Cour communications
Note: The list type can be changed after the list is created.
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How do I unsubscribe from a list?
1.Under Your Lists, lect the list you wish to unsubscribe from.
2.On the left hand column, lect the link for Unsubscribe
NOTE: Some lists may not be able to be unsubscribed from including but not limited to: class mailing lists, departmental communication lists, human resources lists, etc.
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How do I manage a list I am the owner of?
List owners can manage the lists they own by clicking on the "Admin" button under the "My Lists" column on the home page. The admin console includes the following features:
•Configuration Settings
英语小文章•Subscribers Management
•Blacklist Options
•Archive management
•Email Bounce back messages
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I forgot my Password, now what?
Students, Faculty, and Staff:
U the "Change your passphra" option here:
Non-UC Davis Urs:
Click the link for Lost Password? under the login fields on the sympa homepage.
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What if I have 2 (or more) email address subscribed to lists?
Urs with multiple email address will need to login to the list system under the appropriate email address subscribed to a list. If an external (non-ucdavis) email address is subscribed to a list, they will need to login under that email address to modify their subscription ttings. UC Davis urs will want *************************************************************************************** address.
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Need help?
For further information or support on the Sympa Mail List system, plea contact IT Express
at: ******************
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