> sh
bCEM-enb0dev-enb0dev> ssh (Bcem板卡IP)
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
enb0dev@'s password: Qwe*90op
This system is restricted solely to authorized urs for legitimate business
The actual or attempted unauthorized access, u or modification of this
system is strictly prohibited. Unauthorized urs are subject to Company
disciplinary proceeding and/or criminal and civil penalties under state,
stylefederal or other applicable domestic or foreign laws.
balmainThe u of this system may be monitored and recorded for administrative and
curity reasons. Anyone accessing this system expressly connts to such
monitoring and is advid that if monitoring reveals possible evidence of
criminal activity, such activity may be provided as evidence to law
enforcement officials.
All urs must comply, without exception.
Starting CLI Process
Read number of records from file = /active/config/f.0
> sh
bCEM-enb0dev-enb0dev> su -
Password: #edcVfr4%t
bCEM-root-root> cd /
bCEM-root-/> ls
active conf driver ffs1 lib passive rdata
sbin sys uactive var
data etc home mnt pipe rmem 情境教学法scd tftpboot upassive
bin dev ffs0 init opt proc root store tmp usr
bCEM-root-/> tar czvf b_ /rmem (压缩该文件夹)
tar: removing leading '/' from member names
bCEM-root-/> tar czvf b_ / store (压缩该文件夹)
bCEM-root-/> ls
active conf driver ffs1 lib passive rdata sbin sys uactive var
b_ data etc home mnt pipe rmem scd tftpboot upassive
bin dev ffs0 init opt proc root store tmp usr 末路狂澜b_
bCEM-root-/> chmod 777 b_ (修改文件权限)
bCEM-root-/> chmod 777 b_
bCEM-root-/> ftp (Eccm板卡IP)
Connected to
220 FTP rver (GNU inetutils 1.6) ready.
Name ( root
331 Password required for root.
Password: #edcVfr4%t
230- This system is restricted solely to authorized urs for legitimate business
230- purpos.
230- The actual or attempted unauthorized access, u or modification of this
230- system is strictly prohibited. Unauthorized urs are subject to Company
230- disciplinary proceeding and/or criminal and civil penalties under state,
230- federal or other applicable domestic or foreign laws.
230- The u of this system may be monitored and recorded for administrative and
230- curity reasons. Anyone accessing this system expressly connts to such
230- monitoring and is advid that if monitoring reveals possible evidence of
230- criminal activity, such activity may be provided as evidence to law
230- enforcement officials.
230- All urs must comply, without exception.
230 Ur root logged in.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> cd /home/enb0xfer
250 CWD command successful.
ftp> put b_
200 PORT command sucessful.
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for 'b_'.
226 Transfer complete.
359430 bytes nt in 0.00739 conds (48643928 bytes/s)
ftp> put b_
200 PORT command sucessful.
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for 'b_'.
226 Transfer complete.
litter359430 bytes nt in 0.00459 conds (456824458 bytes/s)
ftp> bye
> sh
bCEM-enb0dev-enb0dev> exit
> exit
Exiting CLI Process
Connection to clod.
eCCM2-enb0dev-enb0dev> cd /home/enb0xfer
eCCM2-enb0dev-enb0xfer> ls
b_ b_
> cd NETCONF/ncagentd
/NETCONF/ncagentd> ls
displayLO Dump DMD databa
cdbExportXml Export CDB to yang conform xml-file: l
cdbImportXml Import CDB from yang conform xml-file: l
displaySingleLO display single object instance in DMD databa
/NETCONF/ncagentd> cdbExportXml (通过该命令刷新databa文件)
cdbExportXmlcdbExportXml to file /data/db/active/l is OK
/NETCONF/ncagentd> cd /
eCCM2-enb0dev-enb0dev> su -
Password: #edcVfr4%t
eCCM2-root-root> cd /data
eCCM2-root-/data> ls
CB f.20 f.23 f.27 db pmfs
backup f.21 f.24 f.4 lost+found scd