a r X i v :m a t h /0002110v 1 [m a t h .G T ] 14 F e
b 2000On Iterated Torus Knots and Transversal Knots William W.Menasco ∗University at Buffalo Buffalo,New York 14214Abstract A knot type is exchange reducible if an arbitrary clod n -braid reprenta-tive K of K can be changed to a clod braid of minimum braid index n min (K )by a finite quence of braid isotopies,exchange moves and ±-destabilizations.(See Figure 1).In the manuscript [BW]a transversal knot in the standard con-tact structure for S 3is defined to be transversally simple if it is characterized up to transversal isotopy by its topological knot type and its lf-linking number.Theorem 2of [BW]establishes that exchange reducibility implies transversally simple.Theorem 1,the main result in this note,establishes that iterated torus knots are exchange reducible.It then follows as a Corollary that iterated torus knots are transversally simple.
Let C ⊂S 3be a knot,let V C be a solid torus neighborhood of C and let ∂V C =T C ⊂S 3be a peripheral torus for C .The simple clod curve on T C that reprents the homotopy class of pm +ql ,where m is meridian homotopy class,l is the preferred longitude homotopy class and p,q ∈Z ,is called the (p,q )cable of C .We will u the notion C (C ,(p,q ))to indicate the resulting knot of this cabling operation .If C is the unknot then the cabling operation produces a (p,q )-torus knot.
We can,of cour,iterate the cabling operation.Starting with an initial knot C 0and a quence of 2-tuples of integers {(p 1,q 1),(p 2,q 2),···,(p h ,q h )},with p i <q i ,1≤quasar
William W.Menasco
i ≤h ,we can construct the knot C (C (···C (C (C 0,(p 1,q 1)),(p 2,q 2))···,(p h −1,q h −1)),(p h ,q h )).(1)
If C 0is the unknot then any iteration of the cabling operation produces an iterated torus knot .Letting (P,Q )={(p 1,q 1),(p 2,q 2),···,(p h ,q h )},the final iteration pro-duces a knot,K (P,Q ),which is on the peripheral torus of the next to last knot in the iteration;mainly,T C (C (···C (C (C 0,(p 1,q 1)),(p 2,q 2))···),(p h −1,q h −1)).
老爸老妈浪漫史第九季In §2of
[BW]three moves are discusd which take clod braids to clod braids,prerving knot type:braid isotopy,exchange moves and destabilization.Braid iso-topy means isotopy in the complement of the braid axis.The exchange move is a special type of Reidemeister II move illustrated in Figure 1(a).De
stabilization means reducing the braid index by eliminating a (positive or negative)trivial loop,as shown in Figure 1(b).Notice that braid isotopy and exchange moves prerve both algebraic crossing number and braid index,whereas destabilization changes both.单身插班生
Figure 1:
For a more extensive treatment of the isotopies,e [BF,BM2,BM3].)
As defined in [BW],a knot type K is exchange reducible if an arbitrary clod n -braid reprentative K of K can be change to a clod braid reprentative of minimum braid index,n min (K ),by a finite quence of braid isotopies,exchange moves,and ±-destabilizations.The main result of [BM1]established the exchange reducibility of the unknot.The main theorem in this paper is an analogous result for iterated torus knots
Theorem 1Oriented iterated torus knots are exchange reducible.
Iterated Torus Knots3
The proof of Theorem1involves adapting the braid-foliation machinery which was developed in[BM3]to a new situation where there is a torus in S3which is being foliated and a knot is embedded on this torus.It employs the fact[Sch]that an oriented iterated torus knot K(P,Q)has a unique braid reprentative of minimal braid index h1p i.
Theorem1has an immediate application to transversal knots.Letξbe the stan-dard contact structure i
n oriented S3.The structureξcan be thought of as a plane field that is totally non-integrable.A knot K is transversal if and only if K intercts each plane in the planefieldξtransversally.A transversal isotopy of K is an isotopy of K in S3through transversal knots.(See[El].)If K and K′are two transversal knots that are transversally isotopic,then they are reprentatives of the same transversal knot type,T K.
A classical invariant of transversal knot types is a lf-linking number,the Ben-nequin number,β(T K).The lf-linking is defined by pushing the transversal knot offitlf in a direction which is in the contact plane.A well-defined direction exists becau S3is parellelizable.See[BW]for a preci description.A transversal knot type T K is transversally simple if it is determined by its topological knot type K and its lf-linking number.In[El]it wasfirst shown that the unknot is transversally sim-ple.In[Et]it was established that positive transversal torus knots are transversally simple.In[BW]a more general framework for understanding transversally simple knots was established.
Theorem2(e[BW])If T K is a transversal knot type with associated topological knot type K,where K is exchange reducible,then T K is transversally simple.
Combining Theorems1and2,we have the following immediate corollary.
2012年6月四级考试Corollary3Let T K(P,Q)be a transversal knot type with associated topological knot that of the iterated torus knot K(P,Q).Then T K(P,Q)is transversally simple.
The outline for this note is as follows.In§2we review and adapt the braid-foliation machinery for the torus that wasfirst introduced in[BM3].We will be concerned with the situation where we are given a torus which contains a knot K(P,Q)and bounds a solid torus.However,we do not have a natural way of identifying the core curve of the solid torus.Hence,we will u T⊂as notation for the given torus containing
4William W.Menascoblued是什么
K(P,Q).The foliation machinery on T⊂will involve understanding the manipulation of three different types of foliations—circular,mixed,and tiled foliations.(The foliations will be defined in§2.)In§3we will prove Theorem1in the special ca where T⊂has a circular foliations.The overriding strategy of the remaining ctions is to reduce the mixed and tiled foliations to circular foliations.In§4we show how destabilizations and exchange moves allow one to replace a mixed foliation with a circular foliations.Similarly,in§5we show how destabilizations and exchange moves allow one to replace a tiled foliation with a circular foliations.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS—The author wishes to thanks Joan Birman and Nancy Wrinkle for en-couraging him to think about a proof of Theorem1during his brief sabbatical stay at Columbia University.That stay was partially supported by NSF grant DMS-9705019.
2The braid foliation machinery for the torus.
In this ction we adapt the combinatorics of[BM3]to the pair(K,T⊂),where K= K(P,Q)is an iterated torus knot which lies on the torus T⊂.Since the exposition in[BF]supplies us with a centralized source for most of the previously developed machinery,we will u it almost exclusively as our primary reference.Although the arguments in this note rely heavily on results in the existing literature,a reader need only consult[BF]and[BM3]in almost all cas.
Let K⊂S3be an oriented clod n-braid with axis A.Then there is a choice of afibration of the open solid torus S3−A by2-disc.We will refer to H={Hθ|θ∈[0,2π]}as this2-discfibration of S3−A.Each Hθis a disc with boundary A.We consider the interction of the H′θs with T⊂—the induced singular foliation on T⊂by H.We have a quence of lemmas that begin to standardize this foliation.The lemmas imitate the similar t of lemmas in§1of[BM3]which dealt with an esntial torus in the complement of a clod braid.Since our prent ca is slightly different (the clod braid is actually a homotopic
ally non-trivial curve on the torus),we will only supply the additional details needed to adapt the proofs of[BM3]to this ca.
Lemma4We may assume that:
(i)The interctions of A with T⊂arefinite in number and transver.Also,if
p∈A∩T⊂then p has a neighborhood on T⊂which is radially foliated by its arcs of interction withfibers of H.
Iterated Torus Knots5
(ii)All butfinitely manyfibers Hθ∈H meet T⊂transversally,and tho which do not(the singularfibers)are each tangent to T⊂at exactly one point in the interior of both T⊂and Hθ.Moreover,the tangencies(which are contained in singular leaves)are either local maxima,or minima,or saddle points.
(iii)A singularfiber contains exactly one singular point.
(iv)Each singular point is either a center or a saddle.
(v)A leaf that does not contain a singular point(a non-singular leaf)is either an arc having endpoints on A or a simple clod curve.
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Proof.We u exactly the same general position argument as in[BM3].♦
We refer to the leaves of the foliation of T⊂as b-arcs and c-circles.Each b-arc and each c-circle lies in both T⊂and in somefiber Hθ∈H.Since K⊂T⊂,for all Hθ∈H,each point of K∩Hθis contained in a b-arc or c-circle.Finally,since K intercts each discfiber of H coherently,K must interct each non-singular leaf coherently.
A b-arc,b⊂T⊂∩Hθ,is esntial if either b∩K=∅,or both sides of Hθsplit along b are intercted by K.A c-circle,c⊂T⊂∩Hθ,is esntial if c∩K=∅.The definition of esntial b-arcs and c-arcs is an adaptation of the definition in[BM3], however inesntial b-arcs(c-circles)are still arcs(resp.circles)splitting offsub-discs (resp.bounding subdiscs)of discfibers that are not intercted by K.
Lemma5Assume that T⊂satisfies(i)-(v)of Lemma4.Then T⊂is isotopic to a cabling torus,T′⊂,such that the foliation of T′⊂also satisfies(i)-(v)and in addition:
1.All b-arcs are esntial.
2.All c-circles are esntial.
3.Any c-circle in the foliation is homotopically non-trivial on T′⊂.
Moreover,the restriction of the isotopy to K is the identity.grea gun
Proof.The argument for eliminating inesntial b-arcs is exactly the same as the argument which was ud in the proof of Lemma2of[BM3].Similarly,if c is a c-circle