Criminal Minds
As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say.I just watch what they do.–AndrewCarnegie.随着年龄增长,我较不关注人们说的话,我只看他们做的事。---安德鲁˙卡内基(美国钢铁大王)----said by Hotch
curiousA man is known by the silence he keeps. ---Oliver Herford由其沉默,知其为人。---奥利弗.霍福德。---- said by Hotch
RalphSteadmanwrote,”Evilisalwaysdevisingmorecorrosivemirythroughman’srestless need to exact revenge out of his hate.”拉尔夫˙斯特曼(美国著名插画师)曾写道:
人类无止尽的欲望是魔鬼用以释放奴化报复人间的燃料。---said by Rossi
Actions have conquences.种因得果
Paul Brown once said,”If you win, say nothing. If you lo, say less.”保罗˙布朗曾说:
赢则闭口不谈;输则锋芒更收。----said by Rossi
The German author Goethe wrote,”Behavior is the mirror, in which everyone shows theirtrue image.”德国文豪歌德曾写道:
行为是一面镜子反射出每个人的真实自我。-----said byJJ
Hello, family. I would just like to say that I love each and every one of you.
It’s a new love, but still. And I am never going to take any of you for granted ever.虽然这份爱刚刚启程,但我真的爱你,并且我永远不会忽略你们。
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote,”When a doctor does go wrong, he is the first of criminals.He was the nerve and he has the knowledge.”阿瑟˙柯南˙道尔爵士写道:
一旦医生误入歧途,他便成了最危险的罪犯。因为他既有胆识又有知识。----said by Reid.
Body and soul cannot be parated for purpos of treatment for they are one and indivisible.Sick minds must be healed as well as sick bodies. -----Dr. Jeff Miller在治疗过程中,身与心不可分离因它们本是一体。心病与身病一样需要医治。----杰米˙米勒医生----said by JJSeason08Episode05putdown
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity. -----Edger Allan Poe我已然疯癫而长时间的清醒又让我痛苦无比。-----埃德加˙艾伦˙坡----said by Reid
distributeAlfred Austin said,”Show me your garden and I shall tell you what you are.”阿尔弗雷德˙奥斯汀曾说过:
wtd让我看看你的花园我就能知道你是怎样的人。----said by BlakeSeason08Episode06The apprenticeship师徒
Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher.良师一日教导胜过十年寒窗。---日本谚语. ----said by Morgan
The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your own riches, but to reveal tohim his own. ---Benjamin Disraeli你所能为他人行的最大的善并非授之以鱼,而是授之以渔。---本杰明˙迪斯雷利(英国政治家)-----said by Reid1Season08Episode07The Fallen昔日英雄天道留学
You never find yourlf until you face the truth. ---Pearl Bailey面对现实才可认清自我。----珀尔˙贝利------- said by Rossi
Iamnotconcernedthatyouhavefallen.Iamconcernedthatyouwillri.---AbrahamLincoln我不在意你曾堕落,我只在意你是否会崛起。亚伯拉罕˙林肯----said by RossiSeason08Episode08The Wheels on the Bus巴士上的轮子
French novelist Giraudoux said,”I am not afraid of death. It’s the stake one puts up in orderto play the game of life.”法国小说家吉罗杜说:
god is a girl mp3“我不惧怕死亡,那只是人们在人生赌局中所下的赌注。”---said by Hotchquarters
Frederick Douglass said,”It is easierto build strong children than to repair broken men.”弗雷德里克˙道格拉斯说过:
Season08Episode09Magnificent Light耀眼的光芒
A great deal of talent is lost to the world for the want of a little courage. ---Sydney Smith一点点勇气的匮乏导致众多天才湮没与世。---希德妮˙史密斯(英国作家)---said byThe mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something tolive for. ---Fyodor Dostoevsky人存在的意义不仅仅是活着而在于寻找活着的目标。--费奥多尔˙陀斯妥耶夫斯基(俄国小说家)---said by Morgan
Season08Episode10The Lesson惩罚
Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind. --- William Shakespeare.爱不是来自眼神的交流而是心灵的交汇。---威廉˙莎士比亚。---said by Reid
Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourlves alone. We find itwith another. ---Thomas Merton命中注定我们相爱,我们不该独自找寻生命的意义而应陪伴彼此一起找寻。---托马斯˙默顿。---said by Reid
I have never yet heard of a murder who was not afraid of a ghost. ---John Philpot Curran从未有杀人犯不惧怕鬼魂。--约翰˙菲尔波特˙克伦----said by Reid
Deeply loved by someone gives you strength. While loving someone deeply givesyou courage. ---Lao Tsu.人爱者有力爱人者勇。---老子----said by ReidSeason08Episode13Magnum Opus杰作
Sometimesthehardestpartisn'tlettinggo,butrather,learningtostartover.——NicoleSobon.有时最难的并非放下过去,而是学会重新开始。---妮可˙索邦(作家)---said by ReidSeason08Episode14All That Remains时光灰烬
Loveneverdiesanaturaldeath.Itdiesofblindnessanderrorsandbetrayals.Itdiesofweariness, of witherings, of tarnishings.–Anais Nin爱绝不会自然消失,它会因无知、错误和背叛而消亡,会因厌倦、猥琐和玷污而死去。---阿娜伊斯˙宁----said by HotchAlan Lightman said,”The tragedy of this world is that no one is happy, whether stuck in atime of pain or joy.”阿兰˙莱特曼(美国心理学家)说过:
这个世界的悲剧在于没有人是快乐的,无论是陷在痛苦还是快乐的时光里。-----said by Hotch2Season08Episode15Broken残缺
The world breaks everyone and afterward, many are stronger at the broken places. ---ErnestHemingway世界让人饱受打击,人会在受伤的地方,长出结实的翅膀。--欧内斯特˙海明威----said by JJ