My hometown ShaoGuan
Although I left home for a long time, but I always forget the hometown of the green mountain, forget the magnificent temple, forget the clear river, it all the year round brought me endless joy, he is Shaoguan, here, I give you said that castle peak.
笑 冰心>nfa
Shaoguan has many mountains, let me forget the most is the famous Danxia Mountain, into The Danxia Mountain, looked up, stone ladder has been extended to the white clouds, like can not go to the end, let me in a row faded veral steps.
remove什么意思我是冠军英文>life is so coolDanxia mountain, shady trees, strange trees, there is a thick green tree bay really center ems to be to meet our arrival, the roadside stone is also different shapes, there is a boulder like a huge monster, it is a little afraid, there is a stone like a rabbit, lovely.
六一演讲词Walk up the mountain, feel the joy of boarding the top of the mountain, if you look to the far, looking at the undulating mountains and the boundless a of clouds, feel like the Mo
nkey King, in the mountains shuttle between the clouds.question是什么意思
How about Danxia Mountain is not very attractive to you? Come and play!