第十一季 第二十四集[本季终]
好啦 周六就是大日子了 All right, Saturday is the big day.
很多人曾以为这一天永远不会到来 A lot of people thought this would never come.
其实我也曾是其中一员 I may have been one of tho people.
其实我也曾是其中一员 I may have been one of tho people.
安全感英文 等等 是在说我们的婚礼吗 Wait, wait, are we talking about the wedding?
-是的 -那对 我也绝对曾是其中一员 - Yes. - ?Oh, yeah, I was definitely one of tho people.
但现在我们走到这一步了 And yet, here we are.
明天会有会有很多亲朋好友来 Now, we got a lot of family coming in tomorrow.
我会需要大家的协助 I'm gonna need everyone's help.
就把这个当做是你们的那种漫画电影吧 Think of this as one of your comic book movies.
有一群超级英雄 每个人都有不同职责 There's a bunch of superheroes, each with a different task.
就像是新的《复仇者联盟》吗 Oh, like the new Avengers.
是哪一部来着 Which one was that?
就是你上周末在电影院里看到睡着那部 The one you slept through last weekend.
我睡得可香了 Oh, that was a good nap.
我觉得 这更像是《指环王》 I-I think it's more like, uh, like Lord of the Rings,
而你们就是护戒使者 and you're the Fellowship.
有人得去刚铎 Uh, someone's got to go to Gondor,
有人得去魔多 someone's got to go to Mordor,
职场英语词汇heavy比较级 有人得去阻挡影与炎之恶魔 someone's got to hold off the demon of shadow and flame.
你是说炎魔吗 You mean the Balrog?
我是说我老母 I mean my mother.
fightagainst 艾米 这个比喻超棒 That is a perfect metaphor, Amy.
under a violet moon
谢谢 Thank you.
因为这还包含了一个 Becau it also involves a ring
将会永远奴役我的戒指 that binds me in rvitude forever.
他说永远呢 Aw, he said forever.
刚才是威尔·惠顿 That was Wil Wheaton.
他很期待明天的婚礼呢 He's really excited about tomorrow.
我也是 As am I.
如果你在我小时候告诉我 If you'd have told me as a child that an actor from Star Trek
会有《星际旅行》的演员帮我证婚 我会说 would be officiating my wedding, I would've said,
"是柯克舰长威廉·夏特纳吗" "Ooh, William Shatner?"
而如果你说"不是 是威尔·惠顿" And if you'd have said, "No, Wil Wheaton,"
那我会回"那你试过请威廉·夏特纳吗" I'd have said, "Well, did you even try William Shatner?"
而如果你回 And if you'd have said,
"试过 可是他出场费太贵" "Yes, but he costs too much money,"
那我会说"行吧 威尔·惠顿也可以啦" I'd have said, "Ah, well, Wil Wheaton's good, too."
你为什么一直在鼓捣那个领结啊 Why do you keep tying and untying that bow tie?
我怎么绑都不对称 I can't em to get it even.
那个应该不会是对称的 Well, I don't think it's suppod to be even.
有时候稍微不对称反而更好看 Sometimes a little asymmetry looks good.
在文艺复兴时代 他们称之为"潇洒不羁" In the Renaissance, they called it "Sprezzatura."
文艺复兴吗 The Renaissance?
jett 艾米 你明知道我更喜欢启蒙运动 Amy, you know I'm more of an Enlightenment person.
世纪的一场哲学与文化运动 又称启蒙时代 该运动相信理性发展知识可以解决人类实存的基本问题
总有一天 我们会需要决定 At some point, we have to decide
该怎么养育我们的孩子 how we want to rai the children.
你感觉还好吗 So are you feeling okay?
会有婚前恐惧吗 No wedding jitters?
没有 No.
世上没有任何人事物 There is nothing in the world
能够阻止我在明天娶你 that would stop me from marrying you tomorrow,
posion 那怕是未来的我穿越回来阻止婚礼 even me from the future coming back to prevent the wedding
从而阻止我们未来会毁灭人类孩子的降生 and the subquent birth of a child who will destroy humanity.
因为如果你从未来回来 Becau if you came from the future,
那就表示你已经在过去结完婚了 that would mean you already went through with the wedding
因为你相信时间旅行的命定悖论 becau you believe that time travel is on a clod loop.
我真是太他妈爱你了 I love you so damn much.
福勒先生 在后面坐得还舒服吗 Uh, Mr. Fowler, are you okay back there?
需要开窗透气吗 Do you need more air?
他很好 He's fine.
真没想到艾米不来接我们 I'm surprid Amy didn't pick us up.
哎呀 你也懂的 Oh, well, you know,
大婚之日前一天很多事情要忙 she's pretty busy the day before her wedding.
忙到老妈都可以放一旁吗 Too busy for her mother?
想当年她是多么以母为天的女儿啊 She ud to be such a devoted daughter.
她现在就等着我死 好继承我的上好瓷器 Now she's just waiting for me to die so she can get my china.
再次谢谢你来接我们 Thank you again for picking us up.
这是我的荣幸 库珀太太 My pleasure, Mrs. Cooper.
我们去机场时的司机先生 You know, our driver to the airport
opportunities 也是个印度小伙呢 was also a Indian fella.
这年头注意到人家是印度人就是种族歧视吗 Oh, so now it's racist to notice when somebody's Indian.
我不觉得有歧视 我也注意到你们俩都是白人啊 I don't think it's racist. I noticed you were both white.
你看吧 你多多谅解她 See? You'll have to excu her.
她现在怀孕 荷尔蒙过多在说胡话 She's just pregnant and hormonal.
是呢 恭喜你怀第二胎啊 Oh, yeah, congratulations on baby number two.
对对对 真好啊 Yeah. Whoopie.
她丈夫本来也能来 Her husband would be here,
可是他得在家照顾他们大儿子 but he stayed home to watch their older son,
所以一切都没问题 so e-everything's fine!
得了吧 Stop it.
我们分居了 We're parated.
真"没"想到啊 You don't say.