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Biologic therapy for inflammatory bowel dia 期刊名称: Inflammatory Bowel Dias
作者: Bruce E. Sands
thatisright年份: 1997年
postgraduate>we are one (ole ola)
veracruz期号: 第2期
关键词: Biologic therapy;Monoclonal antibodies;Antin
oligonucleotides;Ulcerative colitis;Crohn's dia;Cell therapy;Gene therapy
拍照翻译摘要:Biologic therapy includes many different categories of agents targeted to diver mechanisms of dia. Recently, a host of novel biologic therapies have been developed to attack a wide variety of immunologic and inflammatory mechanisms. The include recombinant cytokines and growth factors; monoclonal antibodies against cytokines, accessory molecules, and cellular adhesion molecules; nucleotide-bad therapies; and cell and gene therapies. Among the biologic agents recently reported to have been prospectively studied in patients with inflammatory bowel dia are monoclonal antibodgoggle
ies against CD4 and tumor necrosis factor, and interleukins 10 and 11. Many other biologics have been examined in other immune-mediated dias in humans, and in animal models of colitis. This review surveys the rationale and u of biologic
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