Predicting Cardiac Surgery-Associated Acute Kidney Injury Using a Combination of Clinical Risk Scoresthief是什么意思
英语教师就业前景>uzumaki narutoand Urinary Biomarkers
期刊名称: The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon
学尔森>国庆快乐祝福语作者: Philippe Grieshaber,Sina Mller,Borros Arneth,Peter Roth,Bernd
Niemann,Harald Renz,Andreas Bning
作者机构: Department of Cardiology and Angiology, Klinikum Wetzlar, Wetzlar,
Hesn, Germany
年份: 2019年环保袋英文
donald关键词: intensive care;complications;surgery;kidney
英语必修五课文翻译摘要:bold>BackgroundPrediction, early diagnosis, and therapy of cardiac surgery-associated acute kidney injury (CSA-AKI) are challenging. We prospectively tested a staged approach to identify patients at high risk for CSA-AKI combining clinical risk stratification and early postoperative quantification of urinary biomarkers for AKI.MethodsAll patients, excluding tho on chronic hemodialysis, undergoing scheduled surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass between August 2015 and July 2016 were included. First, patients were stratified by calculating the Cleveland clinic score (CCS) and the Leicester score (LS). In high-risk patients (defined as LS>25 or CCS>6), urinary concentrations of biomarkers for AKI ([TIMP-2]*[IGFBP-7]) were evaluated 4 hours postoperatively. CSA-AKI was obrved until postoperative day 6 powerful是什么意思