Improvements in physical and mental domains of quality of life by anti-ischaemic drug and revascularisation treatment in elderly men and women with chronic angina
fitflop期刊名称: Thoraxincursion
作者: M A Bur,P T Bur,G M Kuster,M Pfisterer,L Grize
年份: 2008年语言学习>stroke是什么意思
期号: 第11期
谢孟媛英语音标发音摘要:Background: The verity of angina is related to a reduction in global quality of life (QoL), which may be improved by anti-ischaemic treatment. It is not known, however, whether improvements relate only to physical or also to mental and social domains of QoL and whether women benefit in a similar way to men. Objectives: To relate improvements in angina verity through anti-ischaemic treatment to physical and mental domains of QoL in elderly men and women and to asss differences in this relation between the xes. Methods: Angina verity and full asssment of QoL by structured, lf-ad
少儿英语课堂游戏ministered and validated questionnaires were measured prospectively at baline and after 6 months' optimal drug or revascularisation treatment in all 301 patients of the Trial of Invasive versus Medical therapy in Elderly (TIME) patients 享受寂寞>表达能力差