题目:从黑色幽默的角度分析《第二十二条军规》An Analysis of the Catch-22 from the
Perspective of Black Humor
rio de janeiro专业班级:英语07级2班
An Analysis of the Catch-22 from the Perspective of Black Humor
Catch-22is a satirical novel by the contemporary American author Joph Heller. Since its publication, the literature trend toward black humor becomes prevalent. The novel draws heavily on his air force experience and prents a war story that is at once hilarious, grotesque, cynical and stir
ring. The novel, t during the latter stage of World WarⅡ, prenting the horrible meaninglessness of armed conflicts through a kind of desperate absurdity rather than through graphic depictions of suffering and violence.
The paper is going to talk about the characteristics of black humor and the significances of black humor. Then the author talks about the general idea in Joph Heller’s masterpieces Catch-22, analys the absurdity of world from characterization, language u and society involved in the Catch-22. This paper aims to bring enlightenment to the comprehension of the novel and understanding of the black humor.
Key Words: Catch-22; black humor; absurdity; Yossarian初三数学二次根式
spotlight是什么意思Table of contents
Ⅰ. Introduction (1)
Ⅱ.Literature Review (2)
arafesA. Black Humor (2)
1. Characteristic of Black Humor (2)
2. Significance of Black Humor in American Literature (3)
B. The Background of Black Humor and Catch-22 (4)
C. Joph Heller and His Catch-22 (4)
III.Analysis of the Black Humor in Catch-22 from Four Aspects (5)
A. Characters (5)
1. Characteristics of Yossarian (5)
2. The Soldier in White (7)
3. Characteristics of Milo (8)
B. Social Circumstance (10)
1. The Impotence of Language (10)
2. The Absolute Power of Bureaucracy (11)
3.Loss of Religious Faith (11)
C. Symbolic Meanings (12)
1. Catch-22 (12)
2. Aerial Photographs (13)
3. Chocolate-Covered Cotton (14)
D. Structural Feature (14)
Ⅴ.Conclusion (15)
Bibliography (17)
stackoverflowAn Analysis of the Catch-22 from the
Perspective of Black Humor
Ⅰ. Introduction
The novel of absurd can be explained as novel of black humor. Since the publication of Catch-22, the literature trend toward black humor became prevalent. The u of black humor in Catch-22 is a perfect example of its very intention.
This paper is going to discuss Joph Heller’s masterpiece Catch-22 from the perspective of black humor. In this paper, the author will try to discuss some reprentative characteristics, social circumstances, symbolic meanings and the structure features. Making readers clearer of the black humor and more familiar with the novel of absurd which us the perspective of black humor to prent the absurd world. After the reader grasps its true meaning, they could not help the bitter simile.
Catch-22has become one of the defying novels of the twentieth century. It prents an utterly unntimental vision of war, stripping all romantic pretens away from combat, replacing visions of glory and honor with a kind of night marsh comedy of violence, bureaucracy, and paradoxical madness. Catch-22 relies heavily on humor to convey the insanity of war, prenting the horrible meaningless of armed conflict through a kind of desperate absurdity rather than through graphic depictions of suffering and violence.
阿尔萨斯牧羊犬After the publication of Catch-22 that Heller as a specialized writer is remembered by the world. This work is called the epic in the 1960s. By describing an apparently crazy world, he expos the corruption of American society, where the social bureaucrats, related to capital power, brought suffering and death to the ordinary people. Joph Heller put abnormal people and things as normal in writing, making so incredible things reasonable so that all the normal things become ridiculous and the absurd world is full of humor.
The novel Catch-22 mainly tells a story about a pilot soldier named Yossarian. This story happens in the Word War Ⅱ. Serving in the army for a long time, he gets