Data structure
bondedCour code:80077009
Cour Name:Data structure
Credits:4 Term:mester V
Audience:undergraduate majored in software engineering
Pre-requisites:C programming
Cour Director:Yuanhao、atretochoana eiltiassociated professor、master
Cour Descriptions:
Data structures is a professional compulsory cour for students of software engineering.The goals of this cour is to develop a solid understanding of the most common data structures and good night什么意思algorithms. Students will:
1.learn data structures such as 罪恶黑名单lists, arrays, stacks, queues, trees, and graphs, the are commonly ud data structures in almost every computer program; study their implementations, and analyze their edalmatianffi牙医的英文ciency (both in time and space)
2.Demonstrate a familiarity with major algorithms like sorting, arching and graph algorithms.
3. Analyze the asymptotic performance of algorithms and the evaluation of algorithms.
find my wayMastering the basic data structures and algorithms will greatly enhance students’ ability to write elegant programs. This cour is really helpful for the further study.
Practical Training
During the mester, students must complete 8 experimentsbachelorette listed in schedule.
Cour Evaluation
Homework+lab:20%; Final exam:80%
[1] Tanhaoqiang.《Data structure》.Beijing:Tsinghua university press.2005.third edition
[1] Xuxiaokai,Weirong.《Data structure》. Beijing: China Machine Press.1996.reviewcond edition
[2]Chenwenbo,Zhuqingnbas.《Data structure 》.Beijing:Tsinghua university press.1996.third edition