Structure, heterogeneity and developability asssment of therapeutic antibodies 期刊名称: mAbsthe same to you
impul作者: Yingda Xu,Dongdong Wang,Bruce Mason,Tony Rossomando,Hongcheng Liu
年份: 2018年
colette期号: 第2期
关键词: Developability;monoclonal antibody;posttranslational modifications
鼓励英语摘要:Increasing attention has been paid to developability asssment with the understanding that thorough evaluation of monoclonal antibody lead candidates at an early stage can avoid delays during late-stage development. The concept of developability is bad on the knowledge gained from the successful development of approximately 80 marketed antibody and Fc-fusion protein drug products and from the lessons learned from many failed development programs over the last three decades. Here, we reviewed antibody quality attributes that are critical to development and traditional and state-of-the-art analytical methods to monitor tho attributes. Bad on our collective
experiences, a practical workflow is propod as a best practice for developability asssment including in silico evaluation, extended characterization and
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