Omega Training
How to
SeisView Toolkit-TauP Workflow
Schlumberger WesternGeco
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索普坦火山喷发•All ismic images are provided courtesy of WesternGeco
•An asterisk is ud throughout this prentation to denote a mark of Schlumberger. Measurable Impact is a mark of Schlumberger. Other company, product, and rvice names are the properties of their respective owners.
Schlumberger WesternGeco
In Omega 2.8 improvements have been made to the Tau-P toolkit in SeisView to add new functionality to the tool. Interactive polygon mute picking in Tau-P space, including targeted mutes, have been added to already existing functionality (Velocity Mutes) to allow for a greater range of options within the toolkit. Once a Tau-P mute is defined it can be easily exported to u in SeisFlow jobs.
Schlumberger WesternGeco Contents •Tau-P Workflow •Transforming Data to Tau-P •Radon Mute and Inver Transform GUI •Tau-P Velocity Mute •Polygon Picking Options •Polygon Picking •Polygon Mirrored Picks •Targeted Polygons
Tau-P Workflow
XT space Seismic
Filtered Seismic Tau-P Workflow includes a few steps and two toolkits
1) Transforming data from XT to Tau-P space using Radon Forward Transform Toolkit
2) Filter Design in Tau-P Space -Velocity Muting, Polygon Muting using Radon Mute
madaraand Inver Transform toolkit
3) Filtering in Tau-P Space
4) Transforming data back to XT space
Schlumberger WesternGeco Tau-P Space
Filter in Tau-P XT space
Filtered Seismic Tau-P Space Tau-P Filter Options
-Velocity Muting
-Right and Left Polygon Picks (Mirrored picks)
-Target Mutes
Transforming data to TauP Transforming data from XT to Tau-P using the Radon Forward Transform
Toolkit. Parameterize the Radon Forward Transform to
transform data into Tau-P Space. See InTouch content # 4327487 for additional details on using the tool.
怎样快速学会韩语Schlumberger WesternGeco Radon Forward Transform toolkit can be launched in the normal toolkit way, either clicking on the toolbar icon or RMB (right mou button) on the Seismic. It is located under the Transforms submenu.