Mr. Colin Wu, Executive Vice Chairman the Board of Directors
Mr. Wu is executive vice chairman of the Board of Directors at US China Business
Association. In his executive role, Mr. Wu is responsible for building and
expanding USCN’s relationships with ke y strategic partners, including financial
institutions, business ctors, governmental and educational entities, and he is a
member of USCN’s strategic planning and development team.
Mr. Wu has extensive knowledge in diplomacy, government procurement, intellectual property, history, language and arts. It has built him into a visionary with business acumen. His hi-level personal contacts with government agencies and fortune 500 companies prove to be valuable asts to any projects and organizations he is committed to rve. Becau of his dedication to global business and technology leadership, he won the prestigious "Ronald Reagan Presidential A ward" in 2004. Mr. Wu was elected to rve in 2005 as honorary co-chairman of the Business Advisory Council of the National Republican Congressional Committee.
Mr. Wu t up online government procurement rvice in 2005 and rved as CEO of the company. Under his leadership, grew to be a multi-billion dollar online procurement platform and a recognized market leader in government procurement information, a concept the company pioneered. Mr. Wu led the company's successful merger v in 2009.
At the same time in 2007, Mr. Wu was invited by Yiwu Municipal Government to help them complete the government policy of “Selling to the World, Buying from the World”. Mr. Wu effectively helped them t up Imported Commodities Market at the Yiwu Small Commodities Market within short deadline via his trusted worldwide procurement network, thus changing the landscape of Yiwu as a d
istribution hub of exclusive Chine commodities and was highly acclaimed by the local government and national media.
cocaIn 2009, upon recommendation by Shenzhen Municipal Government, Mr. Wu teamed up with Shenzhen United Property and Share Rights Exchange to launch an Intellectual Property Exchange—Shenzhen Innovated Technology Property Rights Exchange, an trading platform bad on trading instruments of global technologies and patents, and with Chine manufacturing ctors as its target market. The exchange was formally opened for business in May 2011.
From mid to late 1990s, Mr. Wu rved as chief reprentative and president of Bridge Information Group (B.I.G.), a network communications manufacturer, and a subsidiary of ComputerLand U.S.A. Mr. Wu was a teacher of English at Dr. Sun Yat-n University during 1989-1992. He was a host of an English program at Guangdong Television Station for many years
Prior to 1989, Mr. Wu was a veteran diplomat of Foreign Affairs Ministr y of the People’s Republic of China, where he rved as attaché in many state visits to foreign countries, and as nior translator for Chine and foreign state leaders for many years.
Mr. Wu holds a bachelor degree in English language and literature from Shanghai University of Inter
national Studies, and associate certificate from Beijing Foreign Affairs College. In 1994, Mr. Wu got his master degree in History at Eastern Illinois University. In 1993-1994, he studied for his cond master degree of Arts Management at University of Illinois at Springfield.
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