GRE填空阅读提分精要教导 ,3条备考心得请牢记,下面我就和大家共享,来观赏一下吧。
GRE填空阅读提分精要教导 3条备考心得请牢记
这两部分有一个共同特点,需要对长难句没有恐惊感。克服恐惊感,就需要多读,对于还没坚持读专业文献的同学,可以选择读新概念第四册和自己感爱好英文书籍,当然坚持每天读半个小时或者两三篇《Economist》《The Atlantic 》《NBC NEWS》CJR,NEW YORK TIMES, TIMES等也不错。
1. Though many medieval women possd devotional books that had belonged to their mothers, formal written evidence of women bequeathing books to their daughters is scarce, which suggests that such bequests were _____ and required no _____.
Blank (i) Blank (ii) kilometer怎么读
A devoted D confidentiality
B rancorous E idolatry 莎拉波娃禁赛两年
C fatuous F criticism susx大学
2. Although Shakespeare received little formal education, scholarship has in recent years _____ the view that he was _____ the work of classical authors.
Blank(i) Blank(ii)
成都北大青鸟怎么样 A customary D approval
B unlfish E documentation leapfrog
C spurious F discretion
3. The presidents cretary and his chief aide adored him, and both wrote obssively
_____ personal memoirs about him; unfortunately, however, ____ does not make for true intimacy.
Blank(i) Blank(ii)
A substantiated D obsd by
B supported E oblivious to
C undermined F unfamiliar with
4. Despite claims that his philosophy can be traced to ____ source, the philosophy in fact draws liberally on veral traditions and methodologies and so could justifiably be termed _____.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A masked D a direct
B bolstered E a needless
trouble is a friend歌词
C enhanced F a circumspect
5. The tone of Jane Carlyles letter is guarded, and her feelings are always ____ by the wit and pride that made ____ plea for sympathy impossible for her.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A modify D resurrecting
B inhibit E perpetuating
C supplement F appreciating
6. Nurturing the Royal Ballets artistic growth while prerving its institutional stability has been difficult, becau the claims of the latter em inescapably to ____ development; apparently, attaining artistic success is simpler than ____ it.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A a single D eclectic
B an authoritative E derivative
C a schematic F cogent
7. Biologists ____ isolated oceanic islands like the Galapagos, becau, in such small, laboratory-like ttings, the rich hurly-burly of continental plant and animal communities is reduced to a scientifically _____ complexity.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A an irreparable D impo
B a negative E escape
C a permanent F enter
8. We accepted the theory that as people become more independent of one another, they begin to feel so isolated and lonely that freedom becomes ____ condition that most will ek to ____.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A congruent D erroneous ballantine
B multifaceted E vapid
小心轻放 C univocal F obtu
9. Becau they had various meanings in nineteenth-century biological thought,mechanism and vitalism ought not to be considered ____terms; thus, I find the recent insistence that the terms had single definitions to be entirely ____.
foot locker
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A dert D diver
B reject E intimidating
C prize F tractable
10. The functions of the hands, eyes, and brain are so ______ that using the hands during early childhood helps to promote the childs entire _______ development.