现代大学英语精读第六册U12 Notes on the English Character

更新时间:2023-06-09 20:41:59 阅读: 评论:0

U12 Notes on the English Character
First note. I had better let the cat out of the bag at once an d record my opinion that the character of the English is es ntially middle class. There is sound historical reason for this, for, since the end of the eighteenth century, the middl e class have been the dominant force in our community. They gained wealth by the Industrial Revolution, political power by the Reform Bill of 1832; they are connected with the ri and organization of the British Empire; they are re sponsible for the literature of the nineteenth century. Solidi ty, caution, integrity, efficiency. Lack of imagination, hypoc risy. The qualities characterize the middle class in ev ery country, but in England they are national characteristic
s also, becau only in England have the middle class b een in power for one hundred and fifty year
s. Napoleon, in  his rude way, called us "a nation of shopkeepers." We pre fer to call ourlves "a great commercial nation"-
it sounds more dignified—
but the two phras amount to the same. Of cour there are other class: there is an aristocracy, there are the po or. But it is on the middle class that the eye of the critic r ests—
just as it rests on the poor in Russia and on the aristocrac y in Japan. Russia is symbolized by the peasant or by the factory worker; Japan by the samurai; the national figure o f England is Mr. Bull with his top hat, his comfortable cloth es, his substantial stomach, and his substantial balance at  the bank. Saint George may caper on banners and in the speeches of politicians, but it is John Bull who delivers the  goods. And even Saint George—if Gibbon is correct—wore a top hat once; he was an army contractor and suppl ied indifferent bacon. It all amounts to the same in the end .英语四级满分
Second Note. Just as the heart of England is the middle cl ass, so the heart of the middle class is the public sch ool system. This extraordinary institution is local. It does n ot even exist all over the British Isles. It is unknown in Irela
nd, almost unknown in Scotland (countries excluded from my survey), and though it may inspire other great institutio ns—
Aligarh, for example, and some of the schools in the Unite d States—
it remains unique, becau it was created by the Anglo-Saxon middle class, and can flourish only where they flo urish. How perfectly it express their character—
far better for instance, than does the university, into which social and spiritual complexities have already entered. Wit h its boarding-
hous, its compulsory games, its system of prefects and f agging, its insistence on good form and on esprit de corps, it produces a type who weight is out of all proportion to its numbers.
peugeot 音标更好地诠释了英国中产阶级的特性,因为社会与精神的复杂性已经进入大学。学生寄宿、必修运动项目、高年级同学役使和欺侮低年级同学,以及高度重视身材与团队精神是英国公学制度的四大特点,正是这些特点使公学的影响力远远超过其数量。
On leaving his school, the boy either ts to work at once-goes into the army or into business, or emigrates—
or el proceeds to the university, and after three or four y ears there enters some other profession—
becomes a barrister, doctor, civil rvant, schoolmaster, or  journalist.
(If through some mishap he does not become a manual w orker or an artist.) In all the careers his education, or the  abnce of it, influences him. Its memories influence him also. Many men look back on their school days as the hap piest of their lives. They remember with regret that golden time when life, though hard, was not yet complex, when th ey all worked together and played together and thought to gether, so far as they thought at all; when they were taugh t that school is the world in miniature and believed that no

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