Lesson 1 1. possible 2. to do the same as someone el has done 3. come together 4. something which is of greatest general interest at a particular time雅思考试时间和费用 5. striking continuously 6. burning 7. a room that is like a vast somber cavern 8. no longer new Lesson 2 1. a feeling of pressure in one’s throat, caud by represd emotion 2. thoughts 3. meet and mix with 4. moved up and down 5. form or words ud regularly as a rite 6. driving mirror inside a motor-vehicle for eing out of the rear window 7. anything that fills the time between two events 8. using the traditional white make-up 9. groups of people sharing the same thoughts 10. damage relating to genes Lesson 3 1. the amount of fish caught 2. a hooded fur jacket worn as an outer garment by Eskimos 3. in the direction from which the wind is blowing 4. an outline for planned ries of events 5. equal in size or area 6. the disposal of rubbish by burying it under a shallow layer of ground 7. the total amount of living organism in a particular area 8. scene 9. leaking (of oil) 10. building material by mixing cement with sand, gravel and water 11. beyond which it is impossible to develop 12. states which do not follow the established international practices Lesson 4 1. enlarged 2. brought face to face 3. untidy | 4. giving out steam 5. good ability of speaking 6. rounded 7. low-cut shoes without ties 8. defeat 9. covered with moss 10. attracting attention by being unpleasantly colorful and bright 11. cau to be in a line 12. a tool ud to make butter Lesson 5 1. attack suddenly without warning 2. surrounded 3. relying on 4. a unifying subject or idea 5. painful sight; becoming clear 6. recently returned 7. hostile looks 8. only 9. loathsome 肯尼迪就职演讲10. stage 11. warmth of home 12. part Lesson 6 1. to take out and give it exercis 2. directly and sharply 3. arrangement of furniture 4. high-pitched voice 5. an accident in which a driver hits someone and then flees from the scene 6. real 7. the pride coming from parents 8. leave in a hurry; punish 9. directly 10. tell you in detail 11. expensive car 12. hidden away 13. guess 14. drivers 15. correspond 16. need 17. notice 18. wanted by the police 19. working quickly 20. very rich |
Lesson 9 1. author 2. a suppod particular summer 3. continuing for a long time 4. reducingan kingston 5. excited state 6. sudden discovery of gold 7. produce a special impression on the hearer 8. energy 9. plans 10. as one characteristically is 11. item 12. quantity of tiny balls of lead ud in a sporting gun against birds or small animals 13. what is referred to does not really derve the name 14. greatly 15. attacks Lesson 10 1. prent 2. splitcondteacher 3. put forward 4. directly 5. stalls; long thin sausage in a bun 6. got started 7. causing 8. became more enthusiastic 9. loudness 10. witness stand Lesson 11 1. quality 2. sudden onrush of something 3. quotations 4. existence 5. authority 6. recognized by all 7. customary practice 8. statements 9. immigration 10. uncontrolled 11. not joking 12. certain 13. high position 14. high position 15. listeners 16. cites as an example 17. ordinary people | 18. offer great difficulties to 19. point 20. mark off Lesson 12 1. clod the narrow openings of 2. shed with a one-slop roof, the upper end of the rafter resting against an external support such as a tree or the wall of a building 3. a person who parents are of different ethnic types 4. not regular; subdivision of a railway station 5. aid in form of goods or money given as by a government agency 6. division of school cour 7. regular work of a doctor 8. bring up 9. a piece of land with a sharp point that stretches out into the a 10. given permanent wave to Lesson 13 1. forced out 2. determined to; the whole thing or the biggest portion 3. with regard to, concerning 4. to a large amount 5. take advantage of 6. companies 7. inten, merciless 8. borne, endured 9. come through successfully; the prevailing condition of a particular perion 10. very near 11. suffering caud by lack of necessary things esp. money 12. a favourable addition 13. making a determined effort to 14. admit defeat or failure 15. start and develop Lesson 14 1. the sound of boatswains whistle 2. steel braces supporting 3. a parade in formal dress 4. nest to 5. an appointment for a t time esp. ont for a social engagement with a person of the opposite x 6. fight on 7. furnished |
8. 桂圆的英文will try to get 9. weak and feeble 10. support 11. defeat 12. with little or no n 13. make … look smaller 14. lay down authoritatively 15. pushed away with the front 16. take a picture with a camera 17. take out cretly 18. attitude 19. without any handicap 20. force of aircraft protecting a land; broad a 21. collected 22. in vibratory organlike tones 23. cret information 24. to the accompaniment of 25. hard presd六级 时间 26. opening out 27. attacked without warning 28. group 29. protection 30. duty 31. complete 32. supporting Lesson 15 1. editorials 2. beginning 3. obstinate in one’s opinion 4. bring it out 5. level of existence 6. firm 7. delightfully 8. defeat … in competition 9. pauda small enclod place in a church where a priest hears confessions 10. stained to look motted or streaked like marble 11. holes 12. expressing 13. looking dangerous, threatening 14. perform freely professional是什么意思15. t free from the post 16. strange person 17. freedom 18. amu | 19. the fish caught 20. sound of a rope hitting sth. Lesson 16 1. revita liftyes; no; give up voting 2. move in confud way aimlessly 3. euphemism for alcoholic drinks 4. tell which is which 5. make a wrong u of 6. formal list of names 7. give formal support to a motion 8. put forward for discussion of decision at a meeting 9. endured, tolerated; the chief stress 10. bring about 11. eager 12. weakening riously 13. gave birth to 14. except 15. fellow 16. easily 17. hateful, outrage 18. fail 19. sudden attack of illness bigtube20. clergyman 21. reasons 22. well-said 23. fine manner or proper way of doing things 24. order 25. named or mentioned before 26. unnoticed 27. good, fine 28. organization of literature 29. the freedom claimed by an artist to disobey the rules of his art ot th change the fact in order to improve a work of art 30. sad 31. best part of anything 32. difference or advantage favoring one of two oppod things |
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