最大静摩擦力What I want to try to prove to you and make clear to you is that the principles of scientific management when properly applied,and when a sufficient amount of time has been given to make them really effective,must in all cas produce far large and better results ,both for the employer and the employees ,than can possibly be obtained under even this very rare type of management which I have been outlining, namely, the management of ‘initiative and incentive’, in which tho on the management’s side deliberately give a very large incentive to their workmen,and in return the workmen respond by working to the very best of their ability at all times in the interest of their employers.
刘艺彬I want to show you that scientific management is even far better than this rare type of management.
I ordinarily begin with a description of the pig-iron handler. For some reason, I don’t know exactly why , this illustration has been talked about a great deal, so much , in fact, that some people em to think that the whole of scientific management consists in handling pig-iron. The only reason that I ever gave this illustration, however, was that pig-iron handlin
g is the simplest kind of human effort; I know of nothing that is quite so simple as handling pig-iron. A man simply stoops down and with his hands picks up a piece of iron, and then walks a short distance and drops it on the ground .Now ,it doesn’t look as if there was very much room for the development of a science; it doesn’t em as if there was much room here for the scientific lection of the man nor for his progressive training , nor for cooperation between the two sides; but, I can say, without the slightest hesitation , that the science of handing pig-iron is so great that the man who is fit to handle pig-iron as his daily work cannot possibly understand the science ;the man who is physically able to handle pig-iron and is sufficiently phlegmatic and stupid to choo this for his occupation is rarely able to comprehend the science of handling pig-iron; and this in ability of the man who is fit to do the work to understand the science of doing his work becomes more and more evigent as the work becomes more complicated ,all the way up the scale .I asrt , without the slightest hesitation ,that the high-class mechanic has a far samller chance of ever thoroughly understanding the science of his work than the pig-iron handler has of understanding the science of his work,and I am going to try and prove to
your satisfaction,gentlemen, that the man who is fit to work at any particular trade is unable to understand the science of that trade without the kindly help and cooperation of men of a totally different type of education ,men who education is not necessarily higher but a different type from his own .
that a good many pig-iron can never learn to shovel right; the ordinary pig-iron handler is not the type of man well suited to shoveling .He is to stupid; there is too much mental strain, too much knack required of a shoveled for the pig-iron handler to take kindly to shoveling .
You gentlemen may laugh, but that is true, all right; it sounds ridiculous, I know, but it is fact. Now if the problem were put up to any of you man to develop science of shoveling as it was put up to us , that is ,to a group of men who had deliberately t out to develop the science of all kinds of all laboring work ,where do you think you would begin? When you started to study the science of shoveling I make the asrtion that you would be within two days –just as we were in two days –well on the way toward development of the
science of shoveling. At least you would outlined in your minds tho elements which required careful, scientific study in order to understand science of shoveling . I do not want to go into all of the details of shoveling , but I will give you some of the elements ,one or two of the most important elements of the science of shoveling ;that is ,the elements that reach further and have more rious conquences than any other. Probably the most important element in the science of shoveling is this: There must be some shovel load at which a first-class shoveler will do his biggest day’s work .What is that load? To illustrate: when we went to the Bethlehem Steel Works and obrved the shoveler in the yard of that company , we found that each of the good shovelers in that yard owned his own shovel ;they preferred to buy there own shovels rather than to have the company furnish them . There was a larger tonnage of ore shoveled in that woks than of any other material and rice coal came next in tonnage .We would e a first-class shoveler go from shoveling rice coal with a load of 3.5 ponds to the shovel to handling ore from the Massaba Range, with 38 pounds to the shove Now ,is 3.5 pounds the proper shovel load or is the 38 pounds the proper load ?They cannot both be right .Under scienti
bank of china>o2是什么意思fic management the answer to this question is not a matter of anyone’s opinion ; it is a question for accurate, careful , scientific investigation .
Under the old system you would call in a first-rate shoveler and say, ‘See here, Pat, how much ought you to take on at one shovel load? ‘And if a couple of fellows agreed ,you would say that is about the right load and let it go at that .But under scientific management absolutely every elements in the work of every man in your establishment , sooner or later , becomes the subject of exact, preci , scientific investigation and knowledge to replace the old , ‘I believe so’, and ‘I guess so ’. Every motion ,every small fact becomes the subject of careful , scientific investigation.
What we did was to call in a number of men to pick from ,and from the we lected two first-class shovelers .Gentlemen , the words I ud were ‘first-class shovelers’ .I want to emphasize that. Not poor shovelers . Not men unsuited to this work, but first-class shovelers .The men were then talked to in about this way, e here, pat and mike, you fellows understand your job all right; both of you fellows are first-class men; you know wh
at we think of you; you are all right now; but we want to pay you fellows double wages. We are going to ask you to do a lot of damn fool things, and when you are doing them there is going to be someone oyt alongside of you all the time, a young chap with a piece of paper and a stop watch and pencil, and all day long he will tell you to do the fool things ,and he will be writing down what you are dong and snapping the watch on you and all that sort of business. Now we just want to know whether you fellows want to go into that bargain or not? If you want double wages while that is going on all right, we will pay you double; if you don’t, all right, you needn’t take the job unless you want to; we just called you in to e whether you want to work this way or not.
Let me tell you fellows just one thing: if you go into this bargain, if you go at it, just remember that on your side we want no monkey business of any kind; you fellows will have to play square; you fellows will have to do just what you are suppod to be doing; mot a damn bit of soldiering on your part; you must do a fair day’s work; we don’t want any rushing, only a fair day’s work and you know what that is as well as we do , now, don’t take this job unless you agree to the conditions, becau if you start to try to fool t
如何用电脑发传真his same young chap with the pencil and paper he will be onto you in fifteen minutes from the time you try to fool him, and just as surely as he reports you fellows as soldiering you will go out of this works and you will never get in again. Now, don’t take this job unless you want to ; but if you do ,play fair.画廊英文
amelia earhart
Well ,the fellows agreed to it, and as I have found almost universally to be the ca, they kept their word absolutely and faithfully. My experience with workmen has been that their worddi just as good as the word of any other t of men that I know of, and all you have to do is to have a clear, straight, square understanding with them and you will get just as straight and fair a deal from them as from any other t of men. In this way the shoveling experiment was started. my remembrance is that we first started them on work that was very heavy, work requiring a very heavy shovel load. What we did was to give them a certain kind of heavy material ore, I think, to handle with a certain size of shovel. we nt the two men into different parts of men being engaged on the same class of work . we made all the conditions the same for both pairs of men, so as to be sure that there was no error in judgement on the part of either of the obrvers and that they were
www tingclass comnormal, first-class men.