危险物品(Hazardous Materials)
Chemicals are found everywhere. They purify drinking water, increa crop production, and simplify houhold chores. But chemicals also can be hazardous to humans or the environment if ud or relead improperly. Hazards can occur during production,storage, transportation, u, or disposal. You and your community are at risk ifa chemical is ud unsafely or relead in harmful amounts into the environment where you live,
work, or play.
Hazardous materials in various forms can cau death, riousinjury, long-lasting healtheffects, and damage to buildings, homes, and otherproperty. Many products containinghazardous chemicals are ud and stored in homes routinely. The products are also
shipped daily on the nation's highways, railroads,waterways, and pipelines.
stephen thompson
Chemical manufacturers are one source of hazardous materials, but there are many others,including rvice stations, hospitals, and hazardous materials waste sites.
Varying quantities of hazardous materials are manufactured, ud, or stored at an estima
ted 4.5 million facilities in the United States--from major industrial plants to local dry cleaning establishments or gardening supply stores.
Hazardous materials come in the form of explosives, flammable and combustible
新概念英语青少版substances,poisons, and radioactive materials. The substances are most often relead asa result of transportation accidents or becau of chemical accidents in plants.
What to do During a Hazardous Materials Incident?
Listen to local radio or television stations for detailed informationand instructions. Follow the instructions carefully. You should stay away from thearea to minimize the risk of contamination. Remember that some toxic chemicals areodorless.
If you are:(假如你)
Asked to evacuate(被要求撤离)
--Do so immediately.(请立即这样做。)
--Stay tuned to a radio or television for information on evacuation routes, temporary shelters,and procedures.
--Followthe routes recommended by the authorities--shortcuts may not be safe. Leave at
stationed--Ifyou have time, minimize contamination in the hou by closing all windows, shutting
all vents, and turning off attic fans.
--Takepre-asmbled disaster supplies.
--Rememberto help your neighbors who may require special assistance--infants, elderly peopleand people with disabilities.
What to do During a Hazardous Materials Incident?
If you are:(假如你正在)
●Caught Outside(户外)
--Stay up stream, uphill, and upwind! In general, try to go at least one-half mile
(usually 8-10 city blocks) fromthe danger area. Move away from the accident scene and help keep others away.
--Do not walk into or touch any spilled liquids, airborne mists, or condend solid
chemical deposits. Try not to inhale gas, fumes and smoke. If possible, cover mouth witha cloth while leaving the area.
--Stay away from accident victims until the hazardous material has been identified.
●In a motor vehicle(在汽车内)
--Stopand ek shelter in a permanent building. If you must remain in your car, keep carwindows and vents clod and shut off the air conditioner and heater.(停车并在固定性的建筑物内寻找避难场所。假如你必须留在你的车内,保持车窗及通风口关闭,并关闭空调及暖气。)
What to do During a Hazardous Materials Incident?(危险物品意外发生时,该如何处置?)
soz●Requested to stay indoors.(被要求留在室内时)
-Bring pets inside.(带着宠物进入屋内。)
--Clo and lock all exterior doors and windows. Clo vents, fireplace dampers, and asmany interior doors as possible.
--Turnoff air conditioners and ventilation systems. In large buildings, t
ventilation systems to 100 percent recirculation so that no outside air is drawn into the building.If this is not possible, ventilation systems should be turned off.