1. Received your MAYDAY. I will proceed ________ your assistance.
A. upon
B. at
C. for
D. to
解析:MAYDAY:distress message遇险信息
procced:to go前往
2. _______ fitted in an oil tanker shall comply with the relevant requirements of the “Oil Pollution Prevention Regulations”.
A. The ballast tanks
B. The fore peak tank
C. A crude oil washing system
D. The aft peak tank
答案:C 原油洗舱系统
解析:oil tanker 油轮
comply with 遵守
requirement 要求
Oil Pollution Prevention Regulations《防油污规则》
Crude oil washing system原油洗舱系统简写为COW。
3. A vesl with a disabled rudder could be classified as _______.
A. a hampered vesl
B. a vesl restricted in her ability to maneuver
C. a vesl not under command
D. a vesl constrained by her draught
解析:disabled 失控的
rudder 舵页
a hampered vesl = a vesl restricted in her ability to maneuver 操限船
a vesl not under command 失控船
a vesl constrained by her draught 限于吃水船
4. The Second Officer shall be responsible to the______for the maintaining of the navigation bridge and its surrounding areas in a neat and orderly manner.
A. Manager
B. Master
C. Chief Officer
D. Third Officer
解析:responsible to somebody for(doing)sth,对某人负责,分管某项事物
navigation bridge 驾驶台
5. Each fire-fighting drill on board shall include the following EXCEPT _______.
A. call the crew up to the fire station
B. report to the fire station
C. wear anti-exposure suit
D. operate fire doors and dampers
答案:C 穿抗暴露服。
解析:fire-fighting drill 消防演习
6. _______ is mainly ud for ship’s curity.
答案:A SSAS船舶保安报警系统
解析:SSAS Ship Security Alert System 船舶保安报警系统
ARPA:Automatic Radar Plotting Aids 自动雷达标绘仪
VHF:Very High Frequency 甚高频
ECDIS:Electronic Chart Display and Information System 电子海图显示与信息系统
7. As soon as the ship is berthed, you should lower the gangway, stretch a net _______it, and adjust it to the ri and fall of the tides so that personnel may embark or dimbark in safety.
A. over
B. besides
C. near
D. underneath
解析:berth 泊位,这里做动词,靠泊
gangway 舷梯
ri and fall of the tides涨潮和退潮
8. You are keeping the required garbage disposal records. The amount of garbage dispod of must be stated in _______.
A. cubic meters
B. both cubic meters and cubic feet
C. both kilos and pounds
D. barrels of55 gallon capacity
解析:garbage 垃圾
amount 数量
cubic meters 立方米
9. All charts and publications should be kept up to date with the _______ amendments.
A. latest
B. updated
C. last
D. up-to-dated
解析:chart 海图
publications=nautical publications 航海图书资料
up to date 更新
latest 最新的
whatever will be will beamendments 改正信息
10. A vesl constrained by her draught shall, when she overtakes a sailing vesl in a fairway, the sailing vesl is _______.
A. privileged vesl and keep her cour and speed
B. burdened vesl and give way to others
C. burdened vesl and keep cour and speed
D. privileged vesl and give way to others
答案:A 直航船,保向保速
解析:A vesl constrained by her draught限于吃水船noisy
overtake 追越
sailing vesl 帆船
privileged vesl=stand-on vesl直航船
burdened vesl=give-way vesl 让路船
keep cour and speed=hold cour and speed保向保速
11 You are the stand-on vesl in a crossing situation. You may hold your cour and speed unti1______
A. the other vesl takes necessary action
B. the other vesl gets to within half a mile of your vesl
实践报告格式C. action by the give-way vesl alone will not prevent collision
D. the other vesl gets to within a quarter mile of your vesl
答案:C 单凭让路船采取行动无法避免碰撞。
解析:crossing situation交叉相遇局面
hold cour and speed保向保速
prevent collision 避免碰撞
12 The International Association of Lighthou Authorities (IALA) buoyage system ‘A’ us some types of marks to distinguish safe navigation. Which type(s) does(do)not belong to the system?
A. lateral marks and cardinal marks 侧面标和方位标
B. safe water marks安全水域标
C. isolated danger marks and special marks 孤立危险物标和专用标
D. dangerous water marks
解析:lateral marks and cardinal marks 侧面标和方位标
safe water marks安全水域标
isolated danger marks and special marks 孤立危险物标和专用标
13. While navigating along shore under coverage of a VTS, you broadcasted by VHF that your vesl not under command, soon, the VTS heard and asked you, “what is your problem?” you can answer as following except ______.
A. I have problems with main engine
B. I have problems with anchors
isp是什么C. I have problems with propeller
D. I have problems with steering gear
答案:B 我船锚有问题。
翻译:在VTS水域内近岸航行,你通过VHF播报你船失控。不久,VTS听到并问你,“你船什么问题?” 你可以回答哪一项除外的答案?
解析:I have problem with …,我船……有问题。
main engine 主机
anchors 锚
propeller 螺旋桨
steering gear 舵机
14. While mariners choosing an appropriate chart, larger scale chart is preferable to the smaller one becau ______.
A. it is more detailed
B. it is updated later
C. it is less detailed
D. It is more detailed and updated earlier
答案:D 大比例尺海图更详细,更早更新。
解析:scale 大比例尺
detailed 详细的
update 更新
15. Stand by______ materials and report.
A. aborted
B. abnormal
C. abnt
D. absorbent
解析:stand by … and report 检查……并报告
absorbent materials吸附性的材料,吸油材料
16. Among the following. _______ is required to be carried on a lifeboat but not on a liferaft?
直到成为我的那一天A. waterproof electric torch
B. hatchet
C. radar reflector
D. rocket parachute flares
答案:B 小斧头
解析:lifeboat 救生艇