蜘蛛侠Spider-Man (2002)中英剧本
我是谁? 你真的想知道?Who am I? You sure you want to know?
胆小鬼千万别听我的故事The story of my life is not for the faint of heart.
如果有人说这是个喜剧...If somebody said it was a happy
而我也只是个平凡且无忧无虑的普通人......if somebody told you I was just an average guy,not a care in
那你就被骗了...somebody lied.
但我向你保证这就跟其它的精彩故事一样...But let me assure you,this,like any story
全是为了一个女孩...is all about a girl.
就是她邻家的女孩玛莉珍华森That girl.The girl next door.Mary Jane Watson.
我从小就爱她The woman I've loved since before I liked girls.
我很想说坐在她身边的那个人就是我I'd like to tell you that's me next to her.
唉能当他也不错Aw,heck,I'd even take him.
喂! 停车!Hey!Stop the bus!
那是我That's me.
拜托你叫他停车!Tell him to stop! Plea!
喂停车!Hey! Stop the bus!
快停车! 他一路在追我们Stop! He's been chasing us since Woodhaven.
去叫计程车啦! 派克!Catch a cab,Parker!
谢了抱歉我迟到了Thank you.I'm sorry I'm late.
他真笨啊!What a geek!
你想都别想你真差劲派克Don't even think about it. You're so lame,Parker.
你会跟他约会吗?Would you date him?
市公立高三生Midtown High niors.
别乱跑直走到... 别闹了No wandering.Proceed direct--Knock it off.
记住这是个难得的机会Remember,it is a privilege to be here.
我们是哥伦比亚大学科学院的客人We're guests of Columbia University's Science Department. 大家乖乖守规矩So behave accordingly.
别像上次在天文馆一样给我桶篓子Let's not have a repeat of our trip to the planetarium.
同学们别走散了Come on,stay together.
大家一起走进去Proceed up the steps and into the building.
你去哪了? 去看图书馆Where were you? Checking out the library.
去看书啊是啊真的啊Looking at the books. Yeah,right.
我们可以绕到角落去吗? 为什么?Can we drive around the corner? Why?
入口就在这里The entrance is right there.
爸爸公立高中生不太好坐劳斯莱斯到啦Dad,this is public school.I can't show up in a Rolls.
就因为你被私立中学退学...I should trade my car for
送礼给领导我就该换辆福士金龟车吗?...becau you flunked out of private school?
那不合我这当然合你It wasn't for me. Of cour it was.
千万别以自己为耻我才没有Don't ever be ashamed of who you are. I'm not ashamed of who I am.
只是什么哈利?Just what,Harry?
算了Forget it.
嗨哈利嗨你好吗?Hi,Harry. Hey,man.What's up?
你不带背包吗? 谢了Won't you be needing this? Thanks.
这是我爸爸奥诺曼我常听到你的大名This is my father,Norman Osborn. I've heard so much about you.
很荣幸认识您哈利说你对科学颇有研究It's an honor,sir. Harry says you're a science whiz.
我也算是科学家I'm something of a scientist mylf.
我拜读过您那有关纳米的科研报告真的很棒I read your rearch on nanotechnology.Brilliant. 你看得懂吗? 是的我还写了份报告You understood it? Yes,I wrote a paper on it.
真令人钦佩你爸妈一定以你这天才为傲Impressive.Your parents must be very proud.
我和叔叔婶婶住你们两个我们走吧!I live with my aunt and uncle. Hey,you two! Let's move!
生活妆步骤幸会了希望能再见面Nice to meet you. Hope to e you again.
你爸爸人很好只因你是个天才He doesn't em so bad. Not if you're a genius.
我看他很想领养你I think he wants to adopt you.
世上有三万两千多种蜘蛛There are over , known species of spider in the world.
蜘蛛目之下分为三大类They're in the order Araneae,divided into three suborders.
好棒啊!That's amazing!
这是西岸最先进的电子显微镜This is the most advanced electron microscope on the East Coast. 真不敢相信It's unreal.
所有这些蜘蛛拥有不同的能力...Arachnids from all three
帮助它们觅食...varying strengths to help them arch for food.
例如这一种澳洲产的蜘蛛...For example,the Delena spider,
它有跳跃的能力去捕食猎物...has the ability to jump to catch its prey.
我能帮校刊拍一张吗?For the school paper?
只是古库基亚属的...Next,we have the net web spider,
非里特帝科的结网蜘蛛...genus Kukulcania.cancer是什么意思
它能织出几乎跟...Spins a funnel shaped web who strands have a
建筑用钢索一样强韧的漏斗状蜘蛛网...proportionately equal to the high tension wires ud in bridges.
离他远一点不然会怎样?Leave him alone. Or what?
不然的话他老爸就会开除你老爸Or his father will fire your father.
你老爸能怎样对付我? 控告我吗?What's Daddy gonna do? Sue me?
怎么回事?What is going on?
谁再多说话我就给他不合格The next person who talks will fail this cour.
这种蜘蛛利用... 我们走吧 Let's go.
反射动作猎食它的反射神经反应非常快......hunts using reflexes with nerve conduction velocity
很多研究员认为它们有预知能力...that some rearchers believe it borders on precognition.
能提早知道危险怪人An early awareness of danger. Jerks.
蜘蛛第六感A spider n.
你看那只蜘蛛Hey,look at that spider.
三年级下册英语pep有些蜘蛛会随着环境变色Some spiders change colors to blend into their environment.
这是一种防御机制It's a defen mechanism.
拜托谁想知道这些?Peter,what makes you think I'd want to know that?
谁不想呢?Who wouldn't?
这五年来哥大基因研究中...Over five painstaking years,Columbia's
你要去找她聊天? 不要啦你去吧You gonna talk to her now? Oh,no.Come on.You talk to her. 有了这些DNA的基因蓝图将以往不可能的都变成真With the DNA blueprints,we have begun what was once thought impossible.
好恶心是啊真恶心Disgusting. Yeah,hateful little things.
我喜欢!I love them!
对啊我也是Yeah,me too.
你知道蜘蛛能改变颜色...You know,spiders can change
以融入自然环境真的吗?...to blend into their environment. Really?
那是一种防御机制真酷Yeah,it's a defen mechanism. Cool.
利用合成的核糖核酸去制造全新基因组...transfer RNA to encode an entirely
再跟三种蜘蛛的基因结合在一起......combining the genetic information from
做出这只超级蜘蛛...into the genetically designed super spiders.
只有只There's .
你说什么?I beg your pardon?
有一只不见了? 对One's missing. Yeah.
我猜有研究人员拿走了它做实验I guess the rearchers are working on that one.
你知道这是西岸最大的电子显微镜吗?Do you know that this is the largest electron microscope on the East Coast?
她在介绍时你一直唠叨个不停You were talking throughout that woman's entire prentation. 让我们谈谈该如何留心倾听...Let's talk about listening.
我不知道在私立学校是怎么样的...I don't know what it's like at tho fancy
但在市公立高中......but at
能拍张照片吗? 我要拍一张有学生的Could I take your picture? I need one with a student in it.当然可以太好了Sure. Great.
你要我站哪儿? 这儿吗?Where do you want me? Over here?
好啊!Yeah,that's great.
aye别把我拍得太难看Don't make me look ugly.
怎么可能That's impossible.
很好吗? 太棒了Is that good? Great.
太棒了That's great.
玛莉我们走吧M.J.,let's go!
等一下... 谢谢!Wait.Thanks!
派克走吧Parker,let's do it.
我们解决了平行滑翔和重力平衡的问题We've solved the horizon glide and the balance issues. 我看过滑翔翼了I've already en the glider.
我不是为了这件事而来That's not what I'm here for.
索将军很高兴再见到你General Slocum,good to e you again.
诺曼奥斯本先生Norman. Mr.Osborn.
很高兴董事会能大驾光临Always a pleasure to have our board of directors visit.
我想看看体能增强计划的报告I want the report on human performance enhancers.
我们让白老鼠接受汽化吸入测试它们的体能增强了八倍We tried vapor inhalation with rats.Their strength incread by %.
太棒了有副作用吗?Excellent. Any side effects?
其它的测试都很成功All the tests since have been successful.
在那个出错的试验中有什么副作用?In the trial that went wrong,what were the side effects? 暴力倾向具有侵略性...
还有疯狂状态...and insanity.
你有什么建议? 那只是一次测试What do you recommend? That was only one test.
除了史博士以外大家都担保...Except for Dr.Stromm,our staff certifies
可以进行人体实验史博士?...ready for human testing. Dr.Stromm?
我们必须把整个研究退回到方程式阶段We need to take the whole line back to formula.
退回到方程式阶段重新开始? 奥斯本博士Back to formula? Dr.Osborn.
我老实跟你说...I'll be frank with you.
我从未支持过你的计划那是前任负责人批准的I never supported your program.We have my predecessor to thank for that.
索将军将支持探索航太公司...The general has approved
制造人型盔甲的原型...to build a prototype of their exoskeleton.
两星期后进行测试如果你所谓的体能增强计划...They test in two weeks. And if your
到那时候人体实验还不成功......have not had a successful human trial by
我就撤销你的研究经费转给别人做......I'm gonna pull your funding.I'm going to give it to them.
上帝说来点光吧马上就有光亮And the Lord said,"Let there be light."And voila! There is light. 瓦特柔和的灯光Forty soft,glowing watts of it.
好孩子上帝是会很高兴不过小心别摔倒了Good boy.God will be thrilled.Just don't fall on your ass.
我已经倒下了梅I'm already on my ass,May.
我这个当了年的资深技师都被裁员了...When the plant's nior electrician is laid off
这还能算什么? 我可是摔到谷底了...what would you call it? I am on my ass.出国留学美国费用
把绿色的盘子递给我Hand me that dish.The green one.
企业目前都在裁员...The corporation is downsizing
以求增加盈利...and upsizing their profits.
班你会找到工作的Oh,Ben,you'll get another job somewhere.
hermes怎么读恩看看报纸上有什么Well,let's look in the paper and e.
有征人广告看看有什么工作?There are the want ads.What do we got here?
电脑销售员电脑工程师电脑分析师Computer salesman,computer engineer,computer analyst.
天啊现在连分析师都要懂电脑My Lord,even the computers need analysts the days.
我都岁老了才学电脑太难... 而且还要维持家计I'm .I'm too old for computers,and besides,I have a family to provide for.
我爱你彼得也爱你I love you.And Peter loves you.
你是我见过最尽责的男人You're the most responsible man I've ever known.
我们也苦过呀还不是撑过来...We've been down and out before.But somehow,we survive.
孩子你正好赶上... 赶上晚餐Hi,sweetie.You're just Just in time for dinner.
你还好吧? 课外活动如何?How you doing? How was the field trip?
我不舒服我先去睡了I don't feel well.I'm gonna go to sleep.
你不吃一点吗? 我吃过了You won't have a bite? Had a bite.
彼得你有拍照吗?Did you get some pictures,Peter?
我要睡了我很好I gotta crash.Everything's fine.
他到底是怎么了?What's that all about?
我们在实验室In this
利用合成的核糖核酸去制造全新基因组......we u synthesized transfer RNA to encode an entirely
再跟三种蜘蛛的基因结合在一起......combining the genetic information from
做出这只超级蜘蛛...into the genetically designed super spiders.
奥博士求求你体能增强计划还没完成Dr.Osborn,plea.The performance enhancers aren't ready.
这次实验结果并不成功The data just doesn't justify this test.
我最后一次请求你我们不能这么做Now,I'm asking you for the last time.We can't do this.
别这么胆小Don't be a coward.
实验本来就有风险Risks are part of laboratory science.
让我再另外安排一个医疗人员和自愿者Let me reschedule,with a medical staff and a volunteer. 只要给我两星期两星期?Just give me two weeks. Two weeks?
两星期内我们拿不到合约奥氏企业就完了In two weeks? We'll have lost the contract to Quest and OSCORP will be dead.
有时候你只能靠自己Sometimes you gotta do things yourlf.
给我催化剂做什么?Get me the Promachloraperazine. For what?
它能让增强剂更快进入血液It begins catalyzation when the vapor hits the bloodstream.
人类演化了四万年..., years
无穷的潜力都还没完全发挥...and we've barely tapped the vastness of human potential.
喔真冷Oh,that's cold.
我的天Oh,my God.
天啊!Oh,my God!
天啊! 诺曼?Oh,my God! Norman!
回到方程式重新开始?Back to formula?
彼得? 嗯?Peter? Yeah?