Imitation in Education
—Educational Rearch on the Imitation Behavior of
Human Being
“mimesis” is a basic behavior and natural tendency of human beings. But in daily language, there are a variety of ambiguities, questions and rejection in this concept, which limit imitation to mechanically duplication and emulation. And there are a lack of exact cognizance and understanding on the meaning and value of mimesis in educational language situation.
As a matter of fact, culture learning, human being’s education and society’s conduction are extensive imitation. Imitation is a positive and creative learning process. Therefore, imitation has an esntial effect on personal growth, language using and internalized affection and attitude. The process of imitation plays an important role in education.
This thesis begins with summing up and recognition on the prejudice of mimesis. The original and neglected meanings of mimesis are traced, and the concept of mimesis is propod through etymologically rearching on mimesis. Moreover, the rearch is pu t into educational language situation, which takes stock of “what is imitation”, “who imitates”, “who to imitate” and “how to imitate (the process of imitate)”.
This thesis is compod of five parts.
The first part: Foreword. Mainly introduce the rearching history of imitation theory from domestic to abroad and the related rearching achievements, evaluate the rearch papers, and state the significance and methods of this rearch.
The cond part: What is imitation? The concept and question of “imitation” has been mainly summed up in this chapter. The significance, classifications and characteristics of imitation has been showed through the etymologically rearching on imitation. And the concept of the imitation has been defined in the rearch horizen of this thesis.
The third part: Who imitate? The imitator is the educatee in the educational
language situation. This chapter has discusd that the process of the imitators is a learning process through the introduction of the mechanism of imitation. And the existence and significance of human being in the process of imitation has also been illuminated in this chapter.
The forth part: The relationship among imitator, model and prototype of imitation, and the roles that cours plays as the imitation vector in the scene of school has been analyzed in this part.
The fifth part: Survey and reflection: education, imitation, human being. The relationship between imitation and human being has been summed up, and the contradiction and duality of imitation has also been discusd through the analysis and reflection about the negative imitation-the problem of violence among adolescents.
Key Words: education, imitation, educational rearch
中文摘要 ........................................................ I ABSTRACT ....................................................... II 第一章引言.. (1)
一、选题缘由 (1)
(一)回到教育原点审视教育 (1)
(二)对“模仿”的再认识 (1)
(三)对“模仿与教育”关系的反思 (1)
二、概念界定 (2)
(一)教育的界定 (2)
(二)模仿 (2)
(三)教育人类学视角 (3)
三、文献综述 (3)
(一)国外相关研究 (3)
(二)国内相关研究 (4)
闰年几年一次(三)总结 (5)
四、研究内容 (6)
train是什么意思五、研究思路与方法 (6)
(一)研究思路 (6)
(二)研究方法 (7)埃菲尔铁塔的英文
六、研究目的与意义 (7)
(一)研究目的 (7)
(二)研究意义 (8)
怎么解决毛孔粗大第二章模仿是什么 (9)
一、模仿的概念 (9)
(一)模仿的各种成见 (9)
(二)模仿的词源学考察 (9)
(三)何谓模仿 (11)
二、模仿的分类 (12)
(一)根据参与者的意识程度 (12)
(二)根据所模仿对象是否一致 (13)
(三)根据教育者和受教育者所重视程度的不同 (13)
(四)根据模仿的复杂性程度 (14)
三、模仿的特征 (14)
(一)直接性 (14)
(二)延迟性 (15)
(三)选择性 (15)
(四)内化性 (15)
(五)开放性 (15)
第三章谁模仿 (16)
一、模仿的发生 (16)
(一)遗传基础 (16)
(二)模因理论 (17)
(三)历史的理解 (17)意义英文
二、学习过程即模仿过程 (18)你叫什么名字英文
(一)“教”与“学”的关系 (18)
(二)学什么 (18)
(三)怎么学 (19)
civil rights三、人的生成与模仿 (20)
(一)教育学语境中对“自我”的理解 (20)
(二)“自我”在模仿行为中的表现 (21)
(三)最终实现人的确证 (22)
第四章模仿谁 (23)
一、作为模仿原型的符号 (23)
(一)语言 (23)
(二)想象和图像 (24)
(三)小结 (26)
二、作为模仿对象的教师 (26)
(一)教师的语言 (26)
(二)教师的动作语 (27)
(三)教师的榜样作用 (28)
三、作为模仿载体的课程 (28)
(一)文化与课程 (28)
(二)教师与课程 (29)
(三)学生与课程 (29)
第五章审视与反思:教育、模仿、人 (31)
一、模仿与他者的关系分析 (31)
(一)教育语境中的他者存在 (31)
(二)差异:个体与他者的关系 (32)
(三)模仿:接近他者的途径 (33)
二、模仿的负面作用 (34)
(一)模仿的两面性 (34)
(二)负面模仿:青少年暴力 (34)
(三)教育反思 (35)
kingsoft是什么三、教育的可能性与个体的完善 (35)
(一)教育的梦想 (36)
(二)教育作为模仿 (36)
结论 (38)
参考文献 (39)