haywire>withoutyou是什么意思作者:马磊 袁浩 顾大男
假睫毛怎么带 摘 要: 婚姻匹配是社会不平等、家庭与婚姻社会学、人口社会学的重要研究领域之一。从婚姻匹配的两种基本模式出发,全面梳理了中外文献关于同质婚与跨越婚的成因、变化趋势及其影响后果的相关研究,尤其是关注了婚姻现代化理论所面临的挑战、婚姻交换理论所引发的学术争论,以及分析中国数据资料所出现的研究分歧等核心议题。最后从现有婚配理论的整合与更新、多维婚配模式的界定、夫妇婚前信息的使用、婚配模式的动态变化及其影响因素、婚配模式影响后果领域的拓展等方面,探讨了未来可能的研究方向。
关键词: 婚姻匹配;同质婚;跨越婚
中图分类号: C913.13 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-4149(2019)03-0001-15
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brick是什么意思 DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-4149.2019.03.001
Abstract: Assortative mating is one of the important rearch areas of social inequality, sociology of family and marriage, and demographic sociology. Bad on two classic patterns of mating lection, this article comprehensively reviews the Chine and foreign literature on the caus, trends and conquences of homogamy and intermarriage, especially focus on challenges of the modernization theory, academic debates caud by marriage exchange theory, and the divergences of findings bad on Chine data analysis. Finally, this paper discuss future new rearch direction, including construction of multidimensional frameworks, integration of couples’ premarital information, meanwhile, it focus on dynamic changes of marriage matching and its associated factors, and extension of studies on the conquences of assortative mating.