·v. ['pʌzl] ( puzzles; puzzled; puzzling )
·vt. 使迷惑,使难解 cau difficulty in the effort to explain or understand
·vi. 为难,伤脑筋,苦思 make a great effort of the mind in order to understand or find the answer to a difficult question
∙puzzle the beginners 使初学者感到困惑不解
∙puzzle the doctor 难住了医生
∙puzzle the meaning of the ntence 不能理解句中的含义
∙puzzle the meanings of the two words 混淆了这两个词的意思
∙puzzle the students 使学生们困惑不解
∙puzzle bewilderingly 使人迷惑不解
∙puzzle completely 使人彻底地迷惑不解
∙puzzle steadily 略有为难
∙puzzle superficially 表面上地为难
∙puzzle utterly 使完全迷惑不解
∙puzzle out an answer 猜出答案
∙puzzle out a truth 研究出真理
∙puzzle through 摸索着通过
∙puzzle about〔over〕 为…大伤脑筋,对…冥思苦想女同性恋英语怎么说
∙puzzle one's brain about a problem 绞尽脑汁以求解决某一问题
marketenabler∙puzzle over the matter 对那事绞尽脑汁
∙puzzle over the question 对此问题迷惑不解
∙puzzle one's brain upon a problem 绞尽脑汁以求解决某一问题
∙puzzle sb with a question 使某人对某问题无以对答
think great
puzzle about(v.+prep.)
想找出 want to find
▲puzzle about sth
He was studying the map and puzzling about the easiest way to cross the mountains.他在仔细察看地图,想找出最容易穿过山区的道路。
▲puzzle about wh-to-v
We puzzled for two months about where to put you.为了安置你,我们苦思了两个月。
▲puzzle sth about sth
They all puzzled their brains about the problem.他们都冥思苦想这个问题。
▲puzzle sb about wh-to-v
◇ 用于be ~ed 结构
The student was puzzled about what to do next.这个学生对下一步做什么而伤透了脑筋。
puzzle out(v饿死了英文.+pets3口试adv.)
推测出 infer sth; conjecture sth; guess sth
▲puzzle sb/sth⇔out
We could not puzzle out Mary's intention.我们猜不出玛丽的意图。
He puzzled out the mystery story before he finished the book.他在读完那本神秘小说前推测出它的结局。
It's good for students to puzzle things out for themlves.让学生们自己思索解决难题很有好处。
I puzzled it out and made a translation of it.我研究出其意义并把它翻译出来。
no country for old menI've never been able to puzzle her out, and still can't.我一直对她捉摸不透,到现在还是这样。
▲puzzle out wh-to-v
We finally puzzled out how to open the box.我们最后终于想出怎样打开盒子。
▲puzzle out wh-clau
I've tried for weeks to puzzle out what could have made Mary so angry that she hasn't written to us.几个星期以来,我一直在思索,究竟什么事使玛丽生这么大的气,连信都不给我们写。
angellaI've been trying to puzzle out which piece of work is most urgent.我一直想弄清楚哪一件工作最紧迫。
puzzle over(v.+prep.)
苦苦思考 think long and hard
▲puzzle over sth
He was puzzling over the old map.他在苦苦思考这幅旧地图。
They puzzled over the question for quite a while.这问题他们想了很久。
▲puzzle onelf/sb over sth
He puzzled himlf over the matter.他对那件事绞尽脑汁。
◇ 用于be ~ed 结构
She was puzzled over the decision.她觉得这个决定难以理解。
She was puzzled over his strange behaviour.他奇怪的举止使她大惑不解。shelley
puzzle through(v.+prep.)
钻研 cudgel one's brains to evolve an idea
▲puzzle sth through sth
The boy puzzled his way through geometry.那男孩煞费苦心地钻研几何学。
The spelling of English is often puzzling. 英语的拼写法常常使人伤脑筋。
The letter puzzled me.这封信使我迷惑不解。
His recent behavior puzzles me.他最近的行为使我感到费解。
How the cat got out puzzled us.我们弄不清猫是怎么跑出来的。
Waking up in strange surroundings puzzled her.她醒来时看到一片陌生的环境,这把她都搞糊涂了。
The question puzzled students.这个问题使学生们困惑不解。
There are veral points that tend to puzzle beginners.有几个地方容易使初学者感到困惑。
The woman's illness puzzled the doctor; he couldn't find the cau.那女人的病难住了医生,他找不出病因。
He puzzled the meaning of the ntence.他不能理解句中的含义。
You have puzzled the meanings of the two words.你混淆了这两个词的意思。
He puzzled his brains to find an answer.他冥思苦想寻求答案。
They puzzled their wits to find a solution.他们绞尽脑汁想找个解决办法。
◇ 用于be ~ed 结构
Didn't you remark that he was puzzled?你没注意到他被弄糊涂了吗?
They were puzzled by the move.这一行为使他们莫名其妙。
Tom was puzzled by the examination questions.考题把汤姆难住了。
Sister Carrie was puzzled by the crowd and traffic in the city.嘉莉妹妹被城里众多的人群和繁忙交通弄得晕头转向。
I was puzzled with the question.这个问题把我难住了。
I felt very puzzled at the words.听了这话我感到有些迷惑不解。
▲S+be ~ed+to-v
In fact we Europeans are always puzzled to e the almost total Americanization of Japan.事实上,我们欧洲人看到日本几乎全盘美国化时感到困惑。
They were puzzled to bag nothing except a rabbit.他们对仅猎获了一只兔子感到迷惑。
▲S+be ~ed+wh-to-v
He was puzzled how to act.他不知如何才好。
He was puzzled what to do next.他不知道下一步干什么。
I am utterly puzzled what to do with it.我全然不知道该如何处置它。
▲S+be ~ed+wh-clau
I am puzzled why you didn't try for a university scholarship.我不理解你为什么不申请奖学金。
They are puzzled in their minds what that word means.他们在仔细思考那个词的意思。
The children are puzzled how the world came into being.孩子们对世界是怎样形成的感到莫名其妙。