Early Settlers(史前时期)
vietnam什么意思Iberians, 3000 BC Stonehenge before 2000 BC]
Beaker Folk, 2000 BC
Celts, 700 BC
佩顿曼宁Roman Britain(55BC-AD 410)(罗马人统治时期)
J.Caesar invaded for the fist time in 55 BC.The successful invasion by Claudius, AD 43.Queen Boadicea rebelled in AD 61.The Roman built the Hadrianl’s Wall and the Antonine Wall, and they also brought Christianity to Britain.The Anglo-Saxons(盎格鲁-撒克逊时期)
Heptarchy, 449-828
Augustine became the first Archbishop of Canterbury in 597.Egbert Egbert became the fist king of England in 829.Viking and Dane attacked England from the 8th century.Canute, the Danish leader, became king of England in 1016.Hou of Normandy(诺曼底时期)
William, 1066-1087
Norman Conquest, 1066
Domesday Book was completed in 1086.William II, 1087-1100
hair dryerHenry I, 1100-1135
Stephen, 1135-1154
Henry II married Eleanor of Aquitaine in 1152, thus acquiring all western France from Normandy to the Spanish border.Hou of Plantagenet(金雀花王朝,又称 Hou of Anj
Henry II, 1154-1189
Thomas Becket was murdered in 1170.Richard I, 1189-1199
John, 1199-1216blizzard
John was forced to accept Magna Carta in 1215.Henry III, 1216-1272
Simon de Montfort summoned the Great Council to meet at Westminster in 1265, which is en as the earliest parliament.Edward I, 1272-1307
Wales came under the English Crown in 1284.Edward II, 1307-1327
Edward III, 1327-1377/ 3
Black Death swept through England in 1348.Hundred Years’ War, 1337-1453
Richard II, 1377-1399
The Peasant Uprisiing of 1381
Hou of Lancaster(兰开斯特王朝)
Henry IV, 1399-1413
Henry V, 1413-1422
Henry VI, 1422-1461
England was defeated in the Hundred Years’ War in 1453.(Wars of Ros, 1455-1485)
Hou of York(约克王朝)
Edward IV, 1461-1483
Edward V, 1413-1483
Richard III, 1483-1485
Richard III was defeated by Henry Tudor in the last battle of the Wars of Ros in 1485.Hou of Tudor(都铎王朝)
Henry VII, 1485-1509
The end of Wars of Ros in 1485 & the beginning of English Renaissance
Henry VIII, 1509-1547
Henry VIII established Church of England in 1534 and became its Supreme Head in 1535.Mary I, 1553-1558
Calais, the last British posssion on the Continent was lost to France in 1558.Elizabeth I, 1558-1603
The destruction the Spanish Fleet “Armada”
Hou of Stuart(斯图亚特王朝)
James I, 1603-1625
Gunpowder Plot, 1605
The Authorized Version of the Bible in 1611
Pilgrim Fathers founded New Plymouth in America in 1620.Charles I, 1625-1649
English Civil War, 1642-1649
The Commonwealth(共和制王朝)
Council of State, 1649-1653
Oliver Cromwell, 1653-1658
Cromwell became Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England in 1653
Richard Cromwell, 1658-1660
Hou of Stuart(continued)(斯图亚特王朝续)
Charles II, 1660-1685
Restoration in 1660
James II, 1685-1688
Glorious Revolution, 1688
William III and Mary II, 1689-1702
They jointly accepted the Bill of Rights in 1689.Thus the age of constitutional monarchy began.Anne, 1702-1714
The name Great Britain came into being when in 1707 the Act of Union united England and Scotland.Hou of Hanover(汉诺威王朝)
George I, 1714-1727
George II, 1727-1760
John Kay’s flying shuttle in 1733
George III, 1760-1820
Industrial Revolution, 1836-1848
商品 英语James Watt improved the steam engine in 1765.George IV, 1820-1830alteration
William IV, 1830-1837
人力资源资格考试Chartist Movement, 1836-1848
Victoria, 1837-1901
William Booth founded the Salvation Army in 1865.Queen Victoria became Empress of India in 1877.Hou of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha(萨克森-科堡-哥达王朝)