like,look like,be similar to 2recognize
perceive,acknowledge,realize,appreciate,a dmit,identify,comprehend,understand,know 3adjust
change,modify,shift,alter 4approach
method,way 5fundamental rudimentary,preliminary,basic 6rely on
depend on 7domestic
home,local,national 8measure
calculate,asss,evaluate 9trait
characteristic,feature,property 10coin
first ud,invent 11artificial
synthetic,man-made 12prompt
initiate,immediately 13exchange share,apply A to B 14underlie
bad on,ground,root 15ignore
neglect,overlook,underestimate 16fertilizer
chemical,toxic,unnatural 17that
this,it,they,tho,the,such 代词18and
or ,as well as ,both…and,not only…but also,other than,in addition,besides,on the one hand…on the other hand…,neither…nor…19rather than but,yet,however,whereas,nonetheless,neve rtheless,notwithstanding,although,though,in stead 20thanks to stem from,derive,owing to,due to,according to,becau of,on account of,as a result of,leading to,becau,since for,in that,as,therefore,hence 21diversity
variety,difference 22detect
look for,find,ek,arch 23isolate
inaccessible 24avoid
escape,evitable 25budget
fund,financial 26adapt to fit,suit 27alternative subsitute 28compensate make up,off t 29component proportion 30military
weapon,army 31criteria
standard 32curriculum syllabus,cour of study 33feasible
viable,realistic 34constrain stop,control 35deficiency shortage,defect,weakness 36supplement provision 37distinguish parete,differentiate 38analyze
examine,diagno 39empharsize focus on,stress 40enormous
massive,large 41imitate mimic,copy
祝贺 英文
42impair damage,diminish,decrea
43hinder impede,prevent,deter,obstacle 44legitimate legal
45limitation restriction
46convention method,traditon
47demanding troublesome
48determine decide
49accelerate speed up
50ancient aged,old
51beneficial helpful,advantageous,wholesome 52chronic lasting
53conscious aware,knowing
54minimize reduce,lesn
55immunity resistance
56imperactive compelling,necessary,urgent
57crete discharge,exude
58exaggerate overstate
59transmit pass,nd,transfer
60extinct die out,lost
61exclusive only
62guarantee assure
63inherit receive
64witness view,e
65magnetic attractive
66loss waste,gone
67option choice
68prefer to rather
69priority preference,preferential
70primary principal,main
71principle rule
72potential possibility
73quantity number
74ttle fix,figure out
75sophistiate complicate
76specific detailed,particular
77survive remain
78swift quick,rapid
79unexpectedly surprising
80surrounding tting,environment
81attempt try,test
82experti knowledge,skill
83faculty ability
84donate contribute
85dynamics energy,force,move
86incentive motive,stimulus
87mortality death
88peripheral unimportant,minor
89vicinity neighbourhood,nearby
90threaten endanger,jeopardize,risk,hazard 91practice method,exerci
92bacteria virus,germ,microbe
93be subject to face
94be liable to portential
95innate built-in,inborn
96pattern formation
97therapy treatment
98original initial,first
99confidential undiscovered,cret,hidden 100cognitive mental
101comply with obey
102consult ask for advice
103superior higher,upper
104co-operation support,work together
105co-ordinate organize,harmonize
106differ vary
107cue hint,clue
108signal symbol,mark,sign
109abandon quit,give up,forsake,derelict 110halt stop,quit
111fragile vulnerable
112retain maintain
113vanish disappear
114delivery nd
115erode rust,damage
116induce cau,lead to
117stable constant,unchanged
118integrate combine,whole
119equal fair,even
120grant offer
121accumulate gather
122addictive habit
123adversity trouble
124aggression attack
125agreeable pleasant
126aid help
127allergic irritate
128altitude height
129application utilization
130approve agree
131array order
132assign allocate
133association union
134attitude opinion
135authority government
136be consistent with compatible
137bear tolerate
138blight destroy
139boundary barrier
140bungle mishandle
141burden load
142calamity disaster
143capacity volume
144catastrophic disastrous
145cater rve
146certify verify
147civic municipal
148comment remark
149commiment engagement
150communal public
151commute travel
152compare contrast
153conceal hide
154concentrate focus
155concur agree
156confer grant
157conflict unharmonious 158confu puzzle
159conrvative traditional
160considerable significant
161contingent uncertain
162controversial disputable
163correlation link
164courtship mate
165crash collap
166credibility reliance
167criminal conviction
168crisis risk
169criticism condemn
170curb restrict
171damp wet
172dazzle flash
173deadline limite
174delay postpone
175democratic republiczey
176demographic populaiton statistic 177dental teeth
178depression frustration
179designate appoint
180detain hold
181devastate wreck
182disclo expo
183disparate different
184display show
185disrupt distroy
186distract divert
187distribute spread
188documention record中秋节英语作文
189domain field
190dominate overbearing
191dramatic striking
192drought dry
193durable lasting
194eco-friendly environmentally-friendly 195elaborate illustrate
196elderly aged
197eliminate dispo
198elusive hard
199encyclopedia entire range of knowledge 200entrepreneur boss
201equator geography
202erratically unpredictably
203established built
204estate property
205ethical moral
206eventually finally
207evidence proof
208evolve develop
209exceptional extreme,utmost
210exhausted fatigue毕业典礼发言稿
211experiment test
212explicit clear
213exploit u
214extend expand
215extract quotaition
216famine hunger
217finite limited
218fitness heath
219foe enemy
220format structure
221fragment piece
222freeze chill
223fullfill execute
224gene factor
225gifted talented
226graphic picture
227habitat residence
228harbour hold
229hardship difficult
230harsh rough
231hypothesis assumption
tomato paste232impact influence
233impressive touching
234in accordance with conform
235inaccurate incorrect
236inactive passive
237inappropriate hard
238indulge spoil
239infest plague
240installment payment on its completion 241intelligence mind
242inten strong
243interaction social activities