The Painted Veil
The main characters:
Walter Fane
Charlie Townshend
New words and expressions:
Civil rvant 公务员
Prehistoric 落伍
Bacteriologist 细菌学家
Drudgery 苦难
Vivacious 活泼可爱的
Scandal 谣言
Take a nap 午睡
Tributary 支流
Interior 内陆
Cholera 霍乱cookie什么意思
Outbreak 爆发
Epidemic 传染病
心如止水英文Consul 领事
Convent 修女
Nun 修女
Demonstration havedinner示威游行
Foreman 工头
Municipal soldier四年级下册英语期中试卷 市政府卫兵
Agitator 带头闹事者
Boycott 全面罢工
Shroud 寿衣
Arduous 辛苦的
Deputy commissioner 地区副官
Dicey 局势紧张的
Missionary 传教士jacob
Martyr 殉教者
Colonel 团长
Inoculation 疫苗
Dehydration 严重脱水
Infectious-dia specialist 传染病专家
大学生活英语作文Consulate 领事馆
Flirtation 调情
Second-rate 二流货色
love of iris
Contaminate 污染
Charade 看手势猜字谜游戏
Baptize 施洗礼
Infirmary 病房
Nitrate 硝酸盐
Interminable 乏味冗长的
Barricade 围起来
Warlord 督军
Catholic 天主教徒
Time can run out. 岁月不饶人
You could knock me down with a feather. jupiter你真让我大吃一惊。
I’m terrible at the sorts of things. 我这方面很不在行。
I don’t care either way. 我无所谓。
It’s just that women are often under the impression that men are much more in love with them than they really are. 女人总是自己以为男人们深爱着她们,而实际往往事与愿违。
I’d do anything in my power to make you happy. 为了让你幸福,我愿意做任何事情。
Has it occurred to you that my husband is in love with me? 你难道没意识到我丈夫爱我?
Certainly my comfort’s of no concern to you. 你不在乎我舒不舒服。
I must prepare mylf for the charade. 我必须准备装腔作势了。
I shall file my petition for divorce tomorrow. 明天我就申请离婚。
I’m divorcing you for adultery. 以通奸为由提出离婚。
There’s no other respon for such pathetic behavior. 如此可悲的行径只配得上这种回应。
This is a bloody scrape we’re in. 我们现在麻烦大了。
I’m afraid that if the cholera doesn’t get us, the nationalists might.
It was silly of us to look for qualities in each other that we never had.
Questions to discussion:
1 what’s the theme of this film “The Painted Veil”?
2 what’s the background that the story happened?
3 Why does Kitty still accept Fane’s proposal although she doesn’t like him at that time?
4 Do you like Townshend and what kind of person do you think he is? Examples
5 Compared with Townshend, what kind of person is Dr. Fane? Examples
6 Why does Fane still volunteer to Mei-tan-fu where cholera spreads and doesn’t inoculate?
7 At first Kitty refus to go with Fane, but at last she refus to leave, why?
8 what does the name The Painted Veil symbolize?
9 How do you understand what Kitty says “We humans are more complex than your silly little microbes. We are unpredictable. We make mistakes and we disappoint. ”
10 Sometimes we have something but we don’t treasure its value until someday we lo it totally.
Do you have the similar experience, if so tell us.