The Painted Veil ( Bad on the novel by W. Somert Maugham )英文字母歌
Words and expressions:
It is not often that you like any of my young men.
Time can run out.
The point is whether I ‘m in love with him and I’m not.
The very idea that a woman should marry any Tom, Dick or Harry regardless of her own feeling is simply prehistoric. 史前的,陈旧的
microorganism微⽣物, 微⼩动植物
to grow sth. for free
to knock me down like a feather: shock me
to improve upon acquaintance: It means your feeling will get stronger when you know this person more.
to give up on sb.: to lo hope about sb.
to rain cats and dogs: rain heavily
to put on such airs装腔作势
glamorous富有魅⼒的, 迷⼈的
a civil lab
life of drudgery苦⼯, 单调⾟苦的⼯作
condamned to a lifehz0752
bondage奴役, 束缚
a vivacious girl活泼的, 快活的,
Even if it was, my impression is he’ll do nothing.
I wouldn’t delude (=kid) mylf for a cond that you are in love with me.
to press on:keep going
on a tributary ⽀流of the Yangt River
an outbreak of cholera霍乱爆发
a convent of French nuns⼥修道院;修⼥的团体
an M.D.: a medical doctor or the degree in doctor of medicine
foremost: first and foremost: the first and most important
all to the good in this ca: just as well in this ca
to go by rail: by train
a dan chair轿⼦
to file a petition for a divorce提交…诉状
adultery 通奸⾏为
to put mylf to an inconvenience on your pathetic behavior可怜的, 悲惨的comic(杂技团的)丑⾓,滑稽演员
to deba sb. 贬低, 降低
to strangle扼死
agitator ⿎动者;煽动者
boycotts: refu to buy or sup port sb’s products
wild bores令⼈讨厌的⼈
opportune (指时间)凑巧的、恰好的, (指⾏动或事件)及时、适宜的commit onelf: admit
scrape: messy situation
stipulation约定, 约束, 契约
induce sb. to do劝诱:⽤影响或劝告来引导或⾏动
let sb. down : disappoint sb.
a deputy commissioner驻⼀国的⾼级代表
missionary : 传教⼠
come upriver在上游, 向上游, 从上游
come overland陆上, 通过陆路
to take in a bit of countryside
colonel陆军上校, 团长
decay腐朽, 腐烂, 衰减, 衰退
martyr烈⼠, 殉教者
大学英语六级查询to be posted here: to be assigned here
to pass it up ( opportunity for rearch ): to let go
wsdlbe inoculate注射预防针
会计学习班Suit yourlf :Do as you like.
a long downhill affair: 每况愈下的
for starters: the first thing that must be done
clinician [医]临床医⽣
an infectious dia传染病
river port内河港
to make a science of popularity: become an expert in being popular (The speaker is being sarcastic ) to fall for sb.: to fall in love with sb.
a grim-visaged <;书>⾯貌, 容貌, 严厉的old nur with thick legs and a moustashe
gin 杜松⼦酒
多姿多彩什么意思the Mother Superior: the head of the nuns
charade(⽤诗、画、动作等构成的)哑剧字谜; 哑剧字谜的谜底
[喻]荒谬的借⼝, ⼏乎不加掩饰的伪装
subscribe捐款, 订阅, 签署(⽂件), 赞成, 预订如何在ppt中加入背景音乐
a member of the Church of England
an inoffensive way
to e over the convent: to take care of the convent
baptize 通过施洗礼⽽使成为基督教徒
infirmary<;美>养⽼院, 救济院: very local medical facility
nitrate levels of tomato[化]硝酸盐,
to despi sb. 鄙视
to grieve(使)悲痛, (使)伤⼼, 忧伤
to barricade the bathing area设路障
to cut off all access to the river切断
to post a directive 指⽰,命令:命令或指⽰,尤指由中央权威机构发出to enforce sth. 强迫执⾏galant protector潇洒风格(的)
to divert the water to the town 转向
to maintain the integrity of the water sources 完整, 完全, 完整性sanitation卫⽣, 卫⽣设施
soothing 轻柔的(⾳乐); 起镇定作⽤的
contempt 轻视, 轻蔑, 耻辱, 不尊敬
little n of proportion: no idea how big or important sth. really is microbe微⽣物( Not in technical u.) terminable 可终⽌的, 有期限的
blatheringon about sb. or sth.喋喋不休地说, 说废话
lagoon system ⼀洼废⽔;泻湖
thrash 打(⾕), (⽤棍、鞭等)痛打, 打败
massacre 残杀, 集体屠杀
massacring the manchurians 满族⼈
new document: here it refers to passports and so on
his price is exorbitant 过度的, 过⾼的, 昂贵的
shatter打碎, 使散开, 粉碎, 破坏
a devil of time: a hard time
nauous令⼈作呕[恶⼼]的; 讨厌的
a stalk of bamboo
be with child有孕
saline ⽣理⾷盐⽔:⽣理盐溶液,
chap <;俗>伙伴, 家伙, ⼩伙⼦( B.E.)