Chine and English Naming Conventions
And their Cultural Differences
出国机票预订Full name is a sing to identify blood bond and an individual .It is ud by people to refer to a specific person .As a kind of phenomenon to human beings ,it bears strong relationship with society and culture .it is cloly related to the nation’s history ,religion, cultural traditions and customs .This paper aims to introduce the naming conventions and their cultural differences ,which will benefit the rearch and exchange of two cultures .
westlife好听的歌Key words:
Chine;English ;naming convention ;culture
countermeasures摘 要:
Abstract (English)
Abstract (Chine )
1、Introduction ………………………………………………1
2、An introductions to naming conventions ……………… 1
2.1 English naming conventions ………………………………1
newto2.1.1English family names ………………………………1
2.1.2English given names ………………………………1
2.1.3English middle names………………………………2
2.2Chine naming conventions ………………………………2诘问
2.2.1Chine family names ………………………………2
2.2.2Chine given names ………………………………2
3、The similarities and differences of Chine and English names is culture …3
3.1 The similarities of Chine and English names in culture ……4
3.2.2 Differences in historical origin………………4
3.2.3 differences in value and concept ………………5
3.2.4 differences in moral values ………………5
4、Conclusion ………………………………6
Acknowledgements ………………………………………………6
A personal name is a name that belongs to a person .Family name and given name are prominent examples of personal names. Names rve purpos . Most importantly. they can distinguish us from one another. Y讨厌爱情ou can find how difficult . it would be to refer to people if we do not u names.
Name is a common phenomenon of both Chine and English people .Nowadays ,the whole world has turned out to be a global country ,there still has a lot of unawareness of the two nation’s personal names . therefore learning some knowledge of Chine and En
glish names is very important .This paper aims to explore Chine and English naming conventions and their cultural differences ,including the historical origins ,values ,religious beliefs and moral values in order to help the English or Chinesweeping learners to improve their language learning .
2、An introduction to naming conventions
在线中文转英文2.1 English naming conventions
In the USA, U.K. and other English—speaking countries, names(full name) usually consist of family name(or surname), given name and middle name. Generally speaking, given name is written first, then middle name and family name next. So given name is also known as first name, and family name, known as last name, which is exactly opposite to Chine names(曾尔奇,2006:107-212).
2.1.1 English family names
A family name or last name is a type of surname and part of a person’s name, indicating t
he family to which the person belongs. Family names are mostly ud between strangers or in a formal tting, and are often ud with a title or honorific such as Mr., Mrs., Miss, Dr., and so on.
2.1.2 English given names
A given name is a name given to a person, as appod to an inherited one such as a family name. It is a personal name that specifies and differentiates individual between members of a group, especially in a family, all of who members usually share the same family name. In English culture the given name usually comes before the family name. and so is known as a forename or first name. Beyond the fact that forename comes before the surname, there is no particular ordering rule.
Given names are often ud in a familiar and friendly manner in informal occasions, in more formal occasions the surname is ud, unless it is necessary to distinguish people with the same surname.
2.1.3 English middle names
Middle names are often chon by parents at the same time as the first name. It is traditionally rerved, however, that some parents may name the first born son after the grandfathers with the paternal grandfather’s name listed as a first name and the maternal grandfather’s name rerved as the middle name. Sometimes surnames are also ud as middle names, usually to honor a relative. It is quite popular to u the mother’s maiden name as the middle name.
2.2 Chine naming conventions
Today, there are over 3000 different Chine family names, but as few as two hundred are normally ud (孙芳琴,2005:29-38)。Therefore the variety in Chine names depends greatly on given names rather than family names . the great majority of Chine family names have one character ,but there are a few with two.氢氧化铝与盐酸反应