The Symbolism in The Old Man and The Sea
Submitted to English Department
Of Foreign Languages School of Shandong University
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement
For the Degree of Bachelor of Art
holiday plan
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September 12,2011
Chapter I Symbolism Analysis on the Title and The Sea
marry的用法1.1 An Analysis of the Titlehapter II Sy
1.2 An Analysis of the abooty music歌词翻译
C mbolism Analysis on something Related to Hemingway
2.1 Hemingway's "Iceberg theory " Related to Symbolism
2.2 Hemingway's Other Major Symbols in the Novel
Chapter III Other Minor Symbols
3.1 An Analysis of Joe DiMaggio
3.2 An Analysis of the Old Man's Other Characters
From "The Old Man and The Sea" which is written by Hemingway, we can e that the
novella is a parable of man's struggle against nature. That's to say, we can e how he deals with the tremendous subject of the struggle between man and nature. The book us unique language style, beautiful writing skills, vivid descriptions and the principle of "Iceberg". At the same time, it is the subject that Hemingway symbolizes, therefore, the theme gives beyond the connotation of the story itlf, and provides much room for thinking. To put it simply, the paper chiefly focus its attention on discussing the symbols in the novel and what on earth thy symbolize in the following passage.
Key words:"The Old Man and The Sea";symbolism;symbols
sophie moon从海明威写的«老人与海»中,我们可以知道这部中篇小说是关于人类对抗自然的一个寓言。换句话说,我们可以明白它是老人如何处理人与自然这个巨大的物体。这部书用了独特的语言风格、优美的写作技巧、生动的描述和“冰山原则”。同时,正是这个课题,海明威赋予了象征意义。因此,这个主题超越了故事本身的内涵并且提供了无限的思考空间。简单的说,这篇论文主要讨论小说中的象征以及在下面的文章中,它们究竟象征着什么。
sudo新加坡国立大学专业Ernest Hemingway(1899-1961), is regarded as one of the greatest American writers who wins the Nobel Prize for Literature. Seen as a giant not only in English-speaking countries, but all over the world, Ernest Hemingway was widely recognized and imitated for his style, his life attitudes and his symbolism in the novel and so on.
Ernest Hemingway was a myth in his own time as well as his life was colorful. He was born Ernest Miller Hemingway in Oak Park, Illinois, who father was a successful physician and mother was a music teacher. Under the influence of his parents, he had a variety of interests, which had an affect on all his life. His another excellent book, The Sun Also Ris, which chiefly deals with the living attitude of post-war generation. Especially the life of the wounded soldiers and the type of loneliness and disillusionment
of modern people. To make matter wor, their ideals were shattered at a time when "God is dead". For a certain reason, they thought of that life as nothing and meaningless. In this respect, Hemingway became a spokesman for the "Lost Gerneration".
Ernest Hemingway writes a great many of novels and short stories, among which The Old Man and The Sea is looked on as the best. The novella was published in 1952. When it comes to its unique language style, vivid characterization and symbolic meaning, the novella is regarded as one of Hemingway's important books. As a matter of fact, it is a parable of man's struggle against the nature. The novel is bad on a true story of a Cuba fisherman-Santiago. Aged and solitary, he earns a living by fishing. After eighty-four days without catching a fish, he goes far out and hooks a great fish, which is a pleasant thing. However, as he sails slowly homewards, sharks attack his catch and he goes on fighting them. He does his utmost to struggle against them with the harpoon, the oar, the knife and the short club. When he makes land his marlin is but a skeleton. Yet the old man remains proud in defeat.
The novella is more than a story about an old man and the a. Hemingway makes u of many symbols and there are many hidden meanings in it. The paper aims at exploring symbolism in the book.
Chapter I
Symbolism Analysis on the Title and the a
1.1 An Analysis of the Title
First and foremost, it is the title of the book itlf that is the symbol. As far as we can e, the old man stands for the human race and meanwhile, the a is the symbol of nature. In terms of it, we are able to draw a conclusion that the whole story was en as the metaphor of the struggle that takes place between human being and the nature, which is beyond question. However, if we explore further the story, we may be capable of arriving at the conclusion that nature is superior to the humankind to some degree. In other words,
nature is superior to humankind to a certain extent and it is likely that the humankind is not able to win this fighting. So as to support this thesis, here I apply a statement made by the old man"It is good that we do not have to try to kill the sun and the moon or the stars. It is enough to live on the a and kill our true brothers." knowing that mankind is always inferior, Santiago, admits he is happy that he need not try and kill the moon or the stars in that they are much stronger so that he might always be defeated in a fight against them.
In for one thing, the old man, Santiago, reprents strong will, strength, wisdom, pride, perverance, and unyielding spirit. Take unyielding spirit for example. Once he said"Man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated.", which demonstrates his unyielding spirit to a large extent.. Confronted with great difficulties, he did not give up. Instead, he made every effort to overcome the difficulties, which proves that although people may be stripped of everything in the process of living, a quest equipped with skill, courage and endurance can guarantee the ultimate triumph of the human spirit.. Speaking of it, I think of ourlves. It is likely that many of us feel depresd becau we
are not undergraduates. But what I want to point out is that we must pull ourlves together. Each time I feel disappointed whether in my study or in my life, I will encourage mylf with a short passage. Now, I would like to share it with you, hoping that it will give you some enlightenment more or less. They are as follows: Even though we lo everything in our journey of life, as long as we have breath, there is no any reason for us to be in despair. In that what we lo may be regained at a new and higher level. Indeed, it is true of our lf-study. Now that we make the choice, we are not suppod to change hors in midstream. What we should do is to stick to it. There is a proverb going: Every cloud has a silver shining. Therefore, I entertain a hope that everyone of us has a glorious future through our own effort.