Elizabeth Stockham
First Draft Culture Shock: What to expect when you travel abroad
Many students opt to study abroad in order to gain international experience. At XJTLU, most students are preparing to move to Liverpool to finish their university degree. What many students don’t reali ze, however, is that living in another country for an extended period of time may cau moderate to vere feelings of anxiety or even depression. Culture shock is the term given to the feelings of surpri, confusion, and disorientation that many foreigners feel when they live abroad. Scientists have noted that everyone experiences culture shock in different ways and for different amounts of time. However, there are five general stages of culture shock that can occur in any order, including excitement, rejection, regression, recovery, and rever culture shock.
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The first pha of culture shock is characterized by excitement becau the traveller is interested in all of the differences found in the new country. He or she may marvel at the beautiful new scenery, enjoy the delicious new food, and simply enjoy experiencing the new sights and sounds. The foreigner may also feel that everyone is interested in them becau they are from a different country, or they may feel that everyone is friendly and willing to help them out. While the honeymoon pha is fun and exciting, it also ends fairly quickly as the traveller encounters difficulty adjusting to life in the new country.
Becau life is so different in the new country, the foreigner experiences many unexpected difficulties as they enter the cond stage of culture shock, the rejection pha. This is the time when the foreigner begins to feel irritated or frustrated becau of the differences, and he or she may start to complain about the host country. For example, a traveller will have to deal with transportation problems, accommodation problems, and communication problems. They may not understand the differences in how people u body language to communicate, how to negotiate with store employees while shopping. They may unintentionally offend someone, or be offended themlves. The barriers an
d difficulties cau the person to reject the new host country and long for their home country.
In the regression pha, the foreigner lovingly remembers his or her home country. They forget about all of the troubles and problems they had in their home country and wish they could return. At this stage, the foreigner will try to regress, or go back, to their home country in some ways. For example, they spend most of the time with other foreigners who speak their native language. Or, they may insist on finding the things they miss from their home country such as food, movies, or books. Thus, the rejection pha is one where the person complains about the new country and tries to simulate his or her home country as much as possible.初一下册英语单词
Once the regression stages pass, the person moves into the fourth pha, the recovery pha. In this pha, the person becomes accustomed to the new culture. The differences are not new or troublesome anymore, and he or she begins to accept the customs of the new country and feel more comfortable. At this time, communication is ea
sier, and the person can conduct daily life without anxiety. The different food, habits, and norms of the new country em normal at this point. Although the foreigner recognizes that cultures are different, he or she no longer prefers one country over the other. It is called the recovery pha becau, like recovering from illness, the person finally begins to feel good again.
Becau the person has accepted the new culture, returning to the home country might be difficult. Rever culture shock happens when a traveller returns home only to realize that they miss the foreign country. They e problems with their own home country, or maybe they don’t like the recent changes that have occurred while they were abroad. Many of the things that they liked about the foreign country cannot be found in the home country. So, it takes a while to adjust to the home country just as it did in the beginning when they first travelled abroad.快乐英语网
Culture shock is likely to happen to anyone who lives abroad for an extended period of time. Feelings of excitement, followed by frustration, homesickness, and finally acceptanc
e are normal occurrences. Understanding the stages of culture shock can help as you learn to adjust to the new country. If you are planning to study abroad in the future, you should learn as much as possible about the new country before you go. This will ea some the uncertainly and surpri. Also, learning the language will help you communicate with the people and make living easier. Staying in contact with other people is also important. Try to make friends from the host country. Join student clubs and community activities. Getting involved will help you feel connected and provide support while you learn the new culture. If you do this, you will begin to accept the new country sooner so that you can take advantage of the benefits of studying abroad, creating an experience that you will always treasure.
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