第26卷 第12期2005年12月
半 导 体 学 报
Vol.26 No.12
Received 10J une 2005
Ζ2005Chine Institute of Electronics
E ffect of Therm al Annealing on Characteristics
of Polycrystalline Silicon
Ren Bingyan 1,Gou Xianfang 1,2,Ma Lifen 1,2,Li Xudong 2,Xu Ying 2,and Wang Wenjing 2
2013年英语六级考试时间(1Semiconductor Rearch I nstit ute ,Hebei Uni versit y of Technolog y ,Tianj in 300130,China )
(2B ei j ing S olar Energ y Rearch I nstit ute ,Bei j i ng 100083,China )
Abstract :Oxygen and carbon behaviors and minority 2carrier lifetimes in multi 2crystalline silicon (mc 2Si )ud for solar cells are investigated by FTIR and QSSPCD before and after annealing at 750~1150℃in N 2and O 2ambient.For comparison ,the annealing of CZ silicon with nearly the same oxygen and carbon concentrations is also carried out under the same conditions.The results reveal that the oxygen and carbon concentrations of mc 2Si and CZ 2Si have a lesr decrea ,which means oxygen precipitates are not generated ,and grain boundaries in mc 2Si do not affect car 2bon behavior.Bulk lifetime of mc 2Si increas in N 2and O 2ambient at 850,950,and 1150℃,and the lifetime of mc 2Si wafers annealed in O 2are higher than tho annealed in N 2,which shows that a lot of impurities in mc 2Si at high temperature annealing diff u to grain boundaries ,greatly reducing recombination centers.Interstitial Si atoms filling vacancies or recombination centers increas lifetime.K ey w ords :polycrystalline silicon ;oxygen ;lifetime EEACC :2520C
C LC number :TN30411+2 Document code :A Article I
D :025324177(2005)1222294204
1 Introduction
Polycrystalline Si wafers have become preva 2lent in t he recent p hotovoltaic market.However ,t hey need f urt her quality imp rovement for highly efficient ,low 2co st solar cells.First we must under 2stand t he behaviors of imp urities and defect s in t he polycrystalline Si wafers in more detail.Becau t here are grain boundaries and more imp urities and defect s ,mc 2Si material has more complicated p hysi 2cal behavior in high temperat ure annealing t han mono 2crystalline silicon.Oxygen in mc 2Si is a very important imp urity t hat affect s t he elect rical and mechanical properties of silicon material during heat t reat ment s [1].However ,t he formation of oxy 2gen precipitates ,t he variety of minor carrier life 2times ,and t he influence of t he annealing ambient are less investigated for polycrystalline silico n solar
cells.In t his paper ,t he effect s of t hermal annealing
on oxygen behavior and carrier lifetimes for poly 2crystalline Si wafers are investigated.
2 Experiment
The polycrystalline Si wafers provided by Ba 2yer Solar Corporation in t his experiment were p 2
type ,019Ω・cm ,and 285
μm t hick.The interstitial oxygen and substit ute carbon concent rations of t he samples were 813×1017and 2×1017cm -3,respec 2tively.For comparison ,p 2type CZ 2Si samples wit h
〈100〉orientation ,1~3Ω・cm ,a t hickness of
μm ,and almost t he same oxygen concent ration were also st udied.The samples were cleaned wit h chemical solution ,and Si oxide was removed in an HF (10%)solution.Then t hey were subjected to heat t reat ment at 1260℃for 1h in N 2ambient so as to eliminate t he influence of t hermal history before
第12美国恐怖故事 第三季
期Ren Bingyan et al.: Effect of Thermal Annealing on Characteristics of Polycrystalline Silicon
annealing [2].A single step heat t reat ment was t hen carried out in t he temperat ure range of 750~1150℃for 4h in N 2and O 2ambient.Interstitial ox 2ygen concent rations and minority 2carrier lifetimes before and after annealing were determined by F T 2IR (Fourier transmission inf rared spect ro scopy )and QSSPCD (quasi 2steady state p hotoconductance decay ).Finally ,t he samples were etched by Sirtl or Wright solution and were examined wit h an optical microscope and SEM.
3 R esults
3.1 Change of the interstitial oxygen concentra 2
Figures 1and 2show t he profiles of t he inter 2stitial oxygen co ncent ration of CZ 2Si and mc 2Si during single step annealing in t he temperat ure range of 750~1150℃in N 2and O 2ambient.It can be en t hat t he oxygen concent ration in CZ 2Si and mc 2Si slightly decreas (except for t he light in 2crea in mc 2Si at 950℃
).The change of oxygen concentration is almo st uniform in N 2and O 2an 2nealing.This indicates t h
at t here is almost no gen 2eration of oxygen p recipitates in CZ 2Si and mc 2Si wafers in N 2or O 2ambient.This has less influence on oxygen concent ration during single step annea 2
Fig.1 Interstitial oxygen changes with annealing tem 2perature under N 2and O 2surrounding in CZ 2Si
Fig.2 Interstitial oxygen changes with annealing tem 2
perature under N 2and O 2surrounding in mc 2Si wafers
3.2 Change of substitute carbon concentration
Carbon in CZ silicon has been reported to have a significant influence on oxygen precipitation dur 2ing heat t reat ment s.In addition ,t here is a much higher carbon concent ration in mc 2Si t han in CZ silicon.Carbon can enhance t he nucleation of oxy 2
gen precipitates at low temperatures (<850℃)and does not affect t he amount of oxygen precipitates
at higher temperat ures (>950℃
)[2].Carbon con 2centration after annealing was determined by F T 2IR.As shown in Table 1,t he car
bon concent ration does not affect t he amount of oxygen precipitate at higher temperat ures in single annealing ,and grain bo undaries in mc 2Si do not affect carbon behavior.
Table 1 Change of substitute carbon concentration of mc 2Si
T /℃
75085095010501150[C s ]/1017cm -3N 2ambient 2.05
[C s ]/1017cm -3O 2ambient
2.4 2.6 2.5 1.8 2.6
3.3 Change of carrier lifetime
Figures 3and 4show change of carrier lifetime
of silicon wafers during single step annealing in t he temperat ure range of 750~1150℃in N 2and O 2ambient.The lifetime of CZ 2Si wafers after annea 2ling decreas drastically wit h increasing annealing
半 导 体 学 报第26卷
temperat ure but has a recovery at 950℃,which p robably generates many defect s and new recombi 2nation centers ,and some interstitial Si atoms filling vacancies or recombination centers result in life 2time recovery at 950℃.Also ,t he lifetime of CZ 2Si wafers annealed in O 2ambient is lower t han t ho annealed in N 2.This p henomenon is probably due to t he fact t hat during annealing in O 2ambient ,in 2terstitial Si atoms are supplied from a growing SiO 2/Si interface so t hat excess interstitial Si at 2oms might recreate new recombination centers [3]
Fig.3 Ratio of minority carrier lifetime changes with annealing temperature under N 2and O 2surrounding in CZ 2Si
restroomFig.4 Ratio of minority carrier lifetime changes with annealing temperature under N 2and O 2surrounding in mc 2Si wafers
As shown in Fig.4,t he lifetime of minority carriers in mc 2Si wafers has great increas at 850,950,and 1150℃,respectively.The changes of life 2time in N 2and O 2ambient are almo st t he same.
The lifetime of mc 2Si wafers annealing at 1150℃increas 120%in O 2ambient and t he lifetime of mc 2Si wafers annealed in O 2ambient is higher t han t ho annealed in N 2.The reason for t he increa is p robably due to t he fact t hat a lot of imp urities in mc 2Si at high temperat ure annealing diff u to grain boundaries ,greatly reducing recombination centers.On t he ot her hand ,interstitial Si atoms filling vacancies or recombination centers result s in a lifetime
Fig.5 SEM (500×
)(a )and optical micrographs (200×
)(b )of defects in the cleavage plane of mc 2Si after annealing at 1050℃
4 Conclusion
We conclude t hat t he oxygen concentration of mc 2Si and CZ 2Si had a slight decrea (except for a light increa in mc 2Si at 950℃
)in N 2and O 2am 2bient during single 2step annealing ,which means oxygen precipitates were generated.Lower carbon concent ration did not affect t he amount of o xygen p recipitates at
higher temperat ures ,and grain
bo undaries in mc 2Si did not affect carbon behavior.
第12期Ren Bingyan et
al.: Effect of Thermal Annealing on Characteristics of Polycrystalline Silicon
Bulk lifetime of mc 2Si incread wit h temperat ure in N 2ambient at 850,950,1150℃,and annealing
in O 2showed better result s t han in N 2.On t he contra 2ry ,t he lifetime of CZ 2Si annealed in N 2or O 2de 2cread rapidly.The changes of lifetime and oxygen concentration in N 2and O 2annealing were almo st t he same.The reason for t he lifetime increa is p robably due to t he fact t hat a lot of imp urities in mc 2Si at high temperat ure annealing diff u to grain boundaries ,greatly reducing recombination centers.On t he ot her hand ,interstitial Si atoms filling vacancies or recombination centers result s in
a lifetime increa.R eferences
[1] Yang D ,Li D S.Oxygen in Czochralski silicon ud for solar
cells.Solar Energy Materials &Solar Cells ,2002,72:133
[2] Yang D ,Moeller H J.Effect of heat treat ment on carbon in
multicrystalline silicon.Solar Energy Materials &Solar Cells ,2002,72:542
[3] Mimura M ,Ishikawa S ,Saitoh T.Relationship between t her 2
mal treat ment conditions and minority carrier lifetimes in p 2type ,FZ Si wafers.Solar Energy Materials &Solar Cells ,2001,65:454
任丙彦1 勾宪芳1,2 马丽芬1,2 励旭东2 许 颖2 王文静2
(1河北工业大学半导体研究所,天津 300130)
(2北京太阳能研究所,北京 100083)
skillet摘要:为研究热退火对太阳电池用多晶硅的影响,在750~1150℃,N 2和O 2环境下分别对硅片进行热处理.用傅里叶红外光谱仪和准稳态光电导衰减法测量退火前后的氧碳含量和少子寿命的变化.为了比较,对有相同氧碳含量的直拉硅片进行同样处理.结果发现:在多晶和单晶片中氧碳含量下降很小,意味着没有氧沉淀产生,晶界对碳行为影响不大.多晶硅片在N 2和O 2环境下,850、950和1150℃下退火,少子寿命都有很大提高,并且在O 2中退火比N 2中退火少子寿命上升得更多,可能由于在高温退火时大量杂质扩散到晶界处,减少了复合中心.另外,间隙硅原子填充了空位或复合中心从而导致寿命提高.关键词:多晶硅;氧;寿命
EEACC :2520C
中图分类号:TN30411+2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:025324177(2005)1222294204