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Rearch and Implementation of Microphone Array Beamforming Algorithm
Thesis Submitted to Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications for the Degree of
Master of Engineering
Chen YingRui
Supervisor: Prof. Wu Meng
May 2020brooklyn
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研究生学号:_1217012135_ 研究生签名: 日期:美剧排行榜前十名
研究生签名: 导师签名: _ 日期: 2020.5.13
随着语音技术的迅速发展,越来越多的用户有意获取更为清晰的语音系统。在视频、电话会议系统、大型会议室等一些应用场合,需要对感兴趣的声源实现定位和语音增强。传统的单个麦克风在对采集到的语音进行增强算法处理时,容易混入新的音乐噪声且造成信号的失真,不能满足人们对声音质量的要求。麦克风阵列能够自动检测,定位声源的位置,并对噪声信号进行空间滤波,取得更加明显的干扰噪声增强语音的效果。the wizard of oz
重庆特训营关键词: 麦克风阵列,波束形成,声源定位,语音增强,C6747,OMAP-L137
With the rapid development of voice technology, more and more urs intend to obtain a clearer voice system. In some applications such as video, teleconferencing systems, and large conference rooms, it is necessary to implement localization and voice enhancement for sound sources of interest. The traditional single microphone performs enhanced algorithm processing on the collected
voice, which easily enters new music noi and caus signal distortion, cannot meet people's requirements for sound quality. The microphone array can automatically detect, locate the sound source, and spatially filter the noi signal to obtain a more obvious effect of enhancing speech by inhibiting noi.
舒婷我亲爱的祖国This thesis mainly studies the sound source localization algorithm, speech enhancement algorithm and echo and reverberation cancellation algorithm bad on microphone array beamforming. The paper studies veral typical sound source localization algorithms such as high-resolution spectral estimation of sound source localization technology, controllable waveform formation localization technology bad on the maximum output power, and propos an improved localization technology bad on the time of arrival (TDOA). The improved sound source localization algorithm can more accurately identify the position of the sound source and improve the accuracy of the delay estimation. The Convention Beamforming algorithms, the Adaptive Beamforming algorithms and the post-filter beamforming algorithm are studied, and a post-filter beamforming algorithm bad on ASNR and MSS is designed. The paper compares and analyzes the performance of veral algorithms. Among them, the Convention Beamforming method can achieve speech enhancement to a certain extend. It has a limited effect of removing noi and can only remove coherent noi. In the
process of the GSC algorithm, the ability to filter out the noi component of the expected signal is not very good, affecting the overall algorithm. Post-filter beamforming algorithm bad on adaptive spectral noi reduction (ASNR) and multi-source lection (MSS) propod in this paper can reduce noi from mid-band and higher bands, and can also u adaptive ASNR filtering to reduce the influence of low-frequency noi, improve the performance of noi cancellation and the quality of the output audio signal. The paper studies the microphone array reverberation cancellation algorithm and adaptive echo cancellation algorithm. The adaptive echo cancellation algorithm simulates an approximate echo path that infinitely approximates the true echo path by adjusting the weight of the adaptive filter to obtain an estimated