研究生姓名:刘洋 年级:2007级 导师姓名:帅民风 教授 专业:美术学 研究方向:图形艺术研究
Discuss the Weifang kite's plastic art characteristic from the cultural
Postgraduate:Liu Yang Grade:2007 Tutor:Professor Shuai Min Feng Major:Fine Arts Rearch direction:Graphic Arts Rearch
The kite is with the line hauling,releas for flight with the aid of the wind power in the airborne one kind of artificial manufacture flight vehicle. The kite has had been through repeatedly over a thousand year evolution,develops into people's entertainment toy as well as the competition project by the early time sole military purpo,by pure releas for flight the function to develop into the col
lection practical appreciation in body's folk arts and crafts,melts the science and technology and art is a body,has manifested the unique localization and the folk custom. The kite by its glorious history culture,the deep national connotation,the exquisite production process,the perfect artistic effects becomes in the folk craft rare and beautiful flowers. The Weifang kite was considered that is one of folk kite's reprentatives,its prominent characteristic is good-hearted plain,fresh lively,has the strong life breath,in the year before last's inheritance,has formed the unique folk custom culture. The Weifang kite comes the load bearing people's desire through its unique ornamental mold and the decorative pattern,repos the people to happy life yearning,reflected that the people good health the thoughts and feelings,have the deep national tradition and the folk custom color,while entertainment body and mind,but can also rve the purpo which strongs and healthy body. From our country tradition kite everywhere obviously the propitious implication's modelling design and the archaism,have pray lucky are a good omen,the disappearing disaster to avoid evil influences meaning,repos the people happy desire. On the Weifang kite's propitious modelling design full of meat,has roughly “prays”“accepts the wealth”“the longevity”“the jubilation”“to exorci”and so on types. The folk fine arts modelling initial form is by one kind of custom,believes in the society determined that own position,along with living standard's enhancement,the goods' utility function are substituted for gradually by the entertainment functio
n,any kind of folk art is all has the development under the practical premi,the usability is its basic attribute. “in fact, `is an art,but art ' the life does not have completely,in the majority societies,,the goal which art produces not only for the entertainment.”The kite is not exceptional. Has invented the kite since the people,kite's shape and makes articles out of plaited bamboo,take the wind power,the wind direction as the reference esntial factor,the symmetrical modelling could be helpful to the soaring type,on the kite the cotton rope which towed is grasped the soaring altitude,the function had the decision modelling form function,thus caud the modelling and the characteristic bas rigorously on the science. Refines the folk fine arts modelling from the life the enjoyable mark is the artists commonly ud way,the artist when carries on the creation,through to the natural image moderate choices,is for refinement modelling characteristic,adaptation modelling craft manufacture. Through to the main body modelling's summary and the description,holds that
moving characteristic most importantly,a good handicraft is simplifies the summary from the modelling integrity and modelling retinitis simplex the two aspects. Kite's characteristic is also displays by its modelling,therefore kite's artistic form is in the kite creation process hard core. The local Yang Jiabu plank lunar new year's painting's influence,the Weifang kite has the color to be ric
h,the contrast is inten,the composition is full,line rough style,rich rich local breath. The Weifang kite's modelling type is rich,has long string –like,the barrel type,the board,the hard wing,the soft wing and so on. Most characterful factor main item kite. The Weifang kite specially in the modelling structure and the drawing color,transplants the manufacture graphic arts' craft to the kite on,utilizes in kite's plan the traditional Chine painting traditional technique,formed the modelling to be exquisite,the hired laborer was fine,the color gorgeous unique style,became a Chine kite's important school. This article in the prent rearch's foundation,attempts the cultural news which as well as the traditional design to the Weifang kite's inheritance evolution cour,the modelling craft characteristic's formation reason,the composition,the color contains the influence which produces to the Chine prent age design and so on veral aspects carries on the analysis,inquired into emphatically the folk custom culture endosarc the influence which to the Weifang kite's modelling craft characteristic,the artistic value produces conducts the rearch. This article in the first part has summarized in the history each time kite modelling development condition,carries on the elaboration from the folk custom life's angle to the Weifang kite's modelling. Obtains the folk custom life to affect the folk fine arts modelling production and the development, in historical perpetual flow their mutual influence parallel intergrowth coexistence. The article cond part elaborated the different time each kite school and the reprentative personage a
nd the kite modelling relations. The third part key carries on the analysis to the Weifang kite's modelling characteristic. The fourth part elaborated the traditional design to now the generation of design influence. Certainly,will also will certainly to unfold its new significance and the vitality take the kite as reprentative's folk fine arts work in the new historical period,certainly also has the crisis to exist,like the modelling variation,los actually and so on simple many questions.
carlottaKey words:Weifang Kite culture Shape
引言 (1)
一、风筝的起源考辩 (3)
(一)从中国风筝起源来揭示风筝造型的表现形态 (3)自由女神像介绍
1、中国风筝的起源及发展 (3)
2、历代的风筝艺术 (4)
3、潍坊风筝存在及发展的条件 (6)
(二)从风筝的造型来揭示民俗文化形态 (8)
1、风筝造型与巫术、信仰的关系 (8)
2、风筝造型与口承语言民俗的关系 (9)never think
3、风筝与节日庆典的关系 (10)
4、风筝与人们生活方式的关系 (11)
二、潍坊风筝的逸风考究 (12)
(一)种类与流派 (12)beckman
1、风筝造型与地域性、类别的关系 (12)去除毛孔
2、风筝造型与风格流派的关系 (12)
(二)传承方式及风筝造型风格的表现 (14)
1、父子相袭传承方式的风筝造型表现 (14)
2、师徒相续传承方式的风筝造型表现 (14)
3、师徒相承、父子相袭的传承 (14)
三、潍坊风筝的造型考量 (16)
(一)风筝的造型艺术特征 (16)
1、风筝的静态造型美 (16)
2、风筝的动态、空间造型美 (20)
(二)风筝的构图与色彩表现 (21)
1、风筝布局形式的特点 (21)2021四六级考试
2、风筝的色彩表现 (23)
3、风筝用色的基本原则 (24)
4、风筝的绘画纹样与色彩借鉴 (25)
四、潍坊风筝的致用考察 (27)
(一)民间造型元素在当今艺术设计中的应用 (27)
1、传统民间图形的再认识 (27)外研社小学英语