术语词汇表 英汉对照 |
Autarky 自给自足经济 ad valorem tariff 从价关税 antidumping duty 反倾销税 advanced nations 发达国家 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) 亚太经济合作组织 appreciation 升值 arbitrage 套汇 ast-markets approach 资产市场分析法 adjustment mechanism 调整机制 automatic adjustment 自动调整 absorption approach 吸收分析法 adjustable pegged exchange rates 可调整的钉住汇率制 auction price 拍卖价格 aggressive protective trade policy 侵略性保护贸易政策 alternative duty 选择税 absolute quota 绝对配额 autonomous quota 自主配额 agreement quota 协议配额 American Selling Price ,ASP 美国售价制 Anti-dumping Code 反倾销守则 Arms trade 军火贸易 Association of South East Asian Nations , ASEAN 东南亚国家联盟 Basis for trade 贸易基础 Business rvices 商业服务 Beggar-thy-neighbor policy 以邻为壑政策 Bonded warehou 保税仓库 Buy-national policies 购买国货政策 Buffer stock 缓冲存货 Benelux 比卢荷(比利时\荷兰\卢森堡) Brain drain 人才外流 Balance of international indebtedness 国际债务平衡表 Balance of payments 国际收支 Bid rate 买价 Bretton woods system 布雷顿森林体系 Bank for international ttlements (BIS) 国际结算银行企业培训公开课 Basket valuation 一篮子定价法 Buffer-stock facility 缓冲存货贷款 Bilateral trade 双边贸易 Balance of trade 贸易差额 Barter trade 易货贸易 Buyer’s credit 买方信贷 Blockade 封锁 Bilateral trade agreement 双边贸易协定 Bonds 债券 Complete specialization 完全专业化 Constant opportunity costs 机会成本不变 Commodity terms of trade 商品贸易条件 Community indifference curve 社会无差曲线 Compound tariff 混合关税 Consumer surplus 消费者剩余 Consumption effect 消费效应 Cost-insurance-freight (CIF) valuation 到岸价格估价 Customs valuation 海关估价 Corporate average fuel economy standards (CAFE) 公司平均燃料经济标准 Cost-bad definition of dumping 倾销的成本定义 Commodity Credit Corporation 商品信用公司 Countervailing duty 反补贴税 Cartel 卡特尔 Common agricultural policy 共同农业政策 Common market 共同市场 Convergence criteria 趋同标准 Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA COMECON) 经济互助委员会 Customs union 关税同盟 Counter-trade 补偿贸易 Conglomerate integration 混合一体化 Capital account 资本账户 Credit transaction 贷方交易 Current account 经常账户 Call option 看涨期权 Covered interest arbitrage 抛补套利 Cross exchange rate 交叉汇率 Currency swap 货币掉期交易 Currency pass-through 货币转嫁 Clean float 清洁浮动 Crawling peg 爬行钉住汇率制 Currency board 货币局制嘉亭荟 Compensatory financing facility 补偿性融资贷款 Conditionality 附加条件 Country risk 国家风险 Credit risk 信用风险 Currency risk 货币风险 Distribution of income 收入分配 Dynamic comparative advantage 动态比较优势 Deadweight loss 无谓损失 Domestic revenue effect 国内收入效应 Domestic content requirement 国内含量条件 Dumping 倾销 Development nations 发展中国家 Dynamic effects of economic integration 经济一体化的动态效应 Debit transaction 借方交易 Double-entry accounting 复式记账 Depreciation 贬值 Destabilizing speculation 破坏稳定的投机 Discount 贴水 Devaluation 法定贬值 Dirty float 肮脏浮动 Dollarization 美元化 Dual exchange rates 二元汇率制 Demand-pull inflation 需求拉动的通货膨胀 Direct controls 直接控制 Debt /equity swap 债权/股权转换 Debt reduction 债务削减 Debt forgiveness 债务豁免 Debt rvice/export ratio 债务清偿/出口比率 Demand for international rerves 国际储备需求 Debt-to-export ratio 债务出口比率commander in chief Demonetization of gold 黄金的非货币化 Economic interdependence 经济相互依存性 Exit barriers 退出壁垒 Economics of scale 经济规模 Environment regulation 环境管制 Effective tariff rate 有效关税率 Export credit subsidy 出口信贷补贴 Export quota 出口配额 Export-revenue effect 出口收入效应 Economic sanctions 经济制裁 Escape clau 豁免条款 Export –Import bank 进出口银行 East Asian tigers东亚老虎 Export controls 出口控制 Export-oriented policy 出口导向型政策 Export-led growth 出口带动型增长 Economic integration 经济一体化 Economic union 经济同盟 Euro 欧元 European economic Area 欧洲经济区 European Monetary Union (EMU) 欧元货币联盟 European Union (EU) 欧洲联盟 Export subsidies 出口补贴 Effective exchange rate 有效汇率 Exchange arbitrage 套汇 Exchange rate 汇率 Elasticity approach 弹性方法分析法 Exchange controls 外汇管制 Exchange-stabilization fund 外汇稳定基金 Expenditure-changing policies 支出变动政策 Expenditure-switching policies 支出转移政策 External balance 外部均衡 Eurocurrency market 欧洲货币市场 Free trade 自由贸易 Factor-endowment theory 要素禀赋论 agilityFactor-price equalization 要素价格均等化 Foreign-trade zone (FTZ) 对外贸易区 Free-on-board (FOB) valuation 离岸价格估价 Free-trade argument 自由贸易理论 Free-trade-biad ctor 赞成自由贸易的部门 Foreign sourcing 国外外包 Fast-track authority 快速通道权力 Flying-gee pattern of economic growth 经济增长的飞鹅模式 Free-trade area 自由贸易区 Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) 美洲自由贸易区 Foreign direct investment 对外直接投资 Foreign-exchange market 外汇市场 Forward market 远期市场 Foreign-currency options 外汇期权 Forward rate 远期汇率 Forward transaction 远期交易 Futures market 期货市场 Forecasting exchange rates 汇率的预测 blackguardFundamental analysis 基本面分析法 Foreign-trade multiplier 对外贸易乘数 Fixed exchange rates 固定汇率制 Foreign repercussion effect 外国反应效应 Floating exchange rates 浮动汇率制 Fundamental diquilibrium 根本性失衡 Fiscal policy 财政政策 Gains from international trade 国际贸易收益 Global quota 全球配额 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) 关税与贸易总协定 Generalized system of preferences (GSP) 普惠制 Guest workers 客座工人 Goods and rvices balance 货物和服务贸易差额 Gold standard 金本位制 范玮琪黑人婚纱照Group of Five (G-5) 五国集团 Group of Seven G-7) 七国集团 General Arrangements to Borrow 一般借款协定 Gold exchange standard 金汇兑本位制 Heckscher –Ohlin theory 赫克歇尔-俄林理论 Horizontal integration 横向一体化 Hedging 套期保值 Increasing opportunity costs 机会成本递增 Immirizing growth 贫困化增长 Importance of being unimportant 充当不重要角色的重要性 Indifference curve 无差异曲线 Indifference map 无差异图 Industrial policy 产业政策 Inter-industry specialization 产业间专业化 Inter-industry trade 产业间贸易 Intra-industry trade 产业内贸易 Intra-industry specialization 产业内专业化 Infant-industry argument 幼稚产业保护论 Import quota 进口配额 Intellectual property rights (IPRs) 知识产权 Import substitution 进口替代 International commodity agreements 国际商品协定 International joint ventures 国际合资企业 Inter-bank market 银行同业市场 Interest arbitrage 套利 International Monetary Market (IMM) 国际货币市场 International capital movements 国际资本移动 Income determination 收入决定 Institutional constraints 制度约束 Internal balance 内部均衡 International economic policy 国际经济政策 International economic –policy coordination 国际经济政策协调 IMF drawings IMF提款 International rerves 国际储备 International monetary fund 国际货币基金组织 Judgmental forecasts 判断预测法 J-curve effect J-曲线效应 Kennedy Round 肯尼迪回合 Knowledge-bad growth policy 基于知识的增长政策 Key currency 关键货币 Law of comparative advantage 比较优势原理 Labor theory of value 劳动价值论 Leontief paradox 里昂惕夫之迷 Large nation 大国 Level playing field 公平的竞技场 Labor mobility 劳动力流动性 Long position 多头 Law of one price 一价定律 Leaning against the wind 逆势干预 Louver Accord 卢孚协定 Liquidity problem 流动性问题 Marginal rate of transformation (MRT) 边际转换率 Mercantilists 重商主义 Marginal rate of substitution (MRS) 边际替代率 Margin of dumping 倾销利润 Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) 国际贸易和产业部 Most-favored –nation (MFN) clau 最惠国条款 Multilateral contract 多边合同 Maastricht Treaty 马斯特里赫特条约 Market economy 市场经济 Monetary economy 货币经济 Monetary union 货币联盟 Maquiladoras 工业园 Migration 移民 Multinational enterpri (MNE) 跨国企业 Merchandi trade balance 商品贸易差额 Market fundamentals 市场基本因素 Market expectations 市场预期 Monetary approach 货币分析法 Multiplier process 乘数过程 Marshall-Lerner condition 马歇尔-特纳条件 Managed floating system 管理浮动汇率制 Multiple exchange rates 复式汇率制 Monetary policy 货币政策 No-trade boundary 不贸易边界 Nominal tariff rate 名义关税率 Non-restrained suppliers 非限制性供货商 Non-tariff trade harriers (NTBs) 非关税贸易壁垒 Normal trade relations 正常贸易关系 New international economic order 国际经济新秩序 Non-market ecomomy 非市场经济 North American Free Trade ( NAFTA) 北美自由贸易协定 Net creditor 贷方净额 Net debtor 借方净额 Net foreign investment 国外投资净额 Nominal interest rate 名义利率 Offer curve 提供曲线 Outer limits for the equilibrium terms of trade 贸易均衡条件的外部限制 Offshore-asmbly provision (OAP) 境外装备条款 Optimum tariff 最优关税 Orderly marketing agreement (OMA) 有序销售协定 Organization of petroleum exporting countries (OPEC) 石油输出国组织 Optimum currency area 最优货币区 Official rerve asts 官方储备资产 Official ttlements transactions 官方结算交易 Offer rate 卖价 Option 期权 Option market 期权市场 Overshooting 超调 Official exchange rate 官方汇率 Operation twist 经营办法 Overall balance 总收支差额 Oil facility 石油贷款 Partial specialization 部分专业化 Price-specie-flow doctrine 价格流转学说 Principle of absolute advantage 绝对优势原理 Principle of comparative advantage 比较优势原理 Production gains from specialization 专业化的生产收益 Production possibilities schedule 生产可能性曲线 Polluter-pays principle 污染者付费原则 Product life cycle theory产品生命周期理论 Producer surplus 生产者剩余 Production sharing 生产分工 Protection-biad ctor 赞成贸易保护的部门 Protective effect 保护效应 Protective tariff 保护关税 Persistent dumping 持续性倾销 Predatory dumping 掠夺性倾销 Price-bad definition of dumping 倾销的价格定义 Primary products 初级产品 Production controls 生产控制 Premium 升水 Put option 看跌期权 Purchasing –power –parity approach 购买力平价分析法 Par value 平价 Policy agreement 政策协调 Policy conflict 政策冲突 Quantity theory of money 货币数量理论 Region of mutually beneficial 互惠贸易区 Redistributive effect 再分配效应 Revenue effect 收入效应 Revenue tariff 财政关税 Reciprocal trade agreement act 互惠贸易协定法案 Regional trading arrangement 区域贸易协定 Real interest rate 实际利率 Relative purchasing power parity 相对购买力平价 Rules of the game 游戏规则 Revaluation 法定升值 Specific-factors theory 特定要素理论 Scientific tariff 科学关税 Small nation 小国 Specific tariff 从量关税 Selective quota 选择性配额 Social regulation 社会管制 Sporadic dumping 偶发性倾销 Subsidies 补贴 Section 301 301条款 Smoot-hawley act 斯母特-赫利法案 Strategic trade policy 战略性贸易政策 Static effects of economic integration 经济一体化的静态效应 Statistical discrepancy 统计差异 Short position 空头 Speculation 投机 Spot market 即期市场 Spot transaction 即期交易 Spread 价差 Stabilizing speculation 促进稳定的投机 Strike price 协定价格 Speculative bubble 投机泡沫 Seigniorage 铸造利差 Special drawing right (SDR) 特别提款权 Special drawing rights特别提款权 Supply of international rerves 国际储备供给 Swap arrangements 货币互换协议 Terms of trade 贸易条件 Trade triangle 贸易三角 Trading possibilities line 贸易可能性曲线 Theory of reciprocal demands 相互需求理论 Theory of overlapping demands 需求重叠理论 Transportation costs 运输成本 Tariff 关税 Tariff escalation 关税升级 Terms-of-trade effect 贸易条件效应 Tariff-rate quota 关税税率配额 Trade-diversion effect 贸易转移效应 Tokyo round 东京回合 Trade adjustment assistance 贸易调整援助 Trade-creation effect 贸易创造效应 Trade-diversion effect 贸易转移效应 Transition economies 转性经济 Technology transfer 技术转移 Transfer pricing 转移定价 Transplants 跨国工厂 Trade balance 贸易差额 Three-point arbitrage 三角套汇 Trade-weighted dollar 美元的贸易加权价值 Two-point arbitrage 两角套汇 Technical analysis 技术分析预测法 Target exchange rates 目标汇率 Uruguay round 乌拉圭回合 United national conference on trade and development (UNCTAD) 联合国贸易与发展会议 U.S-Canada free trade Agreement 美加自由贸易协定 Unilateral transfers 单方转移 Uncovered interest arbitrage 无抛补套利 Voluntary export restraints (VER) 自愿出口限制 Variable levies 差价税 Vertical integration 纵向一体化 World trade Organization (WTO) 世界贸易组织 Wage and price controls 工资和价格控制 Foreign trade 对外贸易 Overa(s) trade 海外贸易 International trade 国际贸易 World trade 世界贸易 Tradable goods 可贸易商品 Tangible goods 有形商品 Visible trade 有形商品 Intangible goods 无形商品 Invisible trade 无形商品 Trade in rvices 服务贸易 Technology trade 技术贸易 Value of foreign trade 对外贸易额 Value of imports 进口贸易额 Value of exports 出口贸易额 Commodity composition of foreign trade 对外贸易商品结构 Commodity composition of international trade 国际贸易商品结构 Manufactured goods 工业制成品 Semi-manufactured goods 半制成品 Direction of foreign trade 对外贸易地理方向 International trade by regions 国际贸易地区分布 Stagflation 滞胀 Developed country 发达国家 Developing country 发展中国家 Quantum of export trade 出口贸易量 Quantum of international trade 国际贸易量 Economics of scale 规模经济 Trade as an engine of growth 对外是经济增长的发动机 Carrying trade 贩运贸易chine lady International division of labor 国际分工 World market 世界市场 Territorial division of labor 地域分工 Plantation 种植园 Triangular trade 三角贸易 Market capacity 市场容量 Industrial revolution 产业革命 Multilateral trade 多边贸易 Favorable balance of trade 贸易顺差 Trade surplus 贸易盈余 Unfavorable balance of trade 贸易逆差 Trade deficit 贸易赤字 Theory of absolute cost 绝对成本论 Theory of comparative advantage 比较成本论 Principle of comparative advantage 比较优势原则 Theory of factor endowments 要素禀赋论 Heckscher-Ohlin model , H-O model 赫-俄模式 Labor intensive product 劳动密集型产品 Capital intensive product 资本密集型产品 Technology intensive product 技术密集型产品 Specialization of product 专业化生产 Degree of dependence on foreign trade 对外贸易依存度 Foreign trade coefficient 对外贸易系数 Intermediate product 中间产品 Capital goods 资本货物 Horizontal division of labor 水平分工 Vertical division of labor 垂直分工 International value 国际价值 Exchange of unequal values 不等价交换 Law of reciprocal demand 相互需求原理 Net barter terms of trade 纯易货贸易条件 Income terms of trade 收入贸易条件 International market price 国际市场价格 World market price 世界市场价格 Free market price 自由市场价格 Tender price 开标价格 Reference price 参考价格 Monopolistic price 垄断价格 Managed price 管理价格 Support price 支持价格 Transfer price 转移价格 Strategic stockpiling 战略屯储 Foreign trade policy 对外贸易政策 Free trade policy 自由贸易政策 Protective trade policy 保护贸易政策 Ultra protective trade policy 超保护贸易政策 Protectionism 贸易保护主义 Infant industry 幼稚工业 Trade liberalization 贸易自由化 Trade war 贸易战 Corn law 谷物法 Tariff ,customs duty 关税 Customs frontier 关境 Protective tariff 保护关税 Import duty进口税 Export duty 出口税 Transit duty 过境税 Tariff barrier 关税壁垒 Surtax 附加税 Normal tariff正税 Preferential duty 特惠税 Imperial preferential system 帝国特惠税 Commonwealth preferential system 英联邦特惠税 Lome convention 洛美协定 Dutiable price ,customs value 完税价格 Net weight 净重 Gross weight 毛重 Legal weight 法定重量 Customs tariffs 海关税则 Tariff no./heading no./tariff item 税则号列 Rate of duty, tariff rate 税率 Single tariffs 单式税则 Complex tariffs 复式税则 National tariffs 国定税则 Conventional tariffs , agreement tariffs 协定税则 Customs cooperation council nomenclature ,CCCN 海关合作理事会商品目录 Standard international trade classification ,SITC 国际贸易标准分类 Harmonized commodity description and coding system, harmonized system, HS 协调商品名称与编码制度 Nominal rate of protection 名义保护率 Effective rate of protection 有效保护率 Added value 增加价值 Trade barriers 贸易壁垒 Quantitative restrictions 出口限制 Import quota system 进口配额制 Global quota , unallocated quota 全球配额 Country quota国别配额 Tariff quota 关税配额 ‘voluntary’ export restraint, VER 自动出口配额制 Market disruption 市场扰乱 Import licen system 进口许可证 Open general licen 公开一般许可证 Special licen, validated licen 特种许可证 Multiple exchange rate 复汇率 Internal tax 国内税 Trigger price system 启动价格制 Import deposit scheme 进口押金制 Customs valuation 海关估价 Tariff war 关税战 Export credit 出口信贷 Supplier’s credit 卖方信贷 Export-import bank 进出口银行(美国) Export credit guarantee system 出口信贷国家担保制 Tied loan约束性贷款 Commodity credit corporation ,CCC商品信贷公司 Intermittent dumping 间歇性倾销 Long-run dumping 长期性倾销 Hidden dumping隐蔽性倾销 Foreign exchange dumping外汇倾销 Coordinating committee, COCOM巴黎统筹委员会 Embargo禁运 Economic sanction 经济制裁 Free economic zone自由经济区 Free port 自由港 Bonded area 保税区 Export processing zone 出口加工区 Free frontier 自由边境区 Multilateral trade agreement 多边贸易协定 Plurilateral trade agreement 诸边贸易协定 Commercial treaty贸易条约 Treaty of commerce and navigation 通商航海条约 Trade agreement 贸易协定 Payment agreement 支付协定 Most-favored-nation treatment , MFN最惠国待遇 National treatment 国民待遇 Multinational corporation, MNC多国公司 International capital movement国际资本移动 Foreign direct investment, FDI对外直接投资 International cartel 国际卡特尔 Restrictive business practice, RBP 限制性商业惯例 Host country 东道国 Mother country母国 Parent company母公司 Subsidiary company子公司 Export of capital资本输出 Portfolio investment 证券投资 Stocks 股票q2什么意思 Foreign aid 对外援助 Loans贷款 Sole enterpris独资企业 Joint venture合资企业 Reinvestment 再投资 European payment union欧洲支付同盟 Frontier trade边境贸易 International trade organization, ITO国际贸易组织马西诺 Havana charter哈瓦那宪章 CONTRACTING PARTIES缔约国全体 Contracting party 缔约方 Trade liberalization贸易自由化 Enabling clau授权条款 Market access市场准入 Cairns group 凯恩斯集团 Multi-fibre arrangement, MFA多种纤维协定 Fair value 正常价值 Material injury 实质性损害 Constructed price 结构价格 Counter-vailing duty 反补贴税 General agreement on trade in rvices, GATS服务贸易总协定 Trade related investment measures, TRIMs与贸易有关的投资措施 Trade related intellectual properties, TRIPs 与贸易有关的知识产权 Intellectual property 知识产权 Industrial property 工业产权 Copyright著作权 Patent专利 Trademark商标 World bank世界银行 International bank for reconstruction and development ,IBRD 国际复兴开发银行 Non-discrimination非歧视原则 Tariff concession negotiation关税减让谈判 Multilateral trade negotiation, MTN多边贸易谈判 Primary industry第一产业 Secondary industry第二产业 Tertiary industry第三产业 Transparency透明度 General trade总贸易 icefishSpecial trade专门贸易 Export drawback出口退税 Certificate of origin原产地证书 Staple commodity大宗商品 Re-export再出口 Gains from trade贸易利益 Dumping margin倾销幅度 East-west trade东西贸易 South-south cooperation 南南合作 Collective lf-reliance集体自力更生 Posted price 标价 International economic integration国际经济一体化 Complete economic integration完全经济一体化 Preferential trade arrangement优惠贸易安排 Council for mutual economic assistance ,CMEA经济互助委员会 European economic community, EEC欧洲经济共同体 European community, EC欧洲共同体 Rome treaty罗马条约 European free trade association, EFTA欧洲自由贸易联盟 Trade creation贸易创立 Trade diversion贸易转向 Variable levy差价税 General tariff rate 普通税率 Conventional tariff rate协定税率 Common agricultural policy, CAP共同农业政策 Intra-regional trade区内贸易 Mutual trade相互贸易 European monetary system, EMS欧洲货币体系 Single market统一大市场 Pacific rim economic cooperation环太平洋经济合作 Pacific economic cooperation council ,PECC 太平洋经济合作理事会 World economic pattern 世界经济格局 “super 301” clau “超级301”条款 Least developed countries, LDCs 最不发达国家 Export orientation 出口导向 Group of 77 77国集团 Rearch and development ,R&D研究与开发 International commodity agreement 国际商品协定 Newly industrialized countries (economies) , NICs/NIEs新兴工业化国家 International debt crisis 国际债务危机 |
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