青蛙公主 日剧
take riously造句少儿国学
1. We must take riously the warnings of scientists about the effect of global warming on our planet.
2. We need to take riously the advice of our elders and learn from their experience.
3. It is important to take riously the opinions of our peers and consider their perspectives when making decisions.
新思达 4. We have to take riously the promis we make to ourlves and strive to keep them.
5. It is esntial to take riously the conquences of our actions and think carefully before acting.
6. We should take riously the responsibility of caring for our environment and protecting it from further damage.
7. We must take riously the importance of education and make sure to invest in it for our children.
agony 8. We need to take riously the dangers of drug and alcohol abu and work to educate our kids about the risks.
英语四级考试听力 9. It is important to take riously the right to vote and make sure we exerci it whenever possible.选择题口诀
笑嘻嘻笑嘻嘻 10. We have to take riously the need for safety in our communities and ensure that our streets are cure.