Uniform Resource Identifier or URI is a string of characters that identify specific resources. URI is like an address or Social curity number of an entity which can be a web page or a file or a book. URI is generally ud in IT and WWW for different types of object identification.
Uniform Resource Identifier或URI是标识特定资源的字符串。 URI就像是实体的地址或社会安全号码,可以是⽹页,⽂件或书籍。 URI通常在IT和WWW中⽤于不同类型的对象标识。
URI标准RFC 3986 (URI Standard RFC 3986)
URI is defined in RFC 3986 as a standard. URI dates back to 1990 and defined in RFC1630 it is updated regularly. With the RFC 3986, all previously URI related standards became absolute.
URI在RFC 3986中定义为标准。 URI的历史可以追溯到1990年,并在RFC1630中定义,并且会定期更新。 有了RFC 3986,所有以前与URI相关的标准就变成了绝对的。
Uniform means using a single form for all different types which can be ud for all of them without any exception and change.
Resource means anything which can be ud as a resource or some object uful.
Identifier means identifying the given entity or object uniquely or in a group manner according to the situation.
URI语法 (URI Syntax)
URI provides a complete and uniform syntax where everything can be defined with complying with this syntax.
Scheme is the protocol or scheme which will be ud to connect or access to the resource. The scheme can be http, https, ftp, ldap, mailto, tel, telnet, ssh, etc. As we e that all of them provide a standardized protocol for communications and network transmission.
Scheme是将⽤于连接或访问资源的协议或⽅案。 该⽅案可以是http,https,ftp,ldap,mailto,tel,telnet,ssh等。正如我们所看到的,它们都提供了⽤于通信和⽹络传输的标准化协议。
Ur and Password are optional parameters where they can be omitted according to the usage. But can be ud for
situations like authentication to access a restricted resource. For example, to access HTTP basic authentication protected resource we should provide the urname and password.
Ur和Password是可选参数,可以根据⽤法将其省略。 但是可⽤于诸如访问受限资源的⾝份验证之类的情况。 例如,要访问受HTTP基本⾝份验证保护的资源,我们应提供⽤户名和密码。
Host is an important part where the remote resource host is provided with this parameter. We can u IP address or domain name for the host in general but another type of host definition can be ud for different cas.
Host是向远程资源主机提供此参数的重要部分。 通常,我们可以为主机使⽤IP地址或域名,但在不同情况下也可以使⽤另⼀种类型的主机定义。
Port is optional but we can specify the port explicitly. Port is generally related to the scheme where HTTP protocol us port number 80, https 443 by default. If the port is default one we can skip the port parameter but if different from the default we should provide it explicitly.
Port是可选的,但我们可以显式指定端⼝。 端⼝通常与HTTP协议默认使⽤端⼝号80(https 443)的⽅案有关。 如果端⼝是默认端⼝,我们可以跳过端⼝参数,但是如果与默认端⼝不同,我们应该明确提供它。
Path is another important parameter where the preci location of the resource is specified on the host. The host provides the generic address or node where path provides the preci address like index.html or /urs/ismail etc.
在主机上指定资源的精确位置的地⽅, Path是另⼀个重要参数。 主机提供通⽤地址或节点,路径提供精确的地址,例
Query is ud to provide different types of inputs and parameters into the specified resource or path. This is especially uful for dynamic web pages to provide parameters.
考研英语真题下载Query⽤于向指定的资源或路径提供不同类型的输⼊和参数。 这对于动态⽹页提供参数特别有⽤。
Fragment is not ud so much is can be uful to specify some pages of the remote resource or path. The specific area of a web page can be specified with a fragment.
Fragment未使⽤太多,可以⽤于指定远程资源或路径的某些页⾯。 ⽹页的特定区域可以⽤⽚段指定。
URI范例 (URI Examples)
URI can be ud to specify different objects or resources. URI is especially ud for the identification of web pages, mail address, telnet connections, phone numbers, LDAP connections.
URI可⽤于指定不同的对象或资源。 URI特别⽤于标识⽹页,邮件地址,telnet连接,电话号码,LDAP连接。
Http Uri (Http Uri)
http is the protocol part which means this resource can be accesd by using the HTTP protocol.
is the host part which provides the fully qualified domain name.
what-is-a-query-databa-query is the path which specified the resource on the given host.
We can e that the resource is specified with only protocol, host and path parameters. But we can also specify this URI like below.
我们可以看到仅通过协议,主机和路径参数指定了资源。 但是我们也可以像下⾯这样指定此URI。
Https Uri(Https Uri)
Https is the cure version of the Http. So most of the Uri parts are the same as the Http. We will just u https according to http like below.
Https是Http的安全版本。 因此,⼤多数Uri部分与Http相同。 我们将仅根据http使⽤https ,如下所⽰。
https is the protocol part which means this resource can be accesd by using the HTTPS protocol.
is the host part which provides the fully qualified domain name.
英语爱情名言what-is-a-query-databa-query is the path which specified the resource on the given host.
We can e that the resource is specified with only protocol, host and path parameters. But we can also specify this URI like below.
剀切我们可以看到仅通过协议,主机和路径参数指定了资源。 但是我们也可以像下⾯这样指定此URI。
Ftp Uri(Ftp Uri)
File transfer protocol or Ftp is ud to download and upload files to the FTP rvers.
ftp is the protocol name
< is the hostname
< is the resource path which is a gzipped file named Linux.
LDAP is a protocol ud to manage urs, systems access and authentication. LDAP resources can be specified with Uri. LDAP是⽤于管理⽤户,系统访问和⾝份验证的协议。 可以使⽤Uri指定LDAP资源。
ldap is the protocol name.
[2001:db8::7] is the host which is an IPv6 address.
c=GB is the path for the remote resource.
objectClass and one are the query for the specified path.
邮件乌⾥ (Mail Uri)
Mail address are specified with Uri form like below. They are a bit different from HTTP and LDAP specification.
邮件地址使⽤Uri格式指定,如下所⽰。 它们与HTTP和LDAP规范有些不同。
mailto is the protocol that is mail address for this ca.
ismail.baydan is the urname of the mail ur.丧气近义词
< is the host of the mail ur.
Telnet Uri (Telnet Uri)
Telnet connections can be specified with URI like below.
telnet is the protocol of the remote resource.
telnet是远程资源的协议。 is the host or IP address of the resource.是资源的主机或IP地址。
2323 is the port number of the remote telnet resource where 23 is the default telnet number. But this port number is specified explicitly becau it is different from 23.
2323是远程telnet资源的端⼝号,其中23是默认telnet号。 但是此端⼝号是明确指定的,因为它不同于23。youdan
⽂件Uri (File Uri)
Files on a disk can be also specified with URI.
file is the protocol or type of the given resource.
c:\ is the host of the given resource which is a disk partition.
了解更多如何安装,配置和运⾏Linux Tftp Client?
urs\prentation.ppt is the path of the given resource which also contains the file name with extension. urs\prentation.ppt是给定资源的路径,还包含带有扩展名的⽂件名。