一阳"frist yang, Shaoyang Channel"
一阴"frist yin, Jreyin Channel"for one more day
一逆one mista ade in treatment
一息 respiration
一侧的 unilateral
一日量 daily do
一服药 a do of medicine
一夫法 finger breadth measurement
一身痛重general pain and heaviness
乙癸同源Yi(the live) and Gui)the Kidney) bejing the same source
二阴"two lower orifices, ie, the external urethral orifice and the anus"
二浊reddish and whitish turbid urine
二十八脉twenty-eight kinds of pul condition
二阳并病Shaoyang syndrome complicated by Taiyang syndrome
二便不利difficulty in urination and defecation
二便失禁urinary and fecal incontinence
十问inquire about ten aspects of the patient
十剂ten kinds of prescription
十八反 eighteen incompatible medicaments
十二剂twelve kinds of prescription
十二节 twelve joints
十二禁 twelve contraindications
十二经 twelve regular channels
十二时traditional twelve two-hour periods
十二脏 twelve internal organs
十二怪脉"ten moribund puls, ten kinds of paradoxical pul condition"
十九畏nineteen nedicaments of nutual antagonism
十三科the thirteen medical specialties
十四经the fourteen channels
十五络(脉)fifteen main collaterals
十二节刺twelve methods of needling
十二经别branches of the twelve regular channels
十二经筋muscle along the twelve regular channels
十二皮部 twelve skin areas
十六郄穴 sixteen cleft points
十四经穴"accupuncture points on the fourteen regular channels, acupoints on regular channels" 十五络穴fifteen main collaterals points
十二经动脉arteries of the twelve channels
十二井穴 twelve well-points
十二经之海a of the twelve channels
丁痂 scar
丁奚疳infantile malnutrition due to excessive feeding
网站翻译丁躬势 bowing
丁字形骨折 T-shaped fracturre
七方"ven prescriptions, Seven formulae"
七恶the symtoms and signs indicating poor prognosis of suppurative infections of the exterior part of the body
七窍 ven orifices
七情 ven emotions
七疝ven kinds of hernia
七伤 1.ven kinds of impairments 2.ven symptoms suggesting consumption of the kidney-qi
七冲门 ven important portals
七怪脉"ven moribund puls, ven paradoxical pul conditions, ven fatal pul conditions" 七日风=脐风 neonatal tetanus
七星针=梅芬针 ven star needle
八纲the eight principal syndromes rving as guidelines in diagnosis
八法eight therapeutic methods
八廓the eight regions of the white of the eye
八溪 eight joints
八会穴"eight hui-points, eight influential points"
八片锦 different pictures of superficial venules of index finger in children as a reference for diagnosis
八纲辨证 analyzing and differentiating pathological conditions in accordance with the eight principal syndromes
八脉交会穴 eight confluence points
人中疔 boi on philtrum
人咬伤human bite; bite by man
人迎脉 Renying pul
人背复位 back-carrying reduction
人痘接种 human variolation
人工牛黄"artificial ox gallstone, Calculus Bovis Factitius"
人事不省=神昏 unconsciousness
入臼 joint reduction
儿风 eclampsia
儿茶"catechu, blzck catechu, Catechu"
儿枕痛 after-painsathlete
儿捧母心 breech prentation
儿科四大要证four chief dias in pediatrics
中考物理试题九刺nine types of needling
九气nine kinds of illness due to disturbance of qi
九窍 nine orifices
九脏 nine internal organs
九虫病 parasitic dias
九窍出血bleeding from the nine orifices
九六补泻法nini-six reinforcing-reducing method
刀伤 incid wound
刀晕 traumatic syncope
刀创伤drug for incid wound
刀斧伤wound by knife or ax
三宝"three exxentialsnce, qi and configurative force"
三痹three types of arthralgiz
三刺=齐刺 three-stratum puncture
三法 "three therapeutic methods-diaphoresis, emesis, and purgation"
三伏"1.three periods of dog days, 2.the third period of dog days"
三关the three pass
三焦"tri-jiao, sanjiao, triple warmer, triple heater"
三毛(丛,聚) clump hair
三品three grades of medicines
三消three types of diabetes
三因three categories etiologic factors
三虫病 three intestinal parasitos
三焦病dia of tri-jiao
三焦经 Tri-jiao Channel
三焦咳 tri-jiao cough
三棱针"three-deged needle, tri-ensiform needle"
三陷证three typesof inward penetration of pyogenic agent
三阳病dia of the three yang channels
三阳经 three yang channels
三阳络 Sanyanglo
三阴病dias of the three yin channels
三阴经 three yin channels
三阴痉convulsion with symptoms of three yin channels
三阴疟 three-yin malaria
三板疗法"tri-tabular massage, massage with three Kinds of boards"
三部九候three portions and nine pul-takings
7 三焦辨证differentiation of syndrome according to the pathological changes of trijiao 三焦实热heat in tri-jiao of excess type
三焦虚寒cold syndromes of deficiency type
三阳合病dia involving all three yang channels
三点挤压法 three-point pressure method
三焦主决渎the triple warmer manages the dredging of water pathway
干便 dry stool
干疽cellulitis at the anterolateral aspect of the shoulder
北京留学中介排名干咳"dry cough, unproductive cough"
bak干呕 retching
干陷dry type of inward penetation of pyogenic agent
干癣 1.chronic urodermatitis
干皮 dried bark
干血劳emaciation due to blood disorders
干胁痛 dry hypochondriac pain
干脚气 dry beriberi
干霍乱 dr cholera
干眼症 xerophthalmia
干拔罐 1.dry dinary cupping
土earth(in five elements)
土方"folk recipe, local recipe"
土疳=针眼 hordeolum
土栗infection of the heel
土风疮 popular urticaria
土生甘sweet flavour is attributed to earth
土生金 earth generates metal
土克水 earth restricts water
土脯子 mantis cheeks
土乘水 earth subjugates water
土不制水earth fails to control water
土生万物earth produces myriads of things
土喜温燥earth prefers warmth and dryness
土郁夺之Dampness accumulated in the spleen(earth) should be removed
8 下胞 Lower eyelid
下膊 forearm
下法"purgation, purgative therapy"
下疳 chancre
下膈intake of food in the morning and vomiting in the evening
下工"an inferior medical worker, an inexperienced healer"
下骨nding down the fishbone
下极 1.anus 2.perineum 3.area between inner canthi 4.another name for Hengku
下焦"lower-jiao, lower warmer, lower heater, lower burner"
下利 diarrgea
下迫 tenesmus
下气 "1.a therapeutic mithod to keep the adver qi flowing downward 2.aerofluxus, breaking wind 3.qu of the lower part of the body"
下窍 lower orifices
下泉 urine
下乳=催乳 lactogenesis
下脘 1.phlorus 2.Hsiawan
下陷=中气下陷 descending disorders
下消"diabetes of the kindney type, diabetes incolving the lower-jiao"
下搭手lower back cellulitis
下丹田lower elixir field
下发背"lumbar carbuncle, deep-rooted ulcer in the lumbar region"
下焦病 lower-jiao syndrome
下马痈acute pyogenic infection of right
下石疽indurated mass of knee
下牙床 mandible
下注疮eczema of shank
下病上取treating dias of the lower part of the body by needling points on the upper part of the body
下腹胀气flatulence in the lower abdomen
下汲肾阴consumption of the kidney-yin by the excessive heart fire
下焦如渎lower-jiao rembling water passages
下焦主出The Lower-jiao is in charge of excretory system巨无霸指数
下厥上竭exharstion of blood with cold limbs
下厥上冒 dizzeness caud by adver flow of qi
下利清谷diarrhea with undigested food in the stool
下损及上dua in the lower part affecting the upper
下胎毒法dispelling toxic heat and meconium gathered at the fetus for the new born
下者举之Sinking disorders should be treated with drugs of raising property; prolap and ptosis must be treated with the lifting method to reinforce the vital function of the spleen
下焦湿热downward flow of damp and heat
下利赤白 dynteric diarrhea
下横骨伤fracture of public bone
下行通路 descending pathway
大夫"an official's title in the feudal age, now ud for a doctor in northern China"
大肠 large intestine
大毒extremely poisonous drugs
大方 heavy prescription
大分distinct line between large muscles
大风= 麻风
大腹 upper abdomen
大谷large space between muscles
大汗"profu sweating, byperhidrosis, excessive perspiration"
大经 1.large channels 2.the needling of points on a large channel exhibiting symptoms
大厥 coma
大络 large collatereals
大脉"large plu, gigantic pul"
10 大衄profu bleeding from the mouth and no
大气 "atmosphere, air"
大溲(解) "defecation, bowel movements"
大泻 vigorous reduction
大医 respected doctor
大针 large needle
大眦=内眦 great canthus
大节 large joints
大产 eutocia
大便 feces; stool;defecation
大耳 mycrotia