Celebrate Your Freedo m from Allergens-- The #1
Rated Whole-Hou Air Purification System
The Perfect 16 powerfully removes more allergens, bacteria, dust, pollen and other airborne contaminants that are detrimental to your health. It’s the perfect system for people who suffer from allergies, asthma or for people who simply want to breathe the cleanest air possible. Let IQAir transform your hou into a healthy home.
Key word:The Perfect 16;Remove allergens;Fresh air
Highest Efficiency – Lowest Air Restriction
The Perfect 16™ is the only system that is rated a perfect Merv 16, the highest filtration rating possible. MERV stands for Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value. The MERV system was created by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) to independentl
y verify how well an air filtration system really cleans the air. Until the Perfect 16, no residential whole-hou air cleaning system had ever achieved this ultra-high rating.
While efficiency is very important, low air restriction is equally important. Conventional whole-hou air cleaners can decrea the airflow of your central heating and air conditioning system by as much as 50%. As a result, the forced air system has to work harder and longer to cool or heat your home. Incread energy consumption adds to your monthly electricity bill. In contrast, the Perfect 16 has the highest filtration efficiency coupled with one of the lowest air restrictions* in the industry. In fact, it actually improves the performance of your heating and air cooling system when when compared to conventional air cleaners.
Seamless Integration
Unlike other air cleaning systems, the Perfect 16 is amlessly retrofitted into your home’s existing heating and/or ai r conditioning system. It cleans 100% of the air
watersin your home. No partial cleaning or limited bypass installation.
Air is drawn through your home’s return grill typically located in a common area such as a hallway, th
en filtered through pleated micro-fiber filtration panels. This traps harmful micro-particles each and every time the air circulates through the system.
Purified air goes through your central air handling unit where it is distributed to every corner of your home. The air in your hou gets filtered through this system up to 125 times per day. The Perfect 16 continuously cleans and purifies the air to transform your hou into a healthy home.
In 1963, the brothers Klaus and Manfred Hammes introduced the world’s first residential air cleaner. It was designed to help people who had coal burning stoves remove dust and soot from the air. Soon they discovered that people who had their air cleaners were experiencing better health. Manfred, a life-long allergy and asthma sufferer, was the first person to benefit from his own machine.
Swiss Craftsmanship The Highest Quality
Crafted, asmbled, individually inspected and tested at IQAir’s Swiss factory, each Perfect 16 meets our high standards before it leaves our facility. IQAir expert craftsmen construct each unit with dedication and extreme attention to detail.
IQAir’s passion for the highest product quality extends to our expert, professional installation practices.
IQAir leads the industry with the most comprehensive installation guarantee.
中级口译真题下载The Perfect 16 Delivers up to 50 Times More Filtration Power英文自我介绍大学生
The Secret is the Revolutionary V2 Design
金融英语听力The V2 Difference: Perfect 16’s revolutionary V2 design
Most air filters have a single flat surface that fits squarely into the housing of the syst em. The Perfect 16’s filters are placed in a double “V” shape. The V2 design allows the Perfect 16 to u over 170 square feet of filter media. This is up to 50 times more filtration material than that of ordinary filtration systems. The additional surface area creates higher filtration efficiency, while allowing more air to pass through the system. A truly innovative design with substantially incread collection area provides
酝酿的意思superior filtration power over ordinary filtration systems.
Featuring Unique AMF Technology
iris插曲The Perfect 16 is the first whole-hou air cleaning system to utilize advanced micro-fiber filtration te
chnology. Filter fibers are 10 times thinner than tho ud in standard air filters. This allows air to easily pass through the filters, while the ultra-fine threads create an almost impenetrable barrier for pollution particles. The result is an air filter that ts a new standard for air cleaning efficiency as well as airflow.
No Filter Replacements for 3 Years!
Most whole-hou air cleaning systems and furnace filters require monthly changing and many even require weekly cleaning. The Perfect 16 takes the worry and hassle out of frequent filter changes and rvicing.
The Perfect 16’s extra large filter surface area is so efficient and long lasting that you won’t need rvice or replacements for up to three full years.
Our 10x Cleaner Air Guarantee
The Perfect 16 is the only whole-hou air purification system that is backed by an industry-leading performance guarantee. We promi you an over 90% reduction of airborne allergens and pollutants -such as dust, mold spores, bacteria, and virus -or your money back! As part of the IQAir tradition
of air cleaning excellence, each Perfect 16 is tested at the IQAir Swiss-bad factory before it is shipped to our customers to ensure optimum performance. But now we’re taking this tradition to the highest level and going beyond industry standards by testing the system and guaranteeing the results right in your home.
After the Perfect 16 is installed, the IQAir Authorized Installer will test and verify the installation with an advanced lar particle counter. The authorized installer will ensure that the system is removing at least 90% of particles 0.3 microns or larger. System performance will b e detailed in a personalized owner’s certificate.
never grow oldUsing advanced lar technology, an IQAir Authorized Installer will test particle levels before and after installation to guarantee results of 10X cleaner air. After testing the system, our IQAir Authorized Installer will enter the test results into
generationala personalized owner’s certificate which certifies your home as one of the healthiest homes in America.
IQAir’s Whole-Hou Air Cleaning System Wins Reviewboard’s Product of the Year
Written by Philip Ferreira, Editor-in-Chief of Reviewboard Magazine
The home we tested the Perfect 16 in was immaculate, but like many homes it had a hidden problem –unhealthy indoor air. We ud advanced lar particle counting equipment before and after installation so that our readers could e what they could really expect if they had this system installed in their own home.
The Perfect 16 delivers the highest level of air cleaning effectiveness available to homeowners. Reviewboard tested the system in a real home, not in a laboratory, and we saw an almost 95% improvement in air quality.
The Perfect 16 retrofits into existing heating and/or air conditioning (HV AC) systems. It us the existing duct work of a home to provide clean air to every room of the hou. The Perfect 16 utilizes IQAir’s Advanced Micro-Fiber Filtration technology. The ultra-fine fibers ud in the Perfect 16’s filters are ten times thinner than the fibers ud in standard air filters. This allows air to pass easily through the filter mesh while creating an almost impenetrable barrier for common houhold pollutants like dust, pollen, mold spores, allergens, even bacteria and virus.
We also noted that the Perfect 16 does away with a major annoyance of other whole-hou air purifiers: frequent cleaning or filter changes. Most air purifier systems require cleaning or filter changes every few months.
The Perfect 16 is filter replacement and maintenance free for up to three years. The Perfect 16 utilizes the circulation of a home’s forced air HV AC system. It does not require additional electricity to operate, and unlike electronic air purifiers, it produces absolutely no ozone.
The Perfect 16 is a truly amazing product. In our judgment, it is the best whole-hou air purification system on the market. It is exceptional in its air cleaning effectiveness and ultra-low maintenance. It’s a true winner and derving of Reviewboard’s Product of the Year award.
The Perfect 16 can be en Sundays on ABC’s popular television show “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition”, as IQAir helps the show’s Design Team build healthy homes for derving families. It is also currently featured in “Esquire Hou 360” in Beverly Hills, California.
About Reviewboard –Alexa ranking lists Reviewboard Magazine as the third largest consumer product review publication in the world. Their product reviews are read each year by more than 110 million readers in 54 countries worldwide. Alexa also lists Reviewboard as the #1 ur ranked consumer publication in the world.
Real Homes - Real Results
What difference will the Perfect 16 make in your home? Take a look at the results achieved in this old home built in 1928. It is hillside property in Los Angeles, a city known for its poor air quality. Indoor air quality specialists ud advanced lar pa rticle counters to measure the home’s indoor air quality before and after the installation. The instruments recorded the microscopic airborne pollution particles in the home including dust, mold, pollen, bacteria, and other irritants.
This home’s air qual ity was improved by over 95% within 90 minutes of installation, and that’s a typical result.
new york minuteLocation: Los Angeles County, California | Home size: 2’300 sq.ft (two story). Date: June 24, 2006 | HV AC System airflow: 1200 cfm Air Cleaning: Perfect 16 ID-2225
Before the installation the air pollution levels throughout the home were at approximately 1.5 million particles per cubic foot. After the Perfect16 was installed, the air quality was improved by over 90% in just 60 minutes. After 90 minutes, air quality was improved by over 95%. The home went from an unhealthy indoor environment to one of America’s cleanest homes in just an hour and a half. The are real results achieved in real homes, the kind of results you can expect when your Perfect 16 is installed.
2000-2008 The IQAir Group. All rights rerved. Technical specifications are subject to change without prior notice. IQAir, HealthPro and HyperHEPA are the registered trademarks of The IQAir Group.