
更新时间:2023-06-06 00:20:31 阅读: 评论:0

Below is our report on what transpired yesterday:
1. We confirmed Real Gain Investments (Private) Limited’s claim against Zimasco in the sum of US$1,366,806.06.
2. The salient points arising out of the creditors meeting were as follows:-
2 八点二十分昨天的债权会议所产生的主要方面如下:
2.1. All creditors would be paid within six and a half years. In the meantime it was suggested that the interest charged on all the debts should be suspended.
2.1. 中钢津巴布韦公司所欠债权人的债务将在六年半内全部予以支付。同时,会上建议目前所欠债务的利息都应暂停支付。
2.2. Arrangements had been made to pay all current debts accruing from 3rd of June 2016.
2.2 昨天的债权会议达成一致协议,中钢津巴布韦公司将偿还自201663日起所产生的新的债务。
2.3. All retrenched employees would be paid within eighteen months.
2.4. There was an apparent conflict of interest as the Judicial Manager is reprented by Zimasco’s lawyers, namely Wintertons Legal Practitioners as such the integrity of the report and the efforts being made by the Judicial Manager to resuscitate the company were subject to interrogation.
2.4. 由于中钢津巴布韦公司的律师代表,即来自温特顿法律事务所的法务经理与中钢公司有明显的利益冲突,因此对于该报告的真实性以及对于法务经理做出的试图挽救中钢津巴布韦公司的努力仍值得怀疑。
2.5. The Judicial Manager should consider disposing of the old management is deemed to be responsible for running the company down.
2.5. 法务经理应该考虑罢免中钢津巴布韦公司原来的管理层, 这将被视为挽救中钢津巴布韦公司,对债权人负责任的行为。
2.6. The terms of the provisional order had not been complied with. The voting exerci on the proposal was clearly futile and the High Court was unlikely to confirm the provisional order of the 7th of September 2016.
2.6. 中钢津巴布韦公司对于法院作出的临时命令条款也不予遵守。提案上的投票显然也没有起作用,并且高等法院在201697日也不太可能接受法院任命中钢津巴布韦公司司法小组的临时命令。
2.7. The creditors have a right to consider any counter deals being propod by Portnex, if any, to avoid relaying solely on Sinosteel.
2.6 债权人有权考虑由Portnex提出的任何挽救中钢津巴布韦公司的方案,以防止完全依赖中钢集团。初二宾语从句讲解
2.8. The creditors, namely, Nedbank Bank Limited were sceptical about the environmental claim lodged against Zimasco and other entities as an order in favour of the applicant would potentially have a negative impact on the generation of income.
2.8 债权方Nedbank银行对提出的对中钢的环境索赔持怀疑态度, 其他的公司认为有利于申请人的法院命令将可能对增加收入产生负面影响。
2.9. The Judicial Manager assured the creditors that there was no conflict of interest. He was amenable to appointing new lawyers if the creditors so wished however he would rather work with Wintertons Legal Practitioners as their advice are informed by the historical background of Zimasco. He was also amenable to appointing new management and open to considering other investors if they have the means to recapitalize Zimasco.
3.    In light of the contentious issues raid and the need to interrogate the report, it was agreed that the creditors meeting would be adjourned to the 9thboastful of November 2016, at a time and venue to be confirmed by the Master of the High Court.
3.  就在会议中所提出的一些有争议的问题,需要对报告进行进一步的审查。各方在会上一致同意将债权会议推迟至2016119致我们终将逝去的青春经典语录日召开,具体的会议时间和地点到时候由高等法院另行通知。
3. It was propod that the Judicial Manager should ek an extension of the return date on the 7th of September 2016.
The judicial management process is, so far, above board. We will attend court on the 7th of September 2016 to monitor the proceedings. We will also engage the Judicial Management team in discussions on the points raid at the creditors meeting next week.在线学英语

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标签:公司   津巴布韦   经理   法务   债权人
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