编号 | 中文名称 | 英文名称 |
ANSI B11.15-2001 | 管道和型材弯曲机的制造、维护和使用的安全要求 | Pipe, Tube, and Shape Bending Machines, Safety Requirements for Construction, Care, and U |
ANSI GPTC Z 380.1 1998 Addendum 3-2000 | 燃气传输和分配管道系统指南 1998-2000 | Guide for Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems 1998-2000 |
ANSI LC-1-2005 | 使用波纹不锈钢管(CSST)的燃气管道系统 | Fuel Gas Piping System Using Corrugated Stainless Steel Tubing (CSST) (same as CSA 6.26) |
ANSI Man "D"/ACCA 1-2002 | 住宅管道的设计 | Residential Duct Design |
ANSI Man"D"/ACCA 1-2002 | 住宅管道设计 | Residential Duct Design |
ANSI Z83.8-2005 | 气体装置加热器和燃气管道炉 | Gas Unit Heaters and Gas-Fired Duct Furnaces (same as CGA 2.6) |
ANSI/ACCA ManJ 2 Addendum C-2004 | MJB的管道阻力增益/损失修订版 | killmanDuct Gain/Loss Revisions to MJ8 |
ingredientANSI/API 1104-1999 | 管道和相关设施的焊接 | Welding of Pipelines and Related Facilities |
ANSI/API 1160-2001 | 危险液体管道的管理系统完整性 | Managing System Integrity for Hazardous Liquid Pipeline |
ANSI/API 570-2000 | 管路检验规程.工作中管道系统的检查、修理、更替及核定(第2版、含修改件1) | Piping Inspection Code - Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Rerating of In-Service Piping Systems (Second Edition, Including Addendum 1) |
ANSI/API RP1162-2003 | 管道操作者的公共注意项 | Public Awareness Programs for Pipeline Operators |
ANSI/API RP5A 5-2005 | 新套管、管道和平端钻管的现场检验.第7版 | Field Inspection of New Casing, Tubing, and Plain-End Drill Pipe, 7th Edition |
ANSI/API SPEC17E-2003 | 水下临时管道及电缆规范 naughty boy | Specification for Suba Umbilicals |
ANSI/ASAE S376.2-1998 | 地下热塑性塑料灌溉管道的设计、安装和性能 | Design, Installation, and Performance of Underground Thermoplastic Irrigation Pipelines |
ANSI/ASHRAE 130-1996 | pybk 评定管道式空气终端装置的测试方法 | Methods of Testing for Rating Ducted Air Terminal Units |
ANSI/ASHRAE/SMACNA 126-2000 | HVAC空气管道的试验方法 | Methods of Testing HVAC Air Ducts |
ANSI/ASME | 管道系统中的气隙 | Air Gaps in Plumbing Systems |
ANSI/ASME | 卫生管道配件 | Plumbing Fixture Fittings |
ANSI/ASME | 卫生管道用污水管配件 | Plumbing Fixture Waste Fittings |
ANSI/ASME | 抽水马桶与小便池水的釉瓷管道装配和水压要求 | Vitreous China Plumbing Fixtures and Hydraulic Requirements for Water Clots and Urinals |
ANSI/ASME | 高纯度管道系统安装工的资格鉴定 | Qualification of Installers of High Purity Piping Systems |
overboard ANSI/ASME | 管道系统用挡火物系统和设备的安装工资格鉴定 | Qualification of Installers of Firestop Systems and Devices for Piping Systems |
ANSI/ASME | 卫生管道系统中使用的手动直角转弯截止阀 | Manually Operated, Quarter-Turn Shutoff Valves for U in Plumbing Systems |
ANSI/ASME | 公共用离开地面的管道工程装置的支架 | Supports for Off-the-Floor Plumbing Fixtures for Public U |
ANSI/ASME A13.1-1996 | 管道系统识别图解 | Scheme for the Identification of Piping Systems |
verynice什么意思 ANSI/ASME B16.33-2002 | 125表压及以下的气体管道系统中使用的手动金属气体阀 | tbodyManually Operated Metallic Gas Valves for U in Gas Piping Systems up to 125 psig |
ANSI/ASME B16.44-2002 | 家用管道系统中使用的手工操作的金属气体阀门 | Manually Operated Metallic Gas Valves for U in Hou Piping Systems |
ANSI/ASME B16.44a-1997 | 家庭管道系统中用手动金属气阀 | Manually Operated Metallic Gas Valves for U in Hou Piping Systems |
ANSI/ASME B31.1-2001 | 眷属是什么意思专四考试时间动力管道 | Power Piping |
ANSI/ASME B31.11-2002 | 泥浆输送管道系统 | Slurry Transportation Piping Systems |
ANSI/ASME B31.1a-2005 | 动力管道 | Power Piping |
ANSI/ASME B31.1b-2004 | 动力管道 | Power Piping |
ANSI/ASME B31.5-2001 | 制冷管道 | Refrigeration Piping |
ANSI/ASME B31.8-2003 | 气体输送和分配管道系统 | Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems |
ANSI/ASME B31.8S-2004 assassination | 燃气管道的管理系统完整性 | Managing System Integrity of Gas Pipelines |
ANSI/ASME B31.9-2004 | 建筑物服务设施用压力管道标准 | Building Services Piping Code for Pressure Piping |
ANSI/ASME B31G-1991 | 测定锈蚀管道残留强度的手册 | Manual for Determining the Remaining Strength of Corroded Pipelines |
ANSI/ASME B32.5-1977 | 除管道外管状金属产品的最优米制尺寸 | Tubular Metal Products Other Than Pipe, Preferred Metric Sizes for |
ANSI/ASME MFC-16M-1995 | 用电磁流量仪测量封闭管道中液体流量 | Measurement of Fluid Flow in Clod Conduits by Means of Electromagnetic Flowmeters |
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