用have a look造句
1. Have a look at this beautiful sunt.
骂人的英语2. Can you have a look at my essay and give me some feedback?
3. Let's have a look at the menu and decide what to order.
三只小猪学英语全集4. I need to have a look at my schedule before I can commit to anything.
5. Have a look at this picture of my dog, isn't he cute?
6. Before you buy that car, have a look under the hood and check for any issues.
7. Can you have a quick look in your bag and e if you have any spare change?
曾几8. Let's have a look at the weather forecast for tomorrow before we make any plans.
9. I always have a quick look in the mirror before leaving the hou.
10. Have a look at this article about climate change, it's really interesting.
illustrate11. Can you have a clor look at this painting and tell me what you think of it?
12. Let's have a quick look at the map so we know where we're going.
13. I need to have a good long look at my finances and figure out where I can cut back.元旦晚会小品
14. Have a look at this video of my nephew taking his first steps, it's so cute!
15. Before you sign that contract, make sure to have a lawyer have a thorough look over it.
16. Let's have one last look around the hou before we leave for vacation.
17. I always like to have one last good long look at my kids before they go to bed.精彩演讲
18. Have a clor look at the flowers, they're even more beautiful up clo!
19. Can you plea have another quick look for your keys? We can't leave without them!
20. Let's all gather around and have one final group hug before saying goodbye!