《American Economic Review》 | 《美国经济评论》 | |
《Journal of Finance》 | 《金融学报》 | |
《The Wealth of Nations》 | 《国富论》 | |
acquisition | 收购 | |
adjust risk | 教师节快乐 英文调整风险 | |
aggressive target | 激进(性)的目标 | |
ast | 资产 | |
ast allocation | 资产配置 | |
bidder | 出价者,竞标者 | |
Black-Scholes options pricing formula | B-S期权定价公式 | |
business finance | 企业财务(金融) | |
capital budgeting | 资本预算 | |
capital expenditure | 资本支出 | |
capital structure | 资本结构 | |
cash flow | 现金流 | |
chief executive officer(CEO) | 首席执行官 | |
chief financial officer(CFO) | 首席财务官(财务总监) | |
claims | 权益(证)、索取权利 | |
classical economics | 古典经济学 | |
mankindcommon stock | 普通股 | |
competitive stock market | 竞争性的股票市场 | |
conflict of interest | 利益冲突 | |
consumption and saving decisions | 消费和储蓄决策 | |
consumption preference | 消费偏好 | |
controller | 审计员 | |
convertible curitiesmpt | 可转换证券 | |
corporation | (有限责任)公司 | |
corporation finance | 公司财务(金融) | |
debt outstanding | 未清偿贷款(债务) | |
derivative curities | 衍生证券 | |
diversify risk | 分散风险 | |
dividend and financial policies | 红利(股利)和财务政策 | |
economic value | 经济价值 | |
entertainment industry | 娱乐行业(产业) | |
entity | 实体 | |
equity | 权益(与Liability(负债对应) | |
evaluation of cost | 成本估算(评价) | |
exclusive goal | 唯一目标 | |
executive compensation program | 管理者补偿(薪酬)计划 | |
extended family | 大家庭 | 吸血鬼日记第四季5|
finance | 金融, 财政, 金融学 | |
finance system | 金融系统 | |
financial advisory firm | 金融咨询公司 | |
financial capital | 金融资本 | |
financial contracting | 订立金融合约(合同) | |
Financial Executive Institute | 财务执行官组织 | |
financing | 筹措资金(融资) | |
financing decision | 融资决策 | |
general partner | 一般合伙人 | |
going concern | 关注效应 | |
infrastructure | 基础设施、架构 | |
initial outlay | strawberry怎么读初始投入 | |
integrated financial program | 完整的财务计划 | |
investment decision | 投资决策 | |
ITT corporation | 国际电报电话公司 | |
learning curve | 学习曲线 | |
liability | 负债、债务、责任 | |
limited liability | 有限责任 | |
limited partner | 有限责任合伙人 | |
long-lived ast | 长期资产 | |
long-range incentive system | 成人高考 英语长期激励系统 | |
market discipline | 市场规则 | |
market interest rate | 市场利率 | |
market risk premium | 市场风险价格 | |
market value of shares | 股票市场价值(简称市值) | |
marketing | 营销 | |
maximize the wealth | (使)财富最大化 | |
merger | 兼并,合并 | |
mortgage loan | 抵押贷款 | |
multinational conglomerate | 跨国企业集团 | |
mutual fund | 共同基金 | |
net worth | 净资产 | |
operating margin | 营业利润 | |
option | 期权 | |
original core business | 原始的核心业务 | |
上海培训师partnership | 合伙企业 | |
pension liabilities | 养老金负债 | |
personal investing | 个人投资 | |
physical capital | 实物资本 | |
pool | 联营;集中使用的(资金,物) | |
portfolio | 投资组合 | |
portfolio of ast | 资产组合 | |
preferred stock | 优先股 | |
president | 总裁 | |
primary commitment | 首要(基本)任务 | |
private corporation | 私人(非公众)公司 | |
professional managers | 职业经理人 | |
profit | 利润 | |
profit-maximization criterion | 利润最大化标准 | |
hdv proposition | 命题 | |
public corporation | 公众公司 | |
quantitative model | 定量模型 | |
regulatory body | 监管机构 | |
resource allocation decision | 资源配置决策 | |
retail outlet | 零售摊点 | |
return | 回报,收益 | |
risk-aver | 风险厌恶(规避) | |
curity price | 证券价格 | |
share price appreciation | 股价上涨(增值) | |
shareholder-wealth-maximization | 股东财富最大化 | |
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