Pension plan 中文学习精要
defined contribution plan;
defined benefit plan;
projected benefit obligation (PBO);
出国护照办理流程 accumulated benefit obligation (ABO);
vested benefit obligation (VBO);
rvice cost;
interest cost;
discount rate;
the rate of compensation increa;
Plan asts;
actual Return on asts;
expected Return on asts;
funded status;Net pension ast (liability);
Reported pension cost (credit) on income statement
non smoothed pension cost (credit)
Intrinsic value method
fair value method
LOS a: Explain the differences in accounting for defined contribution and defined benefit pension plans.
*In a defined contribution plan, the employee makes contributions and the employer may be obligated to make periodic contributions through matching programs. The firm makes no promi to the employee regarding the amounts of funds that will accumulate in the plan over time. Employees often make their own investment decisions in the plans, and therefore, bear the risk that their chon investment vehicles may not perform well over time.
helix*In a defined contribution plan,雇主定期支付一定的现金到pension plans 账户中,由雇员自己做出pension plans的投资计划,因此也由雇员自己承担投资风险和获得投资收益。
*In a defined benefit plan, the company promis to pay a certain amount at retirement. This amount may or may not be related to an employee's salary level.
*in a defined benefit plan,雇主承诺在雇员退休时,支付一定的退休金。退休金金额可能与雇员工资挂钩,可能也无关系。这样,是雇主,而不是雇员,承担了pension plans投资的风险与收益,
*The projected benefit obligation (PBO) is the prent value of all future pension payments bad on expected salary increas over time.
* PBO 是一个现值,是在雇员退休后一直到其死亡是每年支付的pension payments按照一个discount rate 折现计算得到的,考虑了雇员的工资增长。discount rate是精算师确定的,作为未来现金流的折现率。如雇员今年30岁,他的退休时候的pension payments可能不是按照他现在的工资,而是按照他退休那一年60岁的工资确定的,比如,多工作一年,就在他退休一直到死亡,每年支付1.5%的60岁时候的年工资。
雇员共工作两年,则退休时候公司每年应支付女士优先英文2* 1.太傻网5%的60岁工资,直至其死亡。雇员共工作20年,则退休时候公司每年应支付20* 1.5%的60岁工资,直至其死亡。
*The accumulated benefit obligation (ABO) is the prent value of all future pension payments bad on current salary levels, ignoring future increas.
The vested benefit obligation (VBO) is the amount of the ABO to which the employee is entitled bad on the company's vesting schedule. Most companies require that personnel be employed for a specified period of time before they are entitled to full pension benefits.
*这里关键的是搞清楚Cost Components两个重要组成部分rvice cost和 interest cost
The rvice cost is the change in the PBO attributed to employee efforts during the year.
比如说公司承诺,雇员每多工作一年,其养老金每年可增加其60岁那一年工资的1.5%。设其60岁是年工资为30000,其在60岁退休,活到oceanpark80岁。设discount rate 是5%,则2005的rvice cost是其退休后20年每年因为在2005年工作了而多领取的30000×1.5%=
450的按5%折现的现值。设雇员2005年30life is like a dream岁,这里折现要两次,第一次要将20个450折现到60岁时,再将其折现到30岁时候。所以rvice cost 对应的时间期限一般是一年,而PBO对应的是雇员工作年限这一段时间所享受的养老金。
* The interest cost is the increa in the PBO due to the passage of time. Even if no additional benefits are earned in a given year, the PBO will ri due to the time value of money.
tenor interest cost是PBO随时间的流逝而产生的利息。
interest cost=beginning PBO×discount rate
*下面这张表讲了如何将PBO at the beginning of the year调整到PBO at the end of the year
PBO at the beginning of the year
Cost Components
+ Service cost
+ Interest cost
+Actuarial gains and loss
+Prior rvice cost from plan amendments
Other Factors
+Effects of foreign currency exchange rate changes
+Effects of business combinations and divestitures
+Curtailments, ttlements, and special termination benefits
Cash Flows
+ Contributions by plan participants that increa plan benefits
-Benefits paid
= PBO at the end of the year
*其中Actuarial gains and loss是由于计算PBO的Actuarial assumption 的改变而发生的。
*Contributions by plan participants that increa plan benefits是plan participants自己支付的那一部分,这部分增加了PBO。Benefits paid是当年实际支付给plan participants的那一部分,减少了PBO。
*对于PBO,重要的部分可记忆为三来源 (Service cost,Interest cost,Contributions by plan participants that increa plan benefits),一去向(Benefits paid)。
*PBO也是pension plan的实际的负债,与plan asts的两个return( actual Return on asts,expected Return on asts)无关,而与discount rate 和the rate of compensation increa 有关 。the rate of compensation increa是养老金精算师对雇员未来薪金增长的估计,因为PBO计算是考虑到的未来薪金的增长。如雇员30岁时薪金20000、年,设其rate of compensation increa 为年2%,则其60岁是薪金为20000×(1
+0.02)30 。可见,discount rate越大,Service cost越小,而Interest cost越大,但一般来说对Service cost的影响是主要的,即discount rate越大,PBO越大。rate Of compensation increa越大,PBOextensive越大。discount rate对ABO, VBO 的 影响与对PBO 一样。the rate of compensation increa对ABO ,VBOele无 影响。因为ABO VBO不考虑工资的增长。