⼴告的影响-The Impact of Advertising
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Advertising has an important effect on a country’s economy, society, culture, and political system. This is especially true in the United States where the advertising industry plays such a prominent role.
A. Economic Impact
制定英文Most economists believe that advertising has a positive impact on the economy becau it stimulates demand for products and rvices, strengthening the economy by promoting the sale of goods and rvices. Manufacturers know that advertising can help ll a new product quickly, enabling them to recoup the costs of developing new products. By stimulating the development of new products, advertising helps increa competition. Many economists believe that incread competition leads to lower prices, thereby benefiting consumers and the economy as a whole. The economists also argue that by interesting consumers in purchasing goods, advertising enables manufacturers and others to ll their products in larger quantities. The incread volume of sales enables companies to produce individual units at lower costs and therefore, ll them at a lower price. Advertising thus benefits consumers by helping lower prices.
Other economists, however, believe that advertising is wasteful. They argue that the cost of advertising
adds to the cost of goods and that most advertising simply encourages consumers to buy one brand rather than another. According to this view, advertising simply moves sales from one company to another, rather than increasing sales overall and thereby benefiting the economy as a whole.
joint venture
B. Social Impact
qyfAdvertising can have wide-ranging repercussions on a society. Some critics suggest that advertising promotes a materialistic way of life by leading people to believe that happiness is achieved by purchasing products. They argue that advertising creates a consumer culture in which buying exciting new products becomes the foundation of the society's values, pleasures, and goals.
Other critics express concern over the way advertising has affected women and racial minority groups. Ads in the 1950s depicted women primarily as decoration or x objects. Although millions of women worked outside the home in the 1960s, ads continued to focus on their role as homemakers. Whether owing to the feminist movement or to women's increasing economic power, after the 1960s it became more common to e women depicted in professional roles. However, many ads today still emphasize a woman’s xuality.
The way advertising has depicted racial minorities has also been harmful. Prior to 1960, African Ame
ricans were usually shown in a subordinate position. Due to the influence of the civil rights movement, however, advertirs by the 1980s had begun to depict African Americans as students, professionals, or business people. However, many African American organizations and community activists continue to object to the way that alcohol and tobacco companies have emingly targeted low-income minority communities with a heavy preponderance of outdoor advertising for their products.
As ads have begun to more fully reflect the lives of women and African Americans in the United States, increasing attention has been paid to the way in which advertising shows other ethnic groups, including Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans, and Eastern Europeans. There is still considerable debate over how advertising influences public perception of gender and of particular ethnic groups.
Advertising has a major social impact by helping sustain mass communications media and making them relatively inexpensive, if not free, to the public. Newspapers, magazines, radio, and broadcast television all receive their primary income from advertising. Without advertising, many of the forms of mass communication might not exist to the extent that they do today, or they might be considerably more expensive, offer less variety, or even be subject to government control through su
bsidies. In-depth news programs, a diversity of magazines, and free entertainment might no longer be widely available.
初恋50次插曲At the same time, however, some critics warn that becau advertising plays such a major economic role, it may exerci undue influence on the news media and thereby curtail the free flow of information in a free society. Reporters and editors, for example, may be hesitant to develop a news story that criticizes a major advertir. As a result, society might not be alerted to harmful or potentially harmful conduct by the advertir. Most members of the news media deny that pressure from an advertir prevents them from pursuing news stories involving that advertir, but some members of the media acknowledge that they might not be inclined to investigate an issue aggressively if it threatened to offend a major advertir. Advertirs may affect media programming in other ways, too, critics charge. For example, companies that sponsor TV programs prefer relatively wholesome, noncontroversial programming to avoid offending a mass audience. This preference caus TV networks to emphasize this type of programming. The result is that society may be denied the benefits of being able to view challenging or highly original entertainment programs or news programs on controversial issues. Becau
advertirs are especially interested in attracting the 18 to 34 year olds who account for most consu
mer spending, television shows are often developed with this audience in mind. If the ratings show that a program is not attracting large audiences, particularly among 18 to 34 year olds, advertirs often withdraw support, which caus a program to be canceled. As a result, shows that are more likely to interest and to be of value to older audiences are not produced.
The impact of television on young children has received much attention. Rearch suggests that children e television advertising as just another form of programming and react uncritically to its messages, which makes them especially vulnerable to advertising. There is also concern about the way in which adolescent girls respond to advertising that features beautiful, thin models. Rearch indicates that many adolescent girls are unduly influenced by this standard of beauty, become dissatisfied with their own bodies, and may develop eating disorders in pursuit of a thin figure. New rearch suggests that adolescent boys are also being influenced by advertising images of bulked-up, buffed bodies. As a result, many become dissatisfied with their own body image, devote large amounts of time to weightlifting, and may even take drugs that have harmful side effects in order to develop more muscle. Tho over the age of 60 are thought to be less influenced by advertising, but some elderly people no longer process messages as easily as younger people, making them more susceptible to questionable advertising claims.
C. Political Impact
Advertising is now a major component of political campaigns and therefore has a big influence on the democratic process itlf. In 1998 more than $467 million was spent on election campaigns in the United States. That amount of spending placed political advertising in the ranks of the country’s 30 leading advertirs that year. Political advertising is a relatively new development in U.S. history. Advertising professionals did not become involved in electoral campaigns until the 1950s. But since then, political advertising has grown in sophistication and complexity.
Political advertising enables candidates to convey their positions on important issues and to acquaint voters with their accomplishments and personalities. Television advertising is especially effective for candidates running for national or statewide office becau it can reach so many people at once. Candidates can also u advertising to respond effectively to the charges of their opponents.
Various campaign finance reform proposals, however, have tried to address the impact of television advertising on political campaigning. Becau of the high cost of television ads, the costs of political campaigns have skyrocketed, making it necessary for candidates to rai money continually, even after they have been elected to office. Critics say this factor jeopardizes the democratic process by
making elected officials beholden to wealthy contributors and by making it more likely that only the wealthy will run for office. Some reform proposals have called for free airtime, but television and radio networks have resisted this idea.
Critics of political advertising also charge that the 30-cond television spot has become more important to a political campaign than a thorough discussion of the issues. As a result, voters are bombarded with image advertising rather than being acquainted with the candidate’s positions. They contend that this practice is harmful to good government. Issues are simplified, and candidates are “packaged and sold” much like a consumer product, thereby distorting the political process.
D. Cultural Impact
Advertising can affect cultural values. Some advertising messages, for example, encourage aggressive individualism, which may clash with the traditional cultural values of a country where the collective or group is emphasized over the individual or humility or modesty is preferred to aggressiveness. With the globalization of the world economy, multinational corporations often u the same advertising to ll to consumers around the world. Some critics argue that advertising messages are thus helping to break down distinct cultural differences and traditional values, causing the world to become increasingly homogeneous.
Many advertising campaigns, however, have universal appeal, overriding cultural differences, or they contribute to culture in a positive way. Humor in advertising has made many ad campaigns widely popular, in some cas achieving the status of folklore or taking on new life in another arena. For example, a popular ad campaign for a fast-food chain with the slogan “Where’s the beef?” became part of the 1980 Democratic presidential primary campaign between Gary Hart and Walter Mondale. The ad ridiculed a competitor by depicting a small hamburger patty dwarfed by a huge bun. During a primary debate one of the candidates ud the ad slogan to suggest that his opponent’s campaign lacked substance.
where you are2004/5/23