
更新时间:2023-06-03 22:20:08 阅读: 评论:0

Document number【980KGB-6898YT-769T8CB-246UT-18GG08】
1、The Constitution:Britain has no written Constitution.The foundations of the British state are laid out in statute law,which are laws pasd by Parliament; the common laws, which are laws established through commom practice in courts;and conventions.
2、The hou of Common: It’s the real center of British political life becau it is the place where about 650 elected reprentatives(Members of Parliament) make and debate policy,The MPs are elected in the General Elections and should reprent the interests of the people who vote for them.
3、The electoral campaign:Before a general election,the political parties would start their electoral campaigns in order to make their ideologies and policies known to the public.The campaign involves advertiments in newspapers, door-to-door campaigning,postal deliveries of leaflets and ‘party electoral broadcasts” on the television.The parties also try to attack and critisi the opponents’ policies.
Therefore,the campaigns sometimes can be quite
tomgroaggressive and critical.
4、Class system in British society:The class system does exist in British society.Most of British population would claim themlves to be either of middle-class or working-class,though some people would actually belong to the upper middle-class or lower middle-class.Class divisions are not simply economic,they are cultural as well.People of different class may defferent may differ in the kind of newspaper they read,in the way they speak and in the kind of education they receive.One of the distinctive features about the British class system is that aristocratic titles can still be inherited.
5、Relative decline of the UK economy:The UK has experienced an economic decline since 1945.But this is a relative decline rather
than an absolute one.Britain is wealthier and more productive than it was in 1945,but since other countries developed more rapidly,it has slid from being the cond largest economy to being the six.
6、Comprehensive schools:are the most popular condary schools in Britain today.Such schools admit children without reference to their academic abilities and provide a general education.Pupils can study everything from academic subjects like literature to more practical subjects like cooking
7、Grammar schools:it’s a type of condary schools in
Britain.Grammar schools lect children at the age 11,through an examination called “the 11-plus”.Tho children with the highest marks go to grammar schools.The schools lay emphasis on advanced academic subjects rather than the more general curriculum of the comprehensive schools and expect many of their pupils to go on to universities.
8、Independent schools:are commonly called public schools which are actually private schools that receive their funding through the
private ctor and tuition rates,with some government
assitance.Independent schools are not part of national education system,but the quality of instruction and standards are maintained through visits from Her Majesty’s Inspectors of Schools.The schools are restricted to the students who parents are comparatively rich.
adele skyfall9、the first English ttle in North America:The first English permanent ttlement was organized in 1607 by the London Company with a charter from the English King.The colonists ttled in Virginia and survived by imposing strict discipline on themlves and by transplanting tobacco into the colon简介翻译
y of Virginia.In 1619,the ttlers elected their delegates and t up the Hou of Burgess,and the same time they bought and enslaved black rvants.The two events greatly influenced the political and social development of the United States later.
326010、Puritanism:were tho who followes the doctrine of John Calvin and wanted to purify the Church of England.They believe that human beings were predestined by God before they were born.Some were God’s chon people while others were damned to hell.No church nor good works could save people.The sign of being God’s elect was the success in his work or the prosperity in his calling.They also argued that everyone must read the Bible in order to find God’s will and establish a direct contact with God.The beliefs had great impact on American culture.
11、George Washington:was one of the founding fathers of the American Republic.He was the Commander-in-chief of the Continental Army in War of Independence against the British colonial rule and the first President of the United States.
12、The executive:The chief executive is the President,who is elected to a four-year term.A president can be elected to only two terms according to an amendment pasd in 1951.The president can propo legislation to Congress.He can veto any bill pasd by Congress.The veto ca
n be overridden by a two-thirds vote in both hous.The president can appoint federal judges as vacancies occur.He is the commander in chief of the armed forced.The president has other broad authorities in running the government departments and handling foreign relations.
13、The Bill of Rights:consists of the first 10 amendments which were added to the Constitution in 1791.The Bill of Rights was pasd to guarantee freedom and individual rights such as freedom of speech,the right to asmble in public places,the right to own weapons and so on.in the sunshine
14、Industrial Revolution in America:After independence,American was principally an agricultural country.The Industrial Revolution in England brought many changes to American industry between 1776 and 1860.One key development was the introduction of the factory system.A cond development was the “American system” of mass production.A third development was the
application of new technologies to industrial tasks.Afourth development was the emergence of new forms of business organization---the bank and the corporation.
15、Agribusiness:Becau American agricuiture is big business,people coined the term “agribusiness” to reflect the large-scale nature of agricultural enterpris in the modern US economy.The term covers the entire complex of
farm-related business,from the individual farmer to the multinational maker of farm chemicals.It also includes farmer cooperatives,rural banks,shippers of farm products,commodity dealers,firms that manufacture farm equipment,food-processing industries,grocery chains and many other business.
16、Higher education:In America,higher education refers to education on the college level.American higher education includes four categories of institutions.They are the university,the four-year undergraduate
institution(the college) the technical training institution and the two-year or community college.Some are supported by public funds and some by private funds.Many universities and colleges have won reputations for providing their students with a higher quality of education.The great majority are generally regarded as quite satisfatory.
17、NBA:stands for National Basketball Association.Founded in 1950,it’s the association of professional teams in the United States.It has two divisions:the Eastern Division and the Western Division.NBA is very popular not only in the US.but all over the world.The best NBA star in NBA history is Mcchiael Jordan.
18、Yellowstone Nationa Park:is the oldest and one of the largest national park in the US.It’s named
爱翻译after the Yellowstone River that flows through the area.It is known for its geyrs and hot springs among other natural wonders. 19、Football hooligans:reflect the violence associated with football.While all social class ud to join in the local football march,it was regarded as being not at all suitable for gentlemen.Visitors from abroad sometimes complained about stumbling into the midst of a rough and dangerous game when walking the streets of London,while local houholders and merchants were troubled by having their windows broken by stray footballs.Dringking hard went along with playing hard.Today,violence is still associated with football.They are supporters of rival teams.They sometimes clash before,during and after matches and occationally run riot through the town,breaking windows and beating each other up.
20、Winbledon:is the name of a London suburb.In Winbledon the world’s best players gather to compete on grass courts.It’s one of the major events of the British sporting calendar and probably the most famous tennis event in the world.Besides actually watching the tennis matches,other activies cloly associated with the Winbledon fortnight are eating strawberries and
cream,drinking champagne and hoping that it doesn’t rain.如何增大眼睛
21、The three traditions of Chrismas in Britain:one is the Christmas Pantomime,a comical musical pl
ay.The main male character is played by a young woman while the main female character,often an ugly woman called ‘the Dame,’is played by a man.Another is to hear the Queen give her Christmas message to
her realm over the televition and radio.A third is Boxing Day,which falls on the day after Christmas.Traditionally,it was on Boxing Day that people gave Christmas gifts or money to their staff or rvants.Now that most British people do not have rvants,this custom is no longer obrved.However,a new Boxing Day custom has emerged,in the cities:shopping.Shops open up to ll off all their Christmas stock decorations,food,cards and gift items at low prices.

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